Mission: to Educate and make Publicly Aware...
the goal: to improve the quality of life... |
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ACSA Research, Benefits & Projects
Stay current with our up-to-date research --
just a few samples of the more than 2000+ projects:
Geodesic Space Environmental Designs for Students and the Public. Education
through experience.
Advanced Research Centers on the Web and on membership premises, sponsored
for breakthroughs in science and technology.
Public Advocacy and Consumer Concern response system for the good of
Technology-directed activities that have a pro bono angle. Supercomputing,
Microminiaturization, Advanced Semiconductors, High Speed Computing, Advanced
Internet Technologies, Space Computation, Molecular, DNA and Biological
Computing, BioMetric and Neurolinking Computation, Artificial and Natural
MBNA Affinity Credit Card programs for Computer Scientists and the Public.
AIG International Insurance of all kinds for ACSA members.
HGr3. Research in reclamation of contaminants from
topsoil using computer controlled mobile systems.
Ed Bogdan, Lead Investigator.
The Native American Projects: Catching the Bureau of Indian Affairs in its
own lies, supporting the intervention in the poverty and human rights
deprivation cycle on behalf of fellow citizens that happen to be of Native
American origin, using science, technology and public education as a tool to
intercept the ongoing vectors of deceit that have damaged the Native American
Community for 500 years and longer.
Virtual Court.
Visualization and implementation of the future all electronic courtroom.
All Electronic Library (Library Project Articulum).
Advances in 3D imaging, remote access and virtual libraries.
Learning Disabilities and Autism. A project to examine
the benefits of using computer technology for education for
the learning disabled and educationally challenged.
Consumer Concerns ® - the complaints and research
section which makes a difference - helping consumers obtain
better quality products. Complaint investigations have ranged
from as simple as a faulty design on a hard disk drive, to
a major computer company allegedly involved in substantially
and materially false TV Advertising and deceptive Selling
practices. Virtually all projects have had a successful
impact in improving a vendor's awareness of the problems
with a particular strategy or product, and nearly every
complainant has had their Consumer Concern resolved.
Toxicity ARD. (Auto-immune Retrogression Disorder) The
use of electronic components - can it repress the immune
system? Dr. Wilson Clemens, lead investigator.
Matran Logic. The study and practical application of
the school of transfigural mathematics devised by the
mathematics genius of Lere O. Shakunle, a Nigerian
mathematician living in Berlin.
ACSA Academy. Development of an entirely new means for
Computer Science Education - to be completed within five
years and made available to grades K through 12th Grade and
Universities throughout the world. Professor Rogers
Maxwell, Project Supervisor.
ACSA Speaking Engagements. Places where children never
get a chance to learn about life - can sometimes be within
a college or high school. ACSA arranges for keynote
speakers to address student bodies - for example, in 1995,
the head of Capital Markets at Prudential Securities was
sponsored to address the Rutgers Business School LIBOR.
Computers Can Educate. Inspired by experience working
with youth interns with juvenile delinquency backgrounds,
ACSA is developing plans and efforts to enhance the
"detention center" and "juvenile hall" experience for future
criminals of America, by giving them exposure to advanced
PC Multimedia intended to show them the alternative to
a criminal existence, through education. Assistant Chief
John R. Kroboth, Law Enforcement Liaison.
ACSA Museum of Computer Science. Gathering computers,
photos, historical fact and examination of historical
fictions, the MCS is chartered to spend five years and
then open its doors as a formal museum at the turn of the Millenium.
Massive Parallel Hypersystems - the Sentient Machine.
Working with some of the worlds most renowned theorists
on advance hypersystems, ACSA is hosting the development of the SM, and its
semiotic, human enhancing components.
GENCOM - On-Line
CompuServe. Offering a place to go and chat, a place where our researchers can
engage in scientific conversations on-line, an EMAIL center, a Library of
documentation and interesting topics and a location to contact the Public,
CompuServe Information Systems has sponsored a forum for ACSA on its on-line
service, replacing our former Internet Conference Web Site. Workgroups and
Seminars will be regularly offered through CompuServe's substantial Conference
And, many, many other programs, designed to contribute to and lead to a
greater quality of life for ALL LIFE on the Planet.
About ACSA


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ACSA became a non-profit, charitable research
and education organization under IRC 501(c)3 during 1993.
Prior thereto, its membership consisted of three
the American Computing Association (formed in 1970),
the American Certified Computer Consultants Associations
(formed in 1980); and
the American Certified Computer Scientists Association
(formed in 1990).
As a result of becoming a non-profit charitable
association, ACSA ceased charging fees for membership in
1994, and made the 58,000 plus computer science and 1800
plus technology company membership life members. Since that
time, ACSA has operated without any substantial professional
fund raising and has managed to organize research,
educational programs, academic programs, public awareness
and pro-bono activities without receiving a single dollar
of grant or donor moneys.
Virtually all ACSA activities are contributory and the
officers, trustees and staff are voluntary. Supportive
efforts are donated as services, equipment, material or
facilities. These donations remain the property of the
donor until their use and when expended, the donor
receives an acknowledgment certificate for its efforts.
This novel approach eliminates administrative errors and
Used or new Computer Equipment donated to ACSA is held in
escrow and then transferred either to the Museum curator or
to a needy educational organization ranging from Public to
Private Schools.
ACSA does not release a budget report to the public, however it maintains
appropriate records with the appropriate regulatory agencies.
ACSA Award Programs

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ACSA issues an Award to several notable individuals
and companies each year, usually in May of each year. The
nomination committee receives anonymous nominations
through the months of December and January and announces
its reward in Press statements, and a letter and/or floppy
disk containing the inscription of the award by mail to
the recipient. Also, the CD Journal of American Computer
Science publishes the award winners names and a pr?is
about them.
These include (past winners are listed,
most award programs were discontinued in 2001 for reasons relating to funding
after the 9/11 Tragedy, which throughout the Charitable field, diminished
Best Operating System
Microsoft (1995) Windows 95
Sun Microsystems (1994)
Apple Computer (1993)
Microsoft (1992) Windows
Digital Equipment (1991) VMS
(1996) Sun Microsystems for Sun Server Solaris
(1997) IBM Corporation NETFINITY
(1998) Microsoft for Windows 98
(1999) Red Hat Corporation for Linux
(2000) Microsoft Windows 2000, Linux 6.2, and MAC OS
(2001) Microsoft Windows 2000, ThizLinux
(2002) Microsoft Whistler (Windows X),
Best New Computer System or CPU or Web Idea
Lawrence Livermore (2002): EUV
Lithography for below .13 micron
Semiconductor Designs.
American Computer(2002): Piranha Pentium 4 TINY PC
American Computer(2002): TigerVision VRx TV Laptop
Microsoft Corporation(2001): PASSPORT.NET
INTEL Corporation(2001): Pentium 4 CPU, Xeon CPU
CompAmerica (2000): CompAmerica IBOX Book-PC
eBay Corporation (200): Online Auctions
Micron Corporation (1999) Transporter Laptop
American Computer (1998) Transfer Capacitor Design
IBM Corporation (1997) NETFINITY
American Computer (1996) : Valkyrie SuperServier
American Computer (1995) : American Eagle and Panther 5 Year Warranty
Apple Computer (1994) Power Macintosh
Acer Corporation (1994) Power Pentium
Digital Equipment Corporation (1993) AlphaCPU
Intel Corporation (1993) PentiumCPU;
Computer Scientist of the Year
there are too many good computer
scientists in the industry, to name any one. Instead, we now have a
computer Hall of Fame, inductees will be announced and a ceremony
held in NYC. The ACSA Science Hall of Fame has been dedicated
to the memory of the 3000+ who passed on 9/11/2001 in the WTC and
Pentagon disaster. For a complete listing of all who passed: click
Paul Prentis (1999) The Sonic Wall Firewall
David Callinane (1998) Router Software Designs
Patrick Bass (1997) for Atari SW (Posthumous)
Jack Shulman (1994)
"Proteus massive hypersystem (1983) and ODIN Overlapping
Windowed Display manager (1974)" as well as for the design
of the Garment Design PC for a professor at the Fashion
Institute of Technology (1978) later used as the design
model for several Personal Computers, and lastly, for
the knowledge oriented database manager "Philo" (1994).
Unassuming individual whose ideas rocked the computer
William Gates (1993)
"Enhanced CPM and MITS Basic, resulting in today's MSDOS,
Windows and related operating systems environments, office
products and language systems." Quite an accomplishment!
Nicholas D'B. Katzenbach(1992)
"Settled US v. IBM was chief IBM Counsel"-- Brought an end
to an era of total conflict over Operating System Software and Aggressive
Computer Marketing, resulting in greater freedom for Computer
Scientists, and opportunities for new computer businesses as had never been
seen before.
Seen as one of the leading contributor to the computer industry
of his time.
Year 2000 Special awards issued to T.J. Watson (IBM posth.), T.J. Watson,
Jr. (IBM), Kenneth J. Olsen (Digital Equipment), Edson DeCastro (Data General),
John W. Poduska (Prime Computer and Apollo), Dr. An Wang (Wang Labs), Steve Jobs
(Apple), Steve Wozniak (Apple), Bill Gates (Microsoft), Scott McNeally (Sun
Microsystems), Edmund Grath (Unisys), Hon. David Packard (Hewlett Packard),
General David Sarnoff (RCA posth.), Paul Wilson (Varian), David Hayes (D.C.
Hayes), Bob Metcalfe (Xerox), David Nelson (Apollo and Digital Equipment), Mike
Greata (Apollo and Prime), Jack Shulman (Wang, Apollo, Data General and IBM) and
Dr. Gurminder Singh (Cubit and Creative) for outstanding contributions that
changed the history of the computer industry.
Year 2001 New Millenium Nominees will be announced in 2001.
1996 nominees -
Garry Kasparov, World Chess Champion for
"Advanced Chess" (Redacted)
Steven Jobs/Steve Wozniak - jointly for the Apple II
and IIe
and CF Codd for Structured Query Language
and: Jeffrey Denenberg for the Phase Loop Lock Circuit
(a three way draw)
For further information about the above and other
activities of ACSA, please write to our offices.
? Copyright 1990-2004, 2005 American Computer Scientists Association Inc.
All rights reserved. May not be altered or displayed for commercial purposes without written
permission of the owner.
a non-profit New Jersey Corporation and a
non-profit charity under IRC 501(c)3
On all matters related to the foregoing paragraph.
Mailing Address:
Attention: A. Vanoceur
General Delivery
Los Alamos, New Mexico 87544-9999
? 1990 - 2004, 2005
American Computer Science Association
Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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