Compiled by Computer Companies United Against Terrorism                          E X P O S E D   a n d  D I S P O S E D   O F  !!  

  TERRORIST WEBSITE TRACKING COUNT: 729 Terrorist Websites  on 09/25/2011 at 16:30 hours.
  TERRORIST MULTIMEDIA DOWNLOAD SITES: 3269+ Terrorist FileShare Sites  on 09/16/2010 at 23:00 hours
  TERRORIST BLOG SITES: 8890+ Terrorist Blogs on 9/30/2010 at 18:00 hours
  TERRORIST LINK TO LANDING SITES: 16,023 Landing Sites on 09/23/2010 at 14:30 hours



   From the sheer number of websites being operated by confirmed International Terrorist Groups, at one time no more than 10-12 existed, one can see that there is a fairly profound 'Gathering Storm' of future-terrorism brewing.  The fraud used by the Terrorist Groups becomes clearer once you review them below.  An expanded JIHAD is clearly being planned.  We have created an explicit database here of Terrorist Websites and affiliated media fronts below. The terror groups operating them are EXTREMELY DANGEROUS, and should be avoided contact with at all cost.  If you are believed to be an enemy or threat to them, they will kill you.  Terrorist Websites are used for recruiting, training, communicating, terrorizing, vilifying and propagandizing (and for signal command and control).  Monitoring them is ineffective, as the operators use geo-locationally asymmetric communications to recruit and communicate. These sites are going to have to be shut down. The groups behind these sites and the sites themselves need to be eliminated, they are the worst threat to world Peace since World War II.  Write to your Representative about eliminating them from the web. Complain to the Hosting companies! To Contact Us or Submit New Sites, please visit our BLOGsite or eMAIL US. All donations are deeply appreciated by our hard working volunteer staff members.

The Great Seal of the United States (click to enlarge)           Reverse of the Great Seal of the United States (click to enlarge)            
to our effort to
Save Lives.
      Great seal of the United States circa 1885 - today

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Visit Terrorist Website BLOG

Domain Name(s) Information about Terrorist Website and Group" Found On Opened

Muhabbat Ul Deen

"Imam Anwar Al Awlaki"  -  From the Muhabbat Ul Deen website, the recorded talks of Imam Anwar Al Awlaki, associated with Faisal Shahzad and the failed Times Square Bombing on Mayday of 2010, Dr. Nidal M. Hassan and the Fort Hood Shootings and dozens of other attacks on America. Awlaki is a FRAUD and a LIAR who is intentionally by lies instigating attacks on non-Muslims, the West, NATO and America. Site maintained by Jazakamullah Khair.  Awlaki is being supported by two dozen escapees from a Yemeni Prison and support from Al Qaeda and the Pakistani ISI (the 'supreme agency' of Pakistani Intelligence: the InterService Intelligence Agency).  The BLOGSPOT site sells CD copies of all of Awlaki's banned speeches and denies any involvement with Awlaki.

File:Anwar al-Awlaki sitting on couch, lightened.jpgAnwar al-Awlaki (also spelled Aulaqi; Arabic: أنور العولقي Anwar al-‘Awlaqī; born April 22, 1971 (1971-04-22) (age 39) in Las Cruces, New Mexico) is a dual citizen of the U.S. and Yemen, and of Yemeni descent.[8] He is an Islamic lecturer, spiritual leader, and former imam who has purportedly inspired Islamic terrorists against the West and, according to U.S. government officials, also become “operational” as a senior talent recruiter, motivator, and participant in planning and training "for al-Qaeda and all of its franchises".[3][7][9][10][11][12] Stuart Levey, U.S. Under Secretary of the Treasury for Terrorism, warned that al-Awlaki "is extraordinarily dangerous, committed to carrying out deadly attacks on Americans and others worldwide".[6] With a blog, a Facebook page, and many YouTube videos, he has been described as the "bin Laden of the internet."[13]

Al-Awlaki's sermons were attended by three of the 9/11 hijackers. He reportedly met privately with at least two of the hijackers in San Diego, and one hijacker moved from there to Falls Church, Virginia, as al-Awlaki moved.[14][15] Due in part to those contacts, investigators suspect al-Awlaki may have known about the 9/11 attacks in advance.[14] In 2009, unnamed U.S. officials stated that he had been promoted to the rank of "regional commander" within al-Qaeda, at the time as an inspirational leader.[4][16]

His sermons were also attended by the accused Fort Hood shooter, Nidal Malik Hasan. In addition, U.S. intelligence intercepted at least 18 emails between Hasan and al-Awlaki from December 2008 to June 2009, including one in which Hasan wrote: "I can't wait to join you [in the afterlife]."[17][18] After the Fort Hood shooting, al-Awlaki praised Hasan's actions.[19][20] Hasan also reportedly asked al-Awlaki if a suicide attack is permissible if it kills innocent people.[21]

"Christmas Day bomber" Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab met with al-Awlaki, and said he was one of his al-Qaeda trainers, involved in planning or preparing the attack, and provided religious justification for it, according to unnamed U.S. intelligence officials.[22][23][24] In March 2010, al‑Awlaki said in a videotape delivered to CNN that jihad against America was binding upon himself and every other able Muslim.[25][26]

By April 2010, U.S. President Barack Obama approved the targeted killing of al-Awlaki, as officials explained such a step was appropriate for individuals who posed an imminent danger to national security. That step required the consent of the United States National Security Council, and made al-Awlaki the first U.S. citizen ever to be placed on the CIA targeted kill list.[27][28][29][30] In May 2010, Faisal Shahzad, suspected of the 2010 Times Square car bombing attempt, told interrogators that he was "inspired by" al-Awlaki, and sources said Shahzad had made contact with al-Awlaki over the internet.[31][32][33] Representative Jane Harman called him "terrorist number one", and U.S. newspaper Investor's Business Daily called him "the world's most dangerous man".[34][35] In July 2010, the U.S. Treasury Department added him to its list of Specially Designated Global Terrorists.[5] As of that time, he was believed to be in hiding in Yemen.

Hostgator.com,    Brent Oxley (support@hostgator.com),  +1.7135745287,  Fax: +1.11,  11251 Northwest Fwy, Suite 400, Houston, TX 77092  US (Hosting Company hosted on The Planet.com Hosting Services, perhaps a brand owned by The Planet . com)

MAIN HOSTING WEB: Hostgator.com



DOMAIN REGISTRANT:       Kamal, Idris  idriskamal@gmail.com, 93 Newbridge Road, Birmingham,  B9 5JF , United Kingdom , +07727134661

HamzaJennings: Anwar Al Awlaki - DANGER 


 ACSA Advertisements
Thousands of Deadly Islamic Terror Attacks Since 9/11
click to go there

mutti.aleph.to DOWN!
Websites of Aum Shinrikyo, a group who staged a Biological Weapons based attack in  1995, killing 12 innocent Subway riders in Tokyo.

"Aum Shinrikyo" a/k/a "Aleph". This "formerly" militant "revolutionary" terrorist group led by Shoko Asahara had, in 1995, engaged in the famous terrorist attacks on the Subway System of Tokyo, Japan using bags of Sarin Gas, placed at strategic placements within the Subways, resulting in a number of deaths.  While claiming to be 'no longer involved in those Aum-connected attacks, we are adding the websites of Aum Shinrikyo "today known only as 'Aleph'" to our Terrorist Websites database.  A relatively thorough publishing of Aum's/Aleph's history (including the murder of membership who attempted to leave, and the Sarin attack that killed 12, severely injured 54 commuters and injured about 980 more) is documented on Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aum_Shinrikyo.  Aleph is our first "Watch List Entry" included so as to provide our readers with information to be used to monitor Aleph to be certain it does not return to its formerly Lethal Terrorist behavior.

Sample Home Page: Aleph.to


HOSTED BY: Server on NTTPC Communications, Inc., Kouwa Nishi-Shimbashi Building-B, 2-14-1 Nishi-Shimbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0003  Japan (a subsidiary of Nippon Telephone & Telegraph Company  Tel: 03-3432-3868 attn:Hosokawa, Masayoshi, email: nic-db@nttpc.co.jp




False news media outlet for Al Qaeda (front group for the Pakistani ISI, as it administers the Worldwide Islamic Front of Terrorism for Combat with Jews and Americans) and in connection with ongoing Taliban activities. Used for political manipulation, recruitment and fund raising.

Mafa.asia"Mafa.Asia - News from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
(Al Qaeda) and the Taliban".
  (Mafa means "Alpha" in Urdu.) This website is a primary Terrorist Group False News, False Flag News Media and Propaganda outlet for the notorious terror group Al Qaeda (a front group for the Pakistani ISI, as it administers the Worldwide Islamic Front of Terrorism for Combat with Jews and Americans) and in connection with ongoing Taliban activities. Also serves as a reporting unit for the various wings of Al Qaeda and advocacy of terrorism, including suicide bombings throughout the Middle East and South Asia, in Europe, Indonesia and the US, ied bombings, ambushes, the murder of non-muslims and muslims with different ideologies, genetic cleansing, bioterrorism, nuclear terrorism and random terror attacks.  Used for political manipulation, recruitment and fund raising purposes, as well as 'signal intelligence' through steganograhy and managed behavior, this is a mainstream effort by the notorious Al Qaeda terrorist group headed by notorious terrorist Osamma Bin Laden and allies of his.  Al Qaeda, numbering about 1000 individuals worldwide, cements other terrorist groups together under the general title "Worldwide Islamic Front", and as Al Qaeda wings, serving as intermediaries and credit takers for its helper terror nets, and as intermediaries between said terrorist groups and a controlling interest held in them (Al Qaeda) by the Pakistani Military's  Inter Service Intelligence Agency (ISI), the powerful intelligence arm of the Pakistan Military. 

Roughly 99.9% of the content on this websites is fact distortion and misinformation.  Strangely, it calls the nearly 36,000 losses out of 45,000 total forces of Taliban in Afghanistan versus the 4,900 in combined NATO forces during the same time period "an inevitable victory for the Taliban". With nearly as many critically wounded, and counting replacement troops, there are likely only about 7 to 9,000 remaining Taliban in Afghanistan and another 5-8,000 in Pakistan.  Taliban leadership of about 5-600 have died or been captured by CIA activities such as Drones and ground intelligence activities as well.  The Taliban has been decimated.

The Yahoo! based Mafa.Makthoobblog.com site has apparently existed for a while, and is being used to drive visitors and adherents (terrorist infrastructure) to the relatively newly finished mafa.asia portal. Yahoo! has failed to close the blog cite in spite of frequent contact from public asking for its closure to halt its use to coordinate Taliban activities in Afghanistan. A download site sharing varoius archivals from mafa.asia is exposed below in the "Miscellaneous" section.

PARTIAL LIST OF TALIBAN TERRORISM: A .PDF giving a partial listing of incidents TALIBAN Terrorism from the United States' Worldwide Incidents Tracking System can be found here: Partial list of TALIBAN Terrorism Incidents since 2004. Does not include US Incidents such as 9/11, USS Coles, Dr. Hassan, etc. (The National Counterterrorism Center's database is fractional, only goes back as far as 2004, and does not go back in time far enough but does supply a characteristic view of 4,021 of the more recent terrorism incidents involving the TALIBAN.  It does not include military conflict activities of the Taliban vs. NATO, per se.)

STATUS: NEW - BEING RESEARCHED.  MORE SOON...   LIVE as of September 6, 2010

WEB PAGE EXAMPLES: Meanwhile, here is an english translation (adobe .PDF partial) | Experimental: Live English Translation of the entire website.

ALLEGED LOCATION: Kandahar, Afghanistan

HOSTED BY: UK2 - Ltd, Ditlev Bredahl, One Canada Square,  Canary Wharf, E14 5DY London, UNITED KINGDOM
phone:     +44 (0)208 144 2201      +44 207 9871200  fax-no:          +44 207 9870424

MAIN HOSTING WEB: http://www.uk2.net/

Registrant Name: mafa , Registrant Organization: Almtared art , Registrant Address: Kandahare, Afghanistan
Registrant City: Kandahar , Registrant State/Province: SH , Registrant Country/Economy: AF , Registrant Postal Code: 12345
Registrant Phone: +93.70 , Registrant FAX: +93.70  Registrant E-mail: Email Masking Image@gmail.com


Registered to:
        Domain Administrator, Yahoo! Inc., 701 First Avenue, Sunnyvale CA 94089  US
        Email Masking Image@yahoo-inc.com +1.4083493300 Fax: +1.4083493301

Sept. 6, 2010  
ACSA Advertisements
Thousands of Deadly Islamic Terror Attacks Since 9/11
click to go there

Cageprisoners.com NEW - being researched - false flagged human rights news site


large terrorism portal
Terrorism Forums found in the links area of the "World of Islam" Portal (confirmed, 49 are new):
(Each link will open a different website in its own browser window.)
AlMedad (ar) (Gemaa Islamiyya in Exile)
Hanein (ar)
AlQimmah (ar)
As-Ansar (ar)
Al-Faloja (ar) (mirror1) (mirror2)
     (mirror3) (mirror4) (mirror5)
Mojahedon (ar) (mirror) (mirror)
    (mirror) (mirror) (mirror)
Ansaaar (ar)
Al-Okab (ar)
Ansar AlJihad Network (eng)
Al-Tawbah (indo) (mirror) (mirror)
At-Tahaddi (ar)
Al-Shamukh (ar) (mirror)
Al-Ma'ark (ar)
Al-Luyuth al-Islamiyyah (ar)
Al-Jahafal (ar)
DeenAlHaq (pasto)
Jamia Hafsa Forum (pk)
JlJlt (ar)
Muslm (ar)
Tajdeed (ar)
AlFetn (ar) (mirror)
As-Ansar (german)
ArRahmah (indo)
LI IslamicForum
AlUkah (ar)
AlBoraq (ar)
3asfh (ar) (mirror)
Ummah Forum
Bosnian Forum (bos)
Haq Char Taar
IraqAMSI (ar)
Jaihsul Islam fi Iraq (arab) (eng) -
   Islamic Army in Iraq (mirror1)
     (mirror2) (mirror3)
20th Revolution Brigade (eng)
20th Revolution Brigade (ar)
AlBoraq (ar) (new IAI media outlet)
AlBoraq Islamic Network
Jihad and Reform Front (ar)
Jaami (arab) (Salahaldin Al-Ayoubi Brigades)
Al-`Uqoob (ar)
Iraq Resistance and Occupation Report
BasaerNews (ar)
BaghdadAlRashid (ar)
SOSIrak (be) (eng)
Jaish Abu Bakr al Siddiq Brigade (ar)
RibatAlIraq (ar) - 1920 Rev Brigade
IraqPatrol (ar)
World of Islam . info


anti-Semitic terrorist

presumed deceased
or jailed
NEW - False Flagged as "Omar the Egyptian" this is a revisionist misinformation propaganda website affiliated with Al Qaeda.
This delusional, denialist terrorist attempts in the below blog page to falsely suggest Nicholas Berg's beheading murder was staged by the US and Zionists "to discredit Muslims". It closely mirrors the "reverse the facts into a big lie" approach typical of Iran's M. Ahmedinejad and Pakistan's Hamid Gul. Such distortion of fact is commonplace among the Terrorist Groups.
Omar the Egyption claims Nicholas Berg death 'faked'





propaganda, false flagged news distortion and false information recruitment and training site
New - False Flagged "Caucases / Chechnya" Terrorism Website affiliated with Militant Chechen Separatists and Chechen Terrorists and Al Qaeda


"Fake Shaykh advocates murder of non-Muslims as a religious duty"
New - "Islam Q&A"  Site by a pseudo religious nutbag terrorist:  Shaykh Abd al-Kareem al-Khudayr  who openly advocates the mandated Murder of all non-Muslims who are not in a peace treaty with one's Muslim sect, in the Name of Islam, Allah and the Quran.

Here's the page in question, similar sentiments abound on this wingnut's website which says:

     ' But with regard to non-Muslims who are at war with the Muslims and do not have a peace treaty with the Muslims or are not
       living under Muslim rule, then Muslims are commanded to kill them, because Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

      “ Fight those of the disbelievers who are close to you, and let them find harshness in you ” [al-Tawbah 9:123] '


This is a common misinterpretation of the Quran distorted to propone violence towards 'infidels' when in fact the corollary cited simply means to strongly adhere to one's own Islamic religious beliefs and to strongly debate those who are not of common faith in support of one's Islamic beliefs.

This one misinterpretation of the Quran is broadly used throughout the Terrorist Groups as the justification for Jihad.



politically allied sites:
Combined Muslim Education and Jihad/Mujahadeen Training Manual (bur Al-Jihad)
We have isolated the section about Jihad cleverly embedded in mid Quran Subjects section. Increasingly, 'legitimate looking' terrorist group backed education websites like this are cropping up with Mujahadeen recruitment and Jihad training propaganda 'pre-inserted' into their page content.  This one, purporting to be in Saudi Arabia, is allied with Al Islam Ministry, an Al Qaeda related group with ties to certain extremist former members of the Saudi Royal family, generally thought of as 'outcasts' by the Fahds.

New - False Flagged News and Media propaganda Outlet in Afghanistan, associated with the Taliban and HAMAS



terrorism resource portal
New - Saudi Arabia located propaganda / education website operated by "Sultan Ahmad" with terrorism oriented  links to questionable charities, terrorism recruitment, training, propaganda and indoctrination websites, and religious aggression and forced conversion sites, heavily laden with reverse misinformation and fact distortion. Translation by Google.com/translate. Other resources include a large library of scholarly lectures and general islamic religious and scientific websites being further researched. Each link will open a different website in its own browser window.

Islamic Web الحملة العالمية لمقاومة العدوان The global campaign to resist aggression المختصر Manual
جريدة البصائر العراقية Al-Iraqi Insights وكالة الأخبار الإسلامية Islamic News Agency اللجنة العالمية لنصرة خاتم الأنبياء International Committee for the Support of the Final Prophet
وكالة حق (أخبار العراق) Agency the right (Iraq News) وكالة الأنباء الإسلامية الدولية The International Islamic News Agency لا للدنمارك No Denmark
الرابطة الإسلامية للإعلام بالعراق Muslim Association of Media in Iraq مأساتنا والحل Ours, and the solution إلا رسول الله However, the Messenger of Allah
فلسطينيو العراق Palestinians of Iraq المنسيون Forgotten قاطع Categorical
وثائق وبيانات Documents and data الصومال اليوم Somalia today أسرى المسلمين Muslim prisoners
أحرار الأقصى Free Far ملتقى أهل السنة والجماعة بالسودان Forums of the Sunnis and the community in Sudan مركز القوقاز Centre for the Caucasus
كلنا للأقصى We are all of the maximum لبيك أفريقيا Peak Africa المسلمون في أوزبكستان Muslims in Uzbekistan
مركز الأسرى للإعلام Prisoner Information center تونس المسلمة Muslim Tunisia الجبهة الإسلامية لتحرير الصومال الغربي في أوغادين Islamic Front for the Liberation of Western Somalia in the Ogaden
موقع انتفاضة Site uprising حركة الخلاص الإريترية Salvation Movement Eritrean أهل السنة في إيران Ahl al-Sunnah in Iran
تاريخ فلسطين History of Palestine رابطة شباب اريتريا Eritrean Youth Association أحوال أهل السنة في إيران Conditions of the Sunnis in Iran
ائتلاف الخير Union of Good دافع عن الأقصى Defended the maximum حركة المقاومة الإسلامية حماس The Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas
شبكة الشاهد - القرن الأفريقي وشرق أفريقيا Network witness - Horn of Africa and East Africa أخبار تركستان الشرقية News East Turkistan صوت شعب الأويغور Voice of the people of the Uighur

The Way to God كشف حقيقة الأحباش Uncover the reality of the Ethiopian مواقع الرد على الرافضة Sites to respond to reject
غرفة الحوار الإسلامي المسيحي Chamber of Muslim-Christian dialogue الحوار الإسلامي المسيحي Muslim-Christian dialogue شبكة الرد Network reply
منتديات صوت الحق The Voice of Truth Forums حقيقة الوهابية The fact that the Wahhabi مكتبة المهتدين لمقارنة الأديان Library converts to compare religions
سبيل الإسلام For Islam إسلامية لا وهابية An Islamic Wahhabism منتدى التوحيد Standardization forum
المسيحية في الميزان Christianity in the balance الإسلام والعالم Islam and the world الموسوعة الميسرة في الأديان والمذاهب المعاصرة Encyclopedia of the soft contemporary religions and sects
المسيح الحق Christ's right منتديات حراس العقيدة Forums guards Creed الملتقى العلمي للعقيدة Scientific Forum of the faith
منتديات الفرقان Criterion Forum منتدى طريق الإيمان لدعوة غير المسلمين Forum through faith to invite non-Muslims الكاشف Reagent
منتديات ديدات Forums Deedat منتدى لجنة التعريف بالإسلام Forum Islam Presentation Committee الحقيقة العظمى Great truth
الشيخ أحمد ديدات Sheikh Ahmed Deedat صوت بلدي لمقاومة التنصير والماسونية Voice of my country to resist the Christianization, and Freemasonry الصوفية Sufism
آخر رجاء Last hope صوتيات عن اليهود والنصارى Audio for the Jews and Christians الرد على الصوفية Reply to the Sufi
منتديات الجامع Forum of the Whole التنصير فوق صفيح ساخن Christianization on a Hot Tin التبيان الجلي عن الحبيب الجفري Aletbian evident for Habib Al-
فخور كوني مسلم Proud of being a Muslim شبكة برسوميات لكشف النصرانية Network to detect graphics called Christianity صوفية حضرموت Mystical Hadramawt
من هم الأباضية Who are the Ibadi الإسلام والعالم Islam and the world التصوف العالم المجهول The unknown world of mysticism
البهائية في الميزان Baha'i in the balance شبكة ضد الأحمدية القاديانية Network against the Qadiani Ahmadiyya ليبرالي ..حقائق الليبرالية Liberal liberal .. Facts
- - شبكة الأحمدية في الميزان Ahmadi network in the balance

Domain Name(s) Information about Terrorist Website and Group Found On Opened
MAIN DATABASE! (Status Investigation Ongoing)    
terrorist propaganda/promotion
false religious rhetoric/lies
martyrdom admiration/clerics
terrorist video, audio, animation, truth distortion, global
Jamia Hasa Forum - Terror Website Home PageDOWN! "Jamia Hafsa Forum" - believed to be owned by Osama Bin Laden's International Islamic Front, also known as the Worldwide Islamic Front for Combat against the Jews and Crusaders, affiliated with: Taliban of Pakistan, Al Qaeda, Taliban of Afghanistan, with radical support for Hamas, Hez'Ballah, ISI of Pakistan (sponsor), other groups, ( a closed, participatory forum, dedicated to murder of any non-aligned groups, America, Israel, UK, used for recruitment, training, and coordinating communications between terrorists and their groups.) this site promotes an affiliation to the Jamia Hafsa Madrassa in Islamabad, which it has no specific relationship to.   It has a very large archive of pro-jihad, anti-Semitic, anti-American hate literature and advocacy of violent murder and suicide bombing, along with guides and adorations of those who died committing or operating suicide bombings. The Islamic Fronts which today work hand in hand with the Taliban, whose goals the JHF .com website supports, have stated in a distortion of the Quran:

     "[T]he ruling to kill the Americans and their allies 'civilians and military' is an individual duty for every Muslim who can do
      it in any country in which it is possible to do it, in order to liberate the al-Aqsa Mosque [in Jerusalem] and the holy mosque
      [in Makka] from their grip, and in order for their armies to move out of all the lands of Islam, defeated and unable to
      threaten any Muslim. This is in accordance with the words of Almighty Allah, 'and fight the pagans all together as they fight
      you all together,' and 'fight them until there is no more tumult or oppression, and there prevail justice and faith in Allah'."

Quite a number of these forums use the same serial numbered version of vBulletin as does the Pakistani ISI, suggesting the hidden source codes of that service are being redistributed by Pakistan's government as part of a 'startup' kit given out to each Terrorist Group phalanxes' web managers.

PARTIAL LIST OF TALIBAN TERRORISM: A .PDF giving a partial listing of incidents TALIBAN Terrorism from the United States' Worldwide Incidents Tracking System can be found here: Partial list of TALIBAN Terrorism Incidents since 2004. Does not include US Incidents such as 9/11, USS Coles, Dr. Hassan, etc. (The National Counterterrorism Center's database is fractional, only goes back as far as 2004, and does not go back in time far enough but does supply a characteristic view of 4,021 of the more recent terrorism incidents involving the TALIBAN.  It does not include military conflict activities of the Taliban vs. NATO, per se.)

ALLEGED LOCATION:  Karachi, Pakistan; 

SAMPLE-1 (Jihad Against the Jews) SAMPLE-2 (Various Jihad Forums)

HOSTED ON:  Globat.com - a subsidiary of Endurance International Group Inc., 70 Blanchard Road, Third Floor, Burlington, MA 01803  PHONE: 866-897-5421  

http://www.enduranceinternational.com ; http://www.globat.com

NOTE: when contacted over six months, web company disclaimed knowledge of the site.  Ties to Pakistan.

STATUS: LIVE as of 08/23/2010 (site alleges 1100+ members, subject to closed site moderated screening), suddenly went OFFLINE on 9/1/2010...

01/12/2010 unknown
ACSA Advertisements
Thousands of Deadly Islamic Terror Attacks Since 9/11
click to go there
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islamism, propaganda, violent terrorism, recruiting, training,
supporting other terror groups


Conservative Party logo"The Muslim Brotherhood" - the largest and oldest of the Islamist political groups, with a mix of both political and radical  terrorist activities in many countries. It is included because it has been tied not only to terror activities among its own personnel, but to HAMAS terrorism, and other Sunni terrorist groups like Ansar Al Sunna.  In spite of the fact that it 'renounces' violent Jihad publicly, it has fostered violent jihad and had its personnel form breakaway groups for that purpose.

The Society of the Muslim Brothers
,  often simply الإخوان Al-Ikhwān, The Brotherhood or MB is a Sunni transnational movement and the largest political opposition organization in many Arab states.[1] The world's oldest and largest Islamic political group,[1] it was founded in 1928, in Egypt by the schoolteacher Hassan al-Banna.

The Brotherhood's stated goal is to instill the
Qur'an and Sunnah as the "sole reference point for ... ordering the life of the Muslim family, individual, community ... and state".[2] Since its inception in 1928 the movement has officially opposed violent means to achieve its goals,[3][4] with some exceptions such as in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict or to overthrow secular Ba'athist rule in Syria (see Hama massacre). This position has been questioned, particularly by the Egyptian government, which accused the group of a campaign of killings in Egypt after World War II.[5]

The Muslim Brotherhood is banned in Egypt, and members have been arrested for their participation in it.[6] As a means of circumventing the ban, supporters run for office as independents.[7] The Egyptian government in one case responded by obstructing voters,[8] despite Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak's promise to have a "free and fair election."[9]

Outside of Egypt, the group's political activity has been described as evolving away from modernism and reformism towards a more traditional, "rightist conservative" stance.
For example, the Muslim Brotherhood party in Kuwait opposes suffrage for women.[10] The Brotherhood condemned terrorism and the 9/11 attacks,[11][12] but whether or not it has ties to terrorism is a matter of dispute.[13] Its position on violence has also caused disputes within the movement, with advocates of violence at times breaking away to form groups such as the Al-Gama'a al-Islamiyya (The Islamic Group) and Al Takfir Wal Hijra (Excommunication and Migration).[14]

Among the Brotherhood's more influential members was
Sayyid Qutb. Qutb was the author of one of Islamism's most important books, Milestones, which called for the restoration of Islam by re-establishing the Sharia and by using "physical power and Jihad for abolishing the organizations and authorities of the Jahili system,"[15] which he believed to include the entire Muslim world.[16] While studying at university, Osama bin Laden claimed to have been influenced by the religious and political ideas of several professors with strong ties to the Muslim Brotherhood including both Sayyid Qutb and his brother Muhammad Qutb. However, once Al Qaeda was fully organized, they denounced the Muslim Brotherhood's reform through nonviolence and accused them of "betraying the cause of Islam and abandoning their 'jihad' in favour of forming political parties and supporting modern state institutions".[17][18]

The Brotherhood is financed by contributions from its members, who are required to allocate a portion of their income to the movement. Some of these contributions are from members who live in oil-rich countries.

Ikhwanweb was founded by Khairat el Shater, Deputy Chairman of the Muslim Brotherhood, and was launched in 2005.




Muslim Brotherhood Homepage (as of September 7, 2010)  click for .pdf:
 Ikhwanweb.com Muslim Brotherhood Website (click for .pdf)

HOSTED ON: The Planet.com,  Global Hosting Services, 315 Capitol Street, Suite 205, Houston, Texas 77002
Phone: (281) 714-3000  Fax: (281) 714-3001

MAIN HOSTING WEB:  http://www.theplanet.com

NOTE: when contacted over six months, web company disclaimed knowledge of the site or its content.

STATUS: LIVE as of 08/23/2010 (Public Misinformation, Fact Distortion, Misdirected News, Political Extortion Site)

Domain Registrant: 
Protected Domain Services - Customer ID: NCR-2663411, 125 Rampart Way, Suite 300, Denver, CO, 80230, US   Phone:   +1.7202492374 , Email Address: ikhwanweb.com@protecteddomainservices.com

01/25/1998  1928 

Changeling group, extreme violence, active mass murder, assistance to Al Qaeda, Taliban, PakMil and ISI, extremely covert, gross distortion of facts, misinformation, propaganda, communications and command.
PKKH - "Pakistan Kakhuda Hafiz - Pakistan's leading alternative policy institute." 
KMS NEWS - "Kashmir Media Service" - News from 'occupied' Kashmir
 - Affiliated with: Lashkar-E-Taiba  (LET), the group that attacked Mumbai in November of 2008 (Mumbai Thanksgiving 2008 Terror Attack resulting in 150 deaths, along with the death of all but one of the terrorists) also known as Jamaat Ud Dawa, Jamaat-ud-Dawa, JUD, Jama'at al-Dawa, Jamaat ud-Daawa, Jamaat ul-Dawah, Jamaat-ul-Dawa, Jama'at-i-Dawat, Jamaiat-ud-Dawa, Jama'at-ud-Da'awah, Jama'at-ud-Da'awa, Jamaati-ud-Dawa, and Idara Khidmat-e-Khalq, along with Falah-e-Insaniyat Foundation, it's present 're-name' in respond to Indian crackdowns on the group, which opposes Indian 'occupation' of Kashmir (a reverse aggression seeking to take over India's Kashmir Province), Israel, and the West. LT and LET are often used in lieu of the full name of this well funded and very aggressive Terrorist Group.  The AK-47 rising with the Sun out of the Quran, is their Terrorist Group symbol.


WARNING: These websites are a manifestation of the InterService Intelligence Agency (ISI) of Pakistan staffed by their trainees involved in Lashkar E Toyyeba.  Be cautious confronting or interfering with this website and any associated personnel. ISI has the ability to retaliate through embedded personnel around the world and inside the USA. This group may attack you without provocation and does not stop at murdering women or small children, torture or beheadings.  This group is known to use explosives and extreme ordinance and may be training to engage in nuclear terrorism and dirty bomb proliferation against the United States, UK and Israel. Former Pakistani ISI Director, Gen. (Ret'd) Hamid Gul, stoutly anti-American, pro Taliban, Al Qaeda and Lashkar E-T, is represented on the Board of Directors of the false Media Company created here by Lashkar E Toyebba.



The following bizarre 'regulations' appear in the About PKKH part of the LET website:

"1. PKKH recognizes China as Pakistan's long-term ally in the region and a time-tested friend emphasizing the importance of strategic ties and cooperation with China in economic, defense and other sectors.

2. PKKH opposes illegal Indian occupation of Kashmir territory and supports legitimate freedom struggle in Indian occupied Kashmir. PKKH will continue to extend ethical and moral support to Kashmiri freedom fighters using media and public forums available at PKKH’s disposal.

3. PKKH recognizes Afghan Taliban as legitimate representatives of Afghan nation and lends moral support to their cause of freeing their nation from occupying US and NATO forces.

4. PKKH does not recognize any right of illegal state of Israel to exist or occupy Palestinian lands.

5. PKKH firmly opposes the presence of "all" foreign intelligence agencies in the region, including but not limited to Indian, American and Israeli involvement in Afghanistan and Baluchistan.

6. PKKH opposes all aggression by a power state towards other weaker state(s) particularly, US invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq including the presence of US forces in other Muslim lands including Pakistan.

7. PKKH firmly opposes terrorism in all its forms, including state sponsored terrorism in Kashmir, Palestine, Chechnia, Iraq and Afghanistan by India, Israel, Russia and United States of America respectively."

There have been numerous Taliban attacks under the control of Hamid Gul's employer, the Pakistani ISI, which controls the Taliban and funds it.  Here is Hamid Gul's explanation, in spite of the pitched battle between the US and the Taliban, he claims the US and 'Israel Contractors' operate the Taliban, and in spite of the Pakistani Government operating 250 Heroin Refining Laboratories in Pakistan and importing the Poppies using smugglers from Afghanistan, he tries to pin this on "the CIA's worldwide heroin operations" truly bizarre deceptions.  The following misinformation is very typical of ISI use of false flagged Media like this terrorist group website, in spite of the fact that there are no Isrealis in Pakistan or Afghanistan, the following 'childish nonsense' is an example of the delusional factual distortions of the L-E-T with ISI backing, as they support the Taliban's war in Afghanistan against NATO:

       "43 Pakistanis were killed in a terror attack today, killed for supporting Palestinians in Gaza. The signs had been there, the
       Wikileaks attempt to put responsibility for the Taliban on Veterans Today editor General Hamid Gul. This was debunked in a
       heartbeat. This attack was vicious and clearly the work of Israel. This was a terror attack meant as a message to the people of
       the world telling them that if they rally in support of those imprisoned in Gaza, they will be murdered.

       This is far from the first time Israel has been caught. The PKK, the Kurdish terrorist group, communists, who have been
       attacking Turkey from their mountain "caves" in Iraq for over 40 years have long been trained, funded and even recruited by
       Israel's Mossad. Now the partnership between India and Israel, helped along, not only by the CIA, the Karzai brothers
      "corporation" and MI -6 is becoming difficult to ignore.

      With continual terror attacks a daily part of life in Pakistan, several in Lahore this week, there is no ignoring the real culprits.
      Nearly every contracting firm the United States uses in, not only Afghanistan but Pakistan as well, is filled to the brim with
      Israeli operatives. Working with them is the massive CIA assisted drug cartel and its worldwide network of private airlines for
      shipping heroin and cash and a dozen nations that take part."

NOTICE: This website up until April 29, 2010, was located at http://pakistankakhudahafiz.wordpress.com which continues to maintain a Wordpress Blog site devoted to Lashkar-E-Tayyiba front causes and propaganda.

PARTIAL LIST OF LASHKAR-E-TAYYIBA TERRORISM: A .PDF giving a partial listing of incidents LASHKAR-E-TAYYIBA Terrorism from the United States' Worldwide Incidents Tracking System can be found here:
Partial list of LASHKAR-E-TAYIBA Terrorism Incidents since 2004.  (The National Counterterrorism Center's database is fractional, only goes back as far as 2004, and does not go back in time far enough but does supply a characteristic view of 94 of the more recent terrorism incidents involving LASHKAR-E-TAYYIBA.  It does not include military conflict activities of the L-E-T vs. NATO, per se.)

ALLEGED LOCATION:  Karachi, Pakistan

LT WORDPRESS VERSION (through Apr. 2009)  |  LT WEB SITE VERSION (APR 2009 and after)
(Note that these sites are already presented in English)

HOSTED ON:  Rackspace USA, 5000 Walzem Road, San Antonio, TX 78218, and Rackspace UK, 4 The Square, Stockley Park, Uxbridge, UK  UB11 1ET
http://www.rackspace.net, http://www.rackspace.com, http://www.rackspace.co.uk.
sales@rackspace.com   Tel: 800-961-2888  210-312-4700  Fax: 210-312-4500.

NOTE: when contacted over six months, web company disclaimed knowledge of the site

STATUS: LIVE as of 08/23/2010 (site alleges 1100+ members, subject to closed site moderated screening)

Domain Registrant: 
Dan Qayyum (Pakistani Citizen), Qayyum, Dan, Rigga, Dubai, NA 27632  AE


Kashmir Media Service

3/25/2008 unknown 


false peace site operated by
a Hizb E Islamia, Jamaat Islami
terrorist front man, distorts truth, engages in theft by deception, threatens life when caught, pathological liar
Federal Administered
Tribal Areas
Muhammad Khurshid"Voice For Peace" (False Flag Peace Movement, in reality: Hezb-I-Islami) -  Affiliated with:  Hizb-I-Islami (HIA) Terror Military Wing of Jamaat Islami of Pakistan, and ISI of Pakistan Terror group is headed by infamous Gulbudden Hekmatyar.  Facebook Page site, operated by Muhammad Khurshid, a fake Peace Activism site used to recruit personnel, observe activities of Pakistan/Afghan Press on Facebook and the Web, and to PAN HANDLE FOR PUBLIC MONEY. Any money he receives either goes into his own pockets, or is diverted to terrorist causes. Mr. Khurshid's behavior was observed on Facebook, wherein he conned one of our personnel out of 77,000 RUPEES in Western Union Money Transfers, using it not for Peace Activism but to support his own activities for HIA.  We confirmed his membership in HIA with personnel and authorities living in Peshawar and Bejaur Agency, before commencing a full fledged investigation. Our findings confirmed our suspicions.

[Jamiat al Islami]PARTIAL LIST OF HEZB-I-ISLAMI (HIA) TERRORISM: A .PDF giving a partial listing of incidents HEZB-I-ISLAMI (HIA) Terrorism from the United States' Worldwide Incidents Tracking System can be found here: Partial list of HEZB-I-ISLAMI (HIA) Terrorism Incidents since 2004.  (The National Counterterrorism Center's database is fractional, only goes back as far as 2004, and does not go back in time far enough but does supply a characteristic view of 398 of the more recent terrorism incidents involving HEZB-I-ISLAMI (HIA).  It does not include military conflict activities of the HEZB-I-ISLAMI (HIA) vs. NATO, per se.) The flag to the right is the flag of Jamaat Islami (JI), the religious wing of Hesb-i-Islami (HIA).

ALLEGED LOCATION: Peshawar Press Club, Peshawar, Pakistan / Bajaur Agency, Pakistan 

WARNING: Do not give this site or Muhammad Khurshid any money (also has Personal Facebook Page, and fake one for his wife, FATIMA KHURSHID, who has never used a PC before nor speaks any English, he impersonates her to appeal to women for sympathy and to obtain their donations). Also, Khurshid plays the Sheep in Angelic Clothing, but is a PREDATOR, working for a notoriously violent and murderous group with no compunctions about who it kills, which is generally thought of as the the Pakistani ISI's DEATH SQUAD.  Do not be lured into any travel to or for Khurshid, and be wary of his cunning yet completely contradictory use of language, and seeming support for Peace, he is neither a Peace Activist nor a Journalist, nor anything else he claims to be. He regularly uses names of the popular or leaders on his Facebook and other web pages so as to falsely imply relationship where there is none, with said leaders or popular public figures.

SAMPLE SITE PAGES:  See Facebook - pretends to be Peace Activist, is a solo page (has other pages, steals money from the public). For so long as he is not caught by Facebook stealing money, they have not been willing to remove his page. We supplied Facebook a sample of his theft of 77,000 rupees, but they have ignored it thus far.

HOSTED ON:  Facebook (Facebook.com)

STATUS: LIVE as of 08/24/2010 (site alleges 7700 members, is used to steal public money on false pretense of peace activism while instead using it for terrorism goals)
09/11/2009 unknown

terrorist propaganda/promotion
false religious rhetoric/lies martyrdom admiration/clerics
terrorist video, audio, animation, truth distortion, global
as-ansar.orgDOWN! Ansar Al Jihad Network" - Belgian Al Qaeda Site, affiliated with:  Ansar Al-Jihad subgroup of the Taliban and Al Qaeda of Afghanistan and Pakistan, the notorious division of Al Qaeda terrorist group led by Terrorist Osama Bin Laden: affiliated also with other Al Qaeda subgroups, controlled by the ISI of Pakistan ( a closed, participatory forum, dedicated to murder of any non-aligned groups, America, Israel, UK, used for recruitment, training, and coordinating communications between terrorists and their groups.) This is an extremely active group headquartered in Brussels, Belgium with a wing in Malaysia, with wings engaging in terrorist white collar crime, using stolen credit cards, identities and forged check instruments to steal materials to supply the main battle component of the Taliban in Afghanistan and Iraq, and other Al Qaeda activities, as well as formulating plans for attacks in Europe, Malaysia and Indonesia.  They are presently accumulating material for explosive devices. On the whole, the group endorses mass murder, abduction, assassination and torture / beheadings of Christians, Jews, non-Muslims and Muslims who disagree or work against them. They are extremely dangerous and should not be approached. If they perceive you as 'an enemy' they will kill you.
PARTIAL LIST OF TALIBAN TERRORISM: A .PDF giving a partial listing of incidents TALIBAN Terrorism from the United States' Worldwide Incidents Tracking System can be found here: Partial list of TALIBAN Terrorism Incidents since 2004. Does not include US Incidents such as 9/11, USS Coles, Dr. Hassan, etc. (The National Counterterrorism Center's database is fractional, only goes back as far as 2004, and does not go back in time far enough but does supply a characteristic view of 4,021 of the more recent terrorism incidents involving the TALIBAN.  It does not include military conflict activities of the Taliban vs. NATO, per se.)

ALLEGED LOCATION:  Brussels, Belgium; 
ACTUAL PHYSICAL LOCATION: Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia  (colocation data center)

SAMPLE SITE PAGES:  (Very similar style to jamiahafsaforum.com)  
Ansar1DOTinfoPAGEs  | As-AnsarDOTcomPAGEs

AS-ANSAR.COM Live Translation  (note references to 'Emirates' of Caucasus and Maghreb refer to branches of the sub terrorist groups maintained by Al Qaeda and the Taliban in Maghreb, and the Caucuses).  Read carefully, as what you are reading are complete distortions of the facts. For example, having lost 36,564 out of 45,100 of their original troops in Afghanistan thus far, the Taliban points to the 3919 American troops killed in the battle since 2003 (during which another 25,000 Taliban were killed, bringing the total to about 61,500 (1915 US soldiers killed since the troop surge began) and calls that a 'Taliban victory' because they managed to kill thousands of innocent Afghan civilians.  The psychotic madness runs deep among the Taliban and Al Qaeda.

HOSTED ON:  Piradius.net, Piradius Sdn Bhd, Unit 21-3A, Level 21, Plaza DNP 59, Jalan Abdullah Tahir, Taman Century Garden 80300 Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia, phone: +607 334 8605, fax: +607 334 8605  


STATUS: LIVE as of 08/23/2010 (site alleges 500+ members, subject to closed site moderated screening)

Associated Websites: deenalhaq.info, as-ansar.com/vb, de.asansar1.info, ansar1.net, jamiahafsaforum.com, RSS: Ansar AlJihad English RSS

Domain Registrant: Name: Ali Mahmoud, Postbus 291, Brussels, Brussels, 1050, BE    Phone: +32.6293343078, Email:

The top seven boxes on the home page are statements of adoration for Ansar Il-Jihad members:  Auysub al-Tyshan, who killed 75 when he blew up a Japanese Oil Tanker, six other terrorist attacks by suicide or ambush with statements of "honor" towards these criminals by Ansar Al-Jihad management, used as an entryway into the mind of the young, impressionable, inexperienced muslim male being recruited into becoming a suicide bomber by this website's owners.

HOSTED ON: TM Net Sdn Bhd, 41st Floor, North Wing, Menara TM, Kuala Lumpur. Tel: 03-7074694  Fax: (USA: 011-6)+03-2241 1485


STATUS: LIVE as of 08/23/2010

Associated Websites: deenalhaq.info, as-ansar.com/vb, de.asansar1.info, ansar1.net, jamiahafsaforum.com, RSS: Ansar AlJihad English RSS

WATCH As-Ansar/Al Aqsa Terrorist Video on YouTube:

Domain Registrant: Blocked by FastDomain.com Privacy services.
03/11/2009 unknown

Jihad Propaganda and Literature, Analytical Website of Shah Afghan and Abdullah Mujahid, communications

Secondary Blog:

"Counsel of Muslim Thinkers
and Intellectuals"
Al Qaeda Propaganda
and Misinformation Site.

HOSTED BY: Google.com
(Blogger, Blogspot.com)

Links to: Lashkar-E-Toyyeba
Website: Pakistan Ka Khunda Hafiz, as a "related site"
DOWN! "Deen Al Haq" - German Al Qaeda Site, affiliated with:  Ansar Al-Jihad subgroup, other groups, ISI of Pakistan ( a closed, participatory forum, dedicated to murder of any non-aligned groups, America, Israel, UK, used for recruitment, training, and coordinating communications between terrorists and their groups.) 

This is an extremely active group headquartered in FRANKFURT AM MAIN, Germany with a wing in Netherlands, with wings engaging in terrorist white collar crime, using stolen credit cards, identities and forged check instruments to steal materials to supply the main battle component of the Taliban in Afghanistan and Iraq, and other Al Qaeda activities, as well as formulating plans for attacks in Europe, Malaysia and Indonesia.  They are presently accumulating material for explosive devices. On the whole, philosophically, this group endorses mass murder, emulation of Nazi-ism, abduction, assassination and torture / beheadings of christians, jews, non-muslims and muslims who disagree or work against them. They are extremely dangerous and should not be approached. If they perceive you as 'an enemy' they will kill you.

WARNING: This website is a manifestation of the InterService Intelligence Agency (ISI) of Pakistan staffed by their trainees involved in the Taliban and Al Qaeda.  Be cautious confronting or interfering with this website and any associated personnel. ISI has the ability to retaliate through embedded personnel around the world and inside the USA.  This site has been repeatedly taken off line, but always pops back up on a new domain name.

ALLEGED LOCATION:  Munich & Berlin, Germany; 
ACTUAL PHYSICAL LOCATION: Amsterdam, The Netherlands  (colocation data center)

Original Home Page  | English Section
(In Urdu, Analytic pages by Shah Afghan and Abdullah Mujahid, possible hidden pages)

HOSTED ON:  SolidHost - BrainPark II, Lichtenauerlaan 102-120, 3062 ME Rotterdam, The Netherlands

STATUS: LIVE as of 08/23/2010 (site alleges 200+ members, subject to closed site moderated screening)

Associated Websites: as-ansar.com/vb, de.asansar1.info, ansar1.net, jamiahafsaforum.com, RSS: Ansar AlJihad English RSS

03/11/2009 unknown

ONLINE: 9/11/10

publicity, false fact/news distortion, propaganda, misinformation, threats
Al Qaeda False Info Site
Actual Cyber Terrorism
This site is Al Qaeda/Taleban's
official website and is intended
to harass non-aligned public
and military opposition.
It is intended to contradict
the factual accomplishments
of NATO Military Activities.

alemarah.org (reference)
back online 9/11/2010
(archive.org reference
site: online)

Facebook Jihad sites:
(Abdullah Musafir)


(Jihad against Biddah)

Jihad Against Biddah {UnIslamic Custom}
Flag of al-Qaeda in Iraq.svgDOWN! "Voice of Jihad -  Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan". The Al Qaeda-Taliban Joint Website / under Emirate Islamia of Afghanistan (AL QAEDA/Taliban of Afghanistan).  Formerly: alemarah.info, successfully closed several years ago. The Terrorist Groups who own this site are actively involved in fighting NATO in Afghanistan on the ground, and in infiltration insurgency in Iraq, Somalia (with Al Shabaab, see below), Nigeria and elsewhere. They are also supporting other terrorist groups through suicide bombings and IED, ambushes and poisonings in Pakistan.

WARNING: This website is a manifestation of the InterService Intelligence Agency (ISI) of Pakistan staffed by their trainees involved in the Taliban and Al Qaeda.  Be cautious confronting or interfering with this website and any associated personnel. ISI has the ability to retaliate through embedded personnel around the world and inside the USA.  This site has been repeatedly taken off line, but always pops back up on a new domain name.


PARTIAL LIST OF TALIBAN TERRORISM: A .PDF giving a partial listing of incidents TALIBAN Terrorism from the United States' Worldwide Incidents Tracking System can be found here:
Partial list of TALIBAN Terrorism Incidents since 2004. Does not include US Incidents such as 9/11, USS Coles, Dr. Hassan, etc. (The National Counterterrorism Center's database is fractional, only goes back as far as 2004, and does not go back in time far enough but does supply a characteristic view of 4021 of the more recent terrorism incidents involving the TALIBAN)

ALLEGED LOCATION: Kabul, Afghanistan 
OLD : ACTUAL PHYSICAL LOCATION:  Cluj-Napoca, Romania,   email:
NEW PHYSICAL LOCATION: Gunzenhausen, Germany

Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.pdf

(OLD) HOSTED ON: IntoVPS is operated by Elvsoft Ltd., Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Europe, 400132 Traian Mosoiu St. 48/7 (VAT ID: RO16104008) Tel. +40 364 566 777 Fax. +40 364 103 830

MAIN HOSTING WEB: http://www.intovps.com


(NEW 9/11/10) HOSTED ON: Hetzner Online AG, Stuttgarter Str. 1, 91710 Gunzenhausen, Deutschland
Tel.: 09831/610061*  Fax: 09831/610062

STATUS: LIVE as of 08/23/2010, suddenly went offline on 9/4/2010...  MOVED TO NEW HOSTING COMPANY on 09/11/2010, rerooted as shahamat.info.


Domain Registrant: PRIVATE, Blocked by Active-Domain.com/ActiveRegistrar.com, an ICANN registrar.


    Name: Fida -    Organization: Tarnakmedia    Address 1: Kandahar City,   City: Kandahar    State: Kandahar    Zip: 4551    Country: AF
    Phone: +070.7757756    Fax: +0.0    Email: adilmadani@yahoo.com



Hong Kong (Headquarters)
Address: 22/F, Crocodile Centre, 79 Hoi Yuen Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Transportation: Kwun Tong Line Kwun Tong MTR Station Exit A2 (APM)
Tel: (852) 2187 7600
Fax: (852) 2187 7677



Alemarah-iea.com  Shahamat.info

01/01/2002 unknown

(minbar of tawhed & jihad)
(juba the baghdad sniper)
(baathist resistance)
(iraq/palestinian resistance:)

promotional, recruiting,
fact distortion, propaganda,
training, news, political
rhetoric, group coordination.



Resistance sites
Flag of Jihad.svgIslamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU) - Promotion, Training and News Distortion website for the recently renewed IMU, who has been said to know represent a serious threat to the Uzbek region and Turkestan, and Turkey's border region.

About this group:

The Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU, Uzbek: Ўзбекистон Исломий аракати/O'zbekiston islomiy harakati) is a militant Islamist group formed in 1991[2] by the Islamic ideologue Tahir Yuldashev, and former Soviet paratrooper Juma Namangani - both ethnic Uzbeks from the Fergana Valley. Its objective was to overthrow President Islam Karimov of Uzbekistan, and to create an Islamic state under Sharia.

Operating out of bases in Tajikistan and Taliban-controlled areas of northern Afghanistan, the IMU launched a series of raids into southern Kyrgyzstan in 1999 and 2000. However, in 2001 the IMU was largely destroyed while fighting alongside the Taliban against United States-led coalition forces in Afghanistan. Namangani was killed, and the IMU's remaining fighters were dispersed. Yuldeshev and an unknown number of fighters escaped with remnants of the Taliban to Waziristan in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas of Pakistan. Since then the IMU has reportedly opened training camps in Waziristan and is now involved with other groups attempting to overthrow the government of Pakistan.[3]In point of fact, that appeas to be an intentionally misleading claim, and they may be being instanciated under control OF the Pakistan government through it's 'supreme agency', the Interservice Intelligence Agency which controls most of the terrorist groups of South Asia as part of the Bhutto "Strategic Depth Policy" to use terror groups and fake copies of extinct terror groups to extend the tactical military advantage of Pakistan.

Despite occasional proclamations from Yuldeshev, and rumors of a re-emergence under the name the Islamic Movement of Turkestan (IMT), until the emergenceof this website, there was no reliable evidence indicating that the IMU/IMT remains an operational force in Central Asia outside of the Afghanistan/Pakistan border region. Now it is believed to be operating in Uzbeck, Turkestan, Turkish, Pakistani, Russian and Afghan regions, resurgent.


ALLEGED LOCATION: Turkistan, Uzbekistan
ACTUAL LOCATION: Frankfurt, Germany  purportedly (actually, on hardware in Istanbul, Turkey)

HOSTED ON: SELI KLAS . COM   (who.is location masked)   email: furqon1429@yahoo.com
MAIN HOSTING WEB: Sesliklas.com (SEXUALLY HIDDEN THEMED Chat site offering Sexy Arabic and other Ethnic Girls, with many other similar services that is intermittently on and offline).  WARNING: Possible Pedophilia site.
HOSTING WEBSITE is itself HOSTED ON: WEBSERVIS, Webservis İletişim Hizmetleri-Mustafa Erer, Bağdat Cad. Hasan Ceyhan Apt.N:128/16, Küçükyalı-Maltepe-İstanbul, Küçükyalı V.D.20756383004,
Tel : 0 216 518 71 80, Tel : 0 216 518 71 69,
Tel : 0 216 518 42 60, Fax : 0 216 489 48 25

STATUS: LIVE as of 08/28/2010

Domain Registrant: dogan beyribey,  dogan beyribey (bilgi@canliyayin.org), nenehatun mah. 4. sok. no:34  kat: 3 daire 8, istanbul, 000034000 TR
    Tel. +090.02126119104     Fax. +090.02126119104   Creation Date: 31-Mar-2008 Expiration Date: 31-Mar-2011

New! related Sites, being researched...
"the Pulpit of Monotheism and Jihad" - the master private public website of Usamma Bin Laden and Ayman Zawahari (and others). Used for recruitment, training, propaganda, indoctrination, and public lying, intimidation, and fact distortion.

SAMPLE PAGES:  See tawjed.net for English Translation

ALLEGED LOCATION:  non-specific
ACTUAL LOCATION:  Fort Lee, New Jersey USA (Secaucus, NJ)

HOSTED ON:  Interserver (.net) Data Centers, 110 Meadowlands Parkway, Suite 100, Secaucus, NJ 07094

MAIN HOSTING WEB: Interserver.net
STATUS: LIVE as of 08/28/2010

DOMAIN REGISTRANT: isam otaibi, open1000000@yahoo.com

(english edition of tawhed.ws)
(minbar of tawhed & jihad)

http://www.tawhed.net Thumbnail

ALLEGED LOCATION:  non-specific
ACTUAL LOCATION:  Fort Lee, New Jersey USA (Secaucus, NJ)

HOSTED ON:  Hostgator.com,    Brent Oxley (support@hostgator.com),  +1.7135745287,  Fax: +1.11,  11251 Northwest Fwy, Suite 400, Houston, TX 77092  US
(Hosting Company hosted on The Planet.com Hosting Services, perhaps a brand owned by The Planet . com)

MAIN HOSTING WEB: Host Gator Hosting Services
STATUS: LIVE as of 08/28/2010

DOMAIN REGISTRANT:   Organisation Name.... ESAM ALUTAIBE,   Organisation Address. PO Box 61359,   Organisation Address. Sunnyvale 94088 CA, USA

Advertised Mirror/Alternative Domain Names (all appear up but their web content is disabled under Apache):


(juba the baghdad sniper - a sadistic site dedicated to Islamic Army of Iraq [Al Qaeda] sniper Juba Muhammad). In this site, a sniper depicts himself as being poised at every roof top in Baghdad, waiting for Americans, Soldiers, NATO and Iraqi Police and Security Forces so he can surprise them by killing them with a sniper shot.  It contains many pictorials of American, Iraqi and European victims of sniper fire purportedly associated with "Juba Muhammad".


Vital Datacenter | www.vital.net.tr  Nilüfer Ticaret Merkezi 633. Sok. No:13/3 Telefon: 0224 443 60 60 (Pbx) Faks: 0 224 443 60 61

MAIN HOSTING WEB: www.vital.net.tr
STATUS: LIVE as of 08/28/2010

DOMAIN REGISTRANT: Name: firas alani, Address 1: qatar, Address 2: doha, City: Qatar, State: Doha, Zip: 132312, Country: QA, Phone: +974.96865434324  Email: money_detailsiai@yahoo.com

(Baathist sympathetic and Palestinian resistance in Iraq)  Violent opposition Militancy backed largely by Iran and Hamas, but more recently strongly allied with Al Qaeda militant wings in Iraq.  Some  elements of Muqtada Al-Masri's  Mahdi Army Militia, formerly allies with the US, who turned on and murdered their American Soldier allies in Baghdad including, among others, famed Peace Activist Cindy Sheehan's son, Army Spec. Casey Austin Sheehan (click this link for one of the many publications honoring Casey for his heroism and remembering his tragic loss) comprise the larger part of this group.
AL Basrah . Net


ALLEGED LOCATION: Palestinian Territories: Gaza/Sijaia and Baghdad, Iraq

HOSTED ON: Nodo50, Apartado 7299,  Madrid, 28080 ES, Phone: +34.915488348, Fax: +34.915488349, Email: cuentas@nodo50.org  (cuentas means 'accounts')

MAIN HOSTING WEB: nodo50.org
STATUS: LIVE as of 08/28/2010

DOMAIN REGISTRANT: AlBasrah , Achmad R. (Email Masking Image@albasrah.net), +31.616862172, Post Box 534, Gaza, SIJAIA 000000, PS

All of the uruknet sites are mirrors / forwards of the main website of iraq/palestinian joint resistance:


LLEGED LOCATION: Palestinian Territories: Gaza/Sijaia and Baghdad, Iraq
ACTUAL LOCATION:  Soci (AR) Italy / Florence, Italy

HOSTED ON: Aruba S.p.A., P.zza Garibaldi 8 - 52010 Soci (AR) Italy

VAT Number 01573850516 – National Identification Number (Codice Fiscale) 04552920482
CCIAA AR 7155/98 - REA 118045 - C.S. € 4.000.000 i.v.

STATUS: LIVE as of 08/28/2010

DOMAIN REGISTRANT: masked by ARUBA.IT: PAOLA PISI, Organization: ASSOCIAZIONE URUKNET, Address 1: VIA TOLMEZZO, 5/4, City: MILANO,  State: MI, Zip: 20132
    Country: IT,     Phone: +39.0291988310, Fax: +39.0291988311, Email: @uruknet.eu

FACEBOK SITE FOR URUKNET: http://www.facebook.com/uruknet

URUKNET's Mirror/Forward Sites:  (all appear to be content identical)


ACTUAL LOCATION: Florence, Italy
HOSTED ON: Register.it, Register.it S.p.A, Largo Annigoni 9/B, 50122 Firenze, Italia, +39 055 200 21 777




REGISTRANT: Vincenzo Viscuso, Organization: TEV di Vincenzo Viscuso, Address 1: Via Tolmezzo, 5/4, City: I-20132 MILANO, State: ITALY, Zip: I-20132, Country: IT
    Phone: +39.0291988310      Fax: +39.0291988311      Email: info@tev.eu

HOSTED ON:  Aruba S.p.A., P.zza Garibaldi 8 - 52010 Soci (AR) Italy

VAT Number 01573850516 – National Identification Number (Codice Fiscale) 04552920482
CCIAA AR 7155/98 - REA 118045 - C.S. € 4.000.000 i.v.

REGISTRANT:  TEV, via sauli 9, MILANO, MI, 20127  Italy


HOSTED ON: Aruba S.p.A., P.zza Garibaldi 8 - 52010 Soci (AR) Italy

VAT Number 01573850516 – National Identification Number (Codice Fiscale) 04552920482
CCIAA AR 7155/98 - REA 118045 - C.S. € 4.000.000 i.v.



HOSTED ON:  Aruba S.p.A., P.zza Garibaldi 8 - 52010 Soci (AR) Italy

VAT Number 01573850516 – National Identification Number (Codice Fiscale) 04552920482
CCIAA AR 7155/98 - REA 118045 - C.S. € 4.000.000 i.v.

REGISTRANT: Name: PAOLA PISI,  Organization: ASSOCIAZIONE URUKNET, Address 1: VIA TOLMEZZO, 5/4, City: MILANO, State: MI, Zip: 20132, Country: IT
    Phone: +39.0291988310  Fax: +39.0291988311  Email: Email Masking Image@uruknet.eu


HOSTED ON:  Aruba S.p.A., P.zza Garibaldi 8 - 52010 Soci (AR) Italy

VAT Number 01573850516 – National Identification Number (Codice Fiscale) 04552920482
CCIAA AR 7155/98 - REA 118045 - C.S. € 4.000.000 i.v.

REGISTRANT:  Name:  Tev Snc di Vincenzo Viscuso & c., Organization:  Tev Snc di Vincenzo Viscuso & c., ContactID: TEVD3-ITNIC, Address:  Via Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, 34
Milano   20124 MI  IT



HOSTED ON: Aruba S.p.A., P.zza Garibaldi 8 - 52010 Soci (AR) Italy

VAT Number 01573850516 – National Identification Number (Codice Fiscale) 04552920482
CCIAA AR 7155/98 - REA 118045 - C.S. € 4.000.000 i.v.

REGISTRANT:  Name: PAOLA PISI,  Organization: ASSOCIAZIONE URUKNET, Address 1: VIA TOLMEZZO, 5/4, City: MILANO, State: MI, Zip: 20132, Country: IT
    Phone: +39.0291988310  Fax: +39.0291988311  Email: Email Masking Image@uruknet.eu


HOSTED ON: Aruba S.p.A., P.zza Garibaldi 8 - 52010 Soci (AR) Italy

VAT Number 01573850516 – National Identification Number (Codice Fiscale) 04552920482
CCIAA AR 7155/98 - REA 118045 - C.S. € 4.000.000 i.v.




HOSTED ON:  Aruba S.p.A., P.zza Garibaldi 8 - 52010 Soci (AR) Italy

VAT Number 01573850516 – National Identification Number (Codice Fiscale) 04552920482
CCIAA AR 7155/98 - REA 118045 - C.S. € 4.000.000 i.v.


TEV S.n.c.di Vincenzo Viscuso & C.
Organization: TEV S.n.c.di Vincenzo Viscuso & C.
Address: Via Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, 34
20124 - Milano (MI), IT
Nationality: IT
Phone: +39.026696979
Fax: +39.022619814


ACTUAL LOCATION: Florence, Italy
HOSTED ON: Aruba S.p.A., P.zza Garibaldi 8 - 52010 Soci (AR) Italy

VAT Number 01573850516 – National Identification Number (Codice Fiscale) 04552920482
CCIAA AR 7155/98 - REA 118045 - C.S. € 4.000.000 i.v.

REGISTRANT:  Name: PAOLA PISI,  Organization: ASSOCIAZIONE URUKNET, Address 1: VIA TOLMEZZO, 5/4, City: MILANO, State: MI, Zip: 20132, Country: IT
    Phone: +39.0291988310  Fax: +39.0291988311  Email: Email Masking Image@uruknet.eu


01/10/2010 unknown

(Turkish Site)
Russian Support
Distribution Site:
conflict and insurgency
support site,
distortion of facts,
propaganda, false news,
coordination, media, and
foreign support sites.
(possible Russian support)

Al Rashedeen Army WebsiteDOWN! "The Al Rashedeen Army" (Terror Group site) - "The Al Rashedeen Army in Iraq" (Terror Media site), Terrorist Group that is opposing the Liberation of Iraq.  Small, well funded, Hybrid Insurgency Terrorist Group loyal to the former government of Saddam Hussein and the Baath Party, with ties to elements of the Russian Federation that fled Iraq at the outset of America's 2003 invasion of Iraq, who had developed an alliance with Saddam Hussein. Click the thumbnail to the right for a view of the ARA website.  This terrorist army attacks Pakistani civilians, Pakistan police, the workforce, US Security Forces, and Contractors on a regular basis with RPGs, suicide bombs, ieds, and ordinance.  It has sustained major losses but continues to fight a hopeless fight.

About their position:

"Media of Iraqi Resistance is the Second Pit

Americans put themselves in a rather critical pit when they have decided blocking the media of the resistance in Iraq and imposing firm restrictions on Iraqi, Arabian and International press. Furthermore, they sneak to all websites belong to Iraqi resistance and shut them off. The objective of American political, as well as, military administration is to hide the voice of Iraqi resistance. "
al rashedeen army

ACTUAL LOCATION: Penang, Malaysia (near Kuala Lampur), .net site is in Kuala Lampur, .ru site is in Moscow

HOSTED ON (Al-rashedeen.info): MSC Hosting (Masked by privacy circumstances) believed to be:
Exa Bytes Network Sdn Bhd, 1-2-28 Mayang Mall, Jalan Mayang Pasir 1, Bayan Baru, Bayan Lepas, Penang 11950
MALAYSIA  email: chan [at] exabytes.com

Domain Registration (al-rashedeen.info)
Name: Khaled Hasen, Address 1: HARTHIYA\DIS.213\ST.32\HN.13, City: Baghdad, State: Baghdad, Zip: na, Country: IQ
    Phone: +964.1234567,  Fax: +964.1234567,  Email:

HOSTED ON (Al-rashedeen.net):
Fauziah Musa,   JARING Communications Sdn. Bhd.,  Technology Park Malaysia,   57000 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan, Malaysia, onlinedomain@jaring.my,   (Tel) 603-8657 5000   (Fax) 603-8994 3106 

Domain Registration (al-rashedeen.net) : PRIVATIZED by DIRECTI

HOSTED ON (iraq-war.ru)
GOLDEN Telecom (The VimpelCom Group - Beeline, legally registered in Delaware, USA) legal headquarters is in Amsterdam: SOM 2 Bld., Floor 2, Claude Debusseylaan 15, 1082 MC Amsterdam,The Netherlands Tel +31 (0)20 79 77 200
Fax +31 (0)20 79 77 201 (owned by Telenor, Altimo (Alfga Group) and minority shareholders)  Mikail Fridman, 3rd wealthiest man in Russia appears to control the group.

Domain Registration (iraq-war.ru - anti US pro-insurgency Russian Support website, located in Moscow)
domain:     IRAQ-WAR.RU, nserver:    ns1.iraq-war.ru., nserver:    ns2.iraq-war.ru., state:      REGISTERED, DELEGATED, VERIFIED, org:        Fund "Mirror of the world",    phone:      +7 916 9047404, e-mail:    
hexen@mirror-world.ru, e-mail:     kbill@bk.ru,  registrar:  RUCENTER-REG-RIPN, created:    2004.07.08, paid-till:  2011.07.08
1/12/2010 unknown


Raging Terrorism Facebook
page of obsessions/adorations
pro AQ Khan Propaganda
and Hate Literature
for the West, America,
Israel. Actual cyber terrorism.

"Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan" Network - Promotional/Propaganda Site for those supporting Nuclear Terrorist AQ Khan for President or Hero of Pakistan. Reference: The AQ KHAN NETWORK.

Dr. Abdul Qadeer KhanWARNING: This Facebook page is a manifestation of the InterService Intelligence Agency (ISI) of Pakistan staffed by a trainee. The same warnings apply as to the dangers of confronting this military intelligence agency. Individuals on this page are potentially dangerous, may attack you without provocation, and have alleged desire for their 'Islam' to rule the world, murder all infidels, and claim judeo/christian/hindu society must be eradicated.

ALLEGED LOCATION: Khan Research Laboratories, Rawalpindi Cantonment, Pakistan, 50000  Local Phone: (051) 926 8140
Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan
HOSTED ON: Facebook.com  (165,000 fans)

STATUS: LIVE as of 08/23/2010

Page Registered by 'Fan' of Khan.  The  Khan sympathetic individuals posting on this site believe India is at war with them, and that they are at war with the USA and with Jews, Hindus and Christians, and that Khan is the greatest living Pakistani patriot.

08/01/2010 unknown

Al Shabaab Website, largely focusing on Ugandan and Somali Violence, and
original Al Qaeda propaganda,
misinformation, truth distortion, Recruitment and Training coordination and communications
Al Shabaab"The Al Qimmah Islamic Network" / "Ku soo Dhawoow Golaha Islaamiga ah ee Alqimmah" "The forum is the first Somali forum which it is aim goal is to support the Islam and its people."  Al Shabaab, a Somali centered splinter/emulator of Al Qaeda, has become a severely violent and well funded Terrorist Group. This is their central website.  A 2008 site Kataaib.net was shut down by US Court Order and the efforts of Bill Warner, a Private Investigator from Florida.

WARNING: This Facebook page is a manifestation of the InterService Intelligence Agency (ISI) of Pakistan staffed by Somalians affiliated with Al-Shabaab.  A.S. has taken to recruiting from US, UK and other lands, gullible, vulnerable young muslims and importing them into Somalia or Uganda to perform suicide bombings.. The same warnings apply as to the dangers of confronting this military intelligence agency. Individuals on this page are potentially dangerous, may attack you without provocation, and have alleged desire for their 'Islam' to rule the world, murder all infidels, and claim judeo/christian/hindu society must be eradicated.

ALLEGED LOCATION: Mogadishu, Somalia  
ACTUAL PHYSICAL LOCATION:  Beckombergavagen, Sweden  (peter@scorpiondata.com)

AlQimmah.net ORIGINAL  |  AlQimmah.net ENGLISH

HOSTED ON: Scorpion Data, Peter Hjalmar Bredlov, Peter Bredlove, Tel +46.08876493, Beckombergavagen 123, Bromma, -- 16856, Sweden, subhosting on DCS.net (Black Internet AB, c/o Isengaard Ekonomi AB
Bromma Flygplats Grind B 168 67 Bromma tel: 08-5250 74 00 fax: 08-5250 74 01)

MAIN HOSTING WEB: http://www.scorpiondata.com   http://www.scorpionshops.com

STATUS: LIVE as of 08/23/2010

Domain Registrant: purports to be-- Ralf Waldman (ralf.waldman@hotmail.com), tel: +46.762068856, Fax: +46.0, Kristineh?jdsgatan 9A, Box 1031, Gothenburg, SW 41282,SE

08-15-2009 unknown


Ansar Al Sunna Front:

----* (alboraq.info)

~leeflash /

Al Qaeda of Iraq website
Active involvement in terror
attacks on US and Iraqi
civilians and military,
misinformation, truth distortion, recruitment, propaganda and training.

Flag of al-Qaeda in Iraq.svg"Al Boraq/IAI SITE - The Islamic Army in Iraq (Al Qaeda of Iraq)".  This network of forum, army coordination and false media sites continues to coordinate the Al Qaeda fight against Iraqi Security Forces and Iraqi Civilians and attacks the American Forces presently providing advisory services only to the Iraqi Government. It is organizing suicide bombings, shelling, rocket attacks, IEDs and ambushes of Iraqi Civilians, Iraq's Security Forces and American civilian contractors and security forces in Iraq.  It is also organizing attacks on Kurdish and Iraqi Oil Fields, and the Police in Iraq. This is a well funded group, well organized and fiscally backed extensively by Sunni Charities and wealthy oil shieks and international Oil Industry ownership hoping to weaken Iraq's government and US security forces so as to sneak in and steal the oil in Iraq.

Description of the logo of the Ansar al-SunnaWARNING: This network of web pages is, in part, a manifestation of the InterService Intelligence Agency (ISI) of Pakistan staffed by Iraqi based personnel affiliated with Al Qaeda of Pakistan and Afghanistan, lead by  Ansar Al Sunna political/religious clerics and their often misquoting of the Quran and violent, poison laden islamist rhetoric.  A.Q. has taken to recruiting from US, UK and other lands, gullible, vulnerable young Muslims and importing them into Iraq to perform suicide bombings.. The same warnings apply as to the dangers of confronting this military intelligence agency. Individuals on this page are potentially dangerous, may attack you without provocation, and have alleged desire for their 'Islam' to rule the world, murder all infidels, and claim judeo/christian/hindu society must be eradicated.

This SECTION is devoted to all the Al Buraq Network related front sites


PHYSICAL LOCATION: Rehbrucke, Germany

OriginalAlBoraqDOTInfo.pdf)   Translation- (TranslatedAlBoraqDOTInfo.pdf)
08-25-2010 unknown
  HOSTED ON:  POWERWEB of GERMANY, PHADE Software, Inh. Dipl.-Inform. Frank Gadegast, Schinkelstr. 17, 14558 Nuthetal OT Rehbrücke, GERMANY    [fon : +49 33200 52920 | fax : +49 33200 52921 | email: info@powerweb.de]


STATUS: LIVE as of 08/23/2010

Domain Registrant= Name: Rubalier, Street Address: Calle Argelia, 54,  City: Malabo, Country: GQ (Equatorial Guinea), Phone: +240.111, Email:



HOSTED ON: Vital Datacenter |
www.vital.net.tr  Nilüfer Ticaret Merkezi 633. Sok. No:13/3 Telefon: 0224 443 60 60 (Pbx) Faks: 0 224 443 60 61
DOMAIN OPERATOR: Dr. Ibrahim Al-Shammari   -- See "Anti-Imperialist Video" (Terrorist Video on You Tube) by this IAI spokesperson: 

Name: firas alani, Address 1: qatar, Address 2: doha, City: Qatar, State: Doha, Zip: 132312, Country: QA, Phone: +974.96865434324  Email: money_detailsiai@yahoo.com



HOSTED ON:  Vital Datacenter |
www.vital.net.tr  Nilüfer Ticaret Merkezi 633. Sok. No:13/3 Telefon: 0224 443 60 60 (Pbx) Faks: 0 224 443 60 61

DOMAIN REGISTRANT: Name: firas alani, Address 1: qatar, Address 2: doha, City: Qatar, State: Doha, Zip: 132312, Country: QA, Phone: +974.96865434324  Email:



HOSTED ON: Vital Datacenter |
www.vital.net.tr  Nilüfer Ticaret Merkezi 633. Sok. No:13/3 Telefon: 0224 443 60 60 (Pbx) Faks: 0 224 443 60 61

DOMAIN REGISTRANT: mohhamed namet (@yahoo.com), +224.3242342342 . Fax: , baghdad iraq, baghdad, 34243242, IQ



HOSTED ON: Vital Datacenter |
www.vital.net.tr  Nilüfer Ticaret Merkezi 633. Sok. No:13/3 Telefon: 0224 443 60 60 (Pbx) Faks: 0 224 443 60 61

DOMAIN REGISTRANT: Registrant Contact Information: Name: ali sultan, Organization: kabous, Address 1: oman muscat, City: muscat
State: quram, Zip: 118, Country: OM,Phone: +968.5217785, Fax: +968.96424, Email: @yahoo.com

ENGLISH VERSION: http://www.rjfront.info/english


HOSTED ON: Vital Datacenter |
www.vital.net.tr  Nilüfer Ticaret Merkezi 633. Sok. No:13/3 Telefon: 0224 443 60 60 (Pbx) Faks: 0 224 443 60 61

DOMAIN REGISTRANT: Name: firas alani, Address 1: qatar, Address 2: doha, City: Qatar, State: Doha, Zip: 132312, Country: QA, Phone: +974.96865434324  Email: money_detailsiai@yahoo.com

Jemaet Ansar Al Sunnah

ACTUAL LOCATION: Lansing, Michigan (Richmond UK Company)

HOSTED ON:  KacMac Network, 4 Barker Close, Richmond TW9 4ET, United Kingdom,  Tel: +44 800 098 8819  Fax: +44 203 318 0187

DOMAIN REGISTRANT: Privacy Protected by PrivacyProtect.org

Palestinian Arab Ntdiat Creativity Forums - HAMAS/Palestinian-backed Arabic Jihad in Iraq site with games for children


ALLEGED LOCATION: IRAQ, Palestinian Territories (HAMAS backed anti-American Jihad and Military Organization in Iraq)
ACTUAL LOCATION: London UK Company, Paris, France location.

HOSTED ON:   OVH Ltd,  Unit K403, 100 Clements road, SE16 4DG London  UK

DOMAIN REGISTRANT: Privacy Protected by Godaddy

Site of the Islamic Community Front (Army Mustafa, the Mujahideen Army in Iraq, the army of Saad bin Abi Waqas, battalions and brigades enrolled with them Jihadists) in Iraq (verified 09/11/2010)


ALLEGED LOCATION: IRAQ, Palestinian Territories (HAMAS backed anti-American Jihad and Military Organization in Iraq)
ACTUAL LOCATION: London UK Company, Paris, France location.

HOSTED ON:   Palmhost.ca,  PalmHost, P.O. Box 75104, 216 Stewart Green, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T3H 3M1, Phone:1-888-682-2603

DOMAIN REGISTRANT:   isjairq, hafeth hameed (), syria, syria, damascus, damas 00963,  SY, yh9118@gmail.com

Http://www.tamkeen.iraqserve.com/    IMPAIRED!
Empowerment Network Jihadist: the Network of Islamic Jihad
Click here to view the site

ACTUAL LOCATION: Lansing, Michigan (Richmond UK Company)

HOSTED ON:  KacMac Network, 4 Barker Close, Richmond TW9 4ET, United Kingdom,  Tel: +44 800 098 8819  Fax: +44 203 318 0187

DOMAIN REGISTRANT: Privacy Protected by PrivacyProtect.org of India (Directi)


Pioneers Excellency - a Jihadist Website affiliated with the IAI
Click here to view the site

ACTUAL LOCATION: Royal Duchy of Montabaur

HOSTED ON: 1and1 Hosting Company. (onlinehome-server.info) a division of United INternet

United Internet AG, Elgendorfer Straße 57, D-56410 Montabaur, Phone: +49 2602 / 96 - 1100, Fax: +49 2602 / 96 - 1013
E-Mail: info@united-internet.com  (Montabaur is a tiny Duchy near Frankfurt am Main, Germany.)

DOMAIN REGISTRANT: fname:             Rafat Katta,, german syrian internet business center, Huda Alsharawi Steet,  Aleppo, 16019,  SYRIA, phone: +963-21-2121778, fax:               +963-21-2121778,  rafatkatta@gsibc.net

English Translation (Google): READ IT NOW
Official Website of the 20 Revolution Brigades (Training, False News and Recruitment Websites)
Click here to view the site


HOSTED ON: VPSLAND.com, LLC. 227 Sandy Springs Place Suite D-131, Atlanta, GA 30328 USA

shadi faisal, ramadan str. 10, baqdad,  31258, Iraq

Network of the 'Final Say', of Islamic Jihad
Propaganda, training and recruitment website for a phalanx of the Islamic Army of Iraq.
Click here to view the site

ACTUAL LOCATION: Los Angeles, California

WebIntellects, 2420 Grand Ave, Ste G-2, Vista, CA 92081 US
(Colocated on  AIS Datacenters, One Wilshire Data Center (OWB), 624 South Grand Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90017)

shadi faisal, ramadan str. 10, baqdad,  31258, Iraq

The Official Website of the Political Council of Iraqi Resistance
Click here to view the site


HOSTED ON: Vital Datacenter |
www.vital.net.tr  Nilüfer Ticaret Merkezi 633. Sok. No:13/3 Telefon: 0224 443 60 60 (Pbx) Faks: 0 224 443 60 61

    Name: "Mick Bush" (pseudonym), Iraq, Baghdad, Azamya, Baghdad, Baghdad, 00964, IQ
    Phone: +964.792354785     Email:

The Islamic Resistance Movement HAMAS of Iraq
Al Fatih Al Islamy Brigades * Note that inspite of the alliance with the IAI, this group is IRANIAN INTELLIGENCE (QODS) Trained and Backed.
ACTUAL LOCATION: Royal Duchy of Montabaur

HOSTED ON: 1and1 Hosting Company. (onlinehome-server.info) a division of United INternet

United Internet AG, Elgendorfer Straße 57, D-56410 Montabaur, Phone: +49 2602 / 96 - 1100, Fax: +49 2602 / 96 - 1013
E-Mail: info@united-internet.com  (Montabaur is a tiny Duchy near Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

DOMAIN REGISTRANT: fname:             Rafat Katta,, german syrian internet business center, Huda Alsharawi Steet,  Aleppo, 16019,  SYRIA, phone: +963-21-2121778, fax:               +963-21-2121778,  rafatkatta@gsibc.net

Iraqi Resistance Front site (New: being researched) run by the Iraqi League
iraqi-refugees.org  False Flag Propaganda site run by the Iraqi League
missing-iraqis.org   False Flag Propaganda site run by the Iraqi League


fundamentalist recruiting,
training, terror activity,
misinformation, fact and
news distortion, atrocity
committing, military
terrorism, and other.

File:Flag of Hamas.svg"Ezzedeen Al-Qassam Brigades" - "The Official Site of the Militant Wing of HAMAS" .  HAMAS is a violent mass murdering racist terrorist organization based in Syria and the Palestinian Territories dedicated to the destruction, murder and holocaust against the Jewish State of Israel, created and backed by a wing of the Iranian Military Intelligence Services.  Over the course of history it has committed several thousand suicide bombings against Israel prior to the construction of the Security Wall. It is known for its violence and use of fundamentalist seduction coupled with the giving of tithes to family of those whom it recruits to engage in mass murder.  It is extremely violent, highly prone to unreasoning mass murder, and extremely distortive of fact and news. It is highly organized through constant grants of hundreds of millions of dollars from the Government of Iran. It has recently worked in cooperation with Al Qaeda by lending recruits (e.g. Dr. Hassan, Fort Hood shooting) to Al Qaeda for the purposes of engaging in mass murder inside Continental USA.
PARTIAL LIST OF HAMAS TERRORISM SINCE 2004: A .PDF giving a partial listing of incidents HAMAS Terrorism from the United States' Worldwide Incidents Tracking System can be found here: Partial list of HAMAS Terrorism Incidents since 2004.
(The National Counterterrorism Center's database is fractional, only goes back as far as 2004, and does not go back in time far enough but does supply a characteristic view of 651 terrorism incidents involving HAMAS.)

WARNING: This Web page is a manifestation of the QODS, the Iranian Intelligence Service whose primary purpose is to recruit and train Islamist Fundamentalist Terrorists for external operations against Israel, staffed by Palestinians and others affiliated with Hamas.  Hamas has taken to recruiting from US, UK and other lands, gullible, vulnerable young Muslims and importing them into Israel to perform suicide bombings or into the West Bank to fire rockets on Israel, or the Gaza to attack Egyptian security forces.. The same warnings apply as to the dangers of confronting this military intelligence agency. Individuals on this page are potentially dangerous, may attack you without provocation, and have alleged desire for their 'Islam' to rule the world, murder all infidels, and claim judeo/christian/hindu society must be eradicated.

SPECIAL NOTE: HAMAS has indicated a desire to push all Jews in Israel in the sea, and likewise to all nations with Jews in them throughout the world, as well as Christians and other non-Muslims.  When Israel was forced to enter the Palestinian Territories in 1984 to halt ongoing terrorist attacks on Jerusalem and other parts of Israel, Hamas changed its strategy of unprovoked suicide and ied bombings and ambushes, across the border into Israel, it started to claim "resistance to the occupation" leveraging Islamic codes to respond to Israel's attempts to quell further attacks on its nation by Iranian/Syrian Terrorists by imposing security on the Palestinian corridors and inspecting and confiscating weapons and explosives, and arresting known armed terrorists and bombers.  Israel's much criticized bulldozing of Palestinian homes of suicide bombers after they kill a half a dozen to several hundred Israeli civilians or tourists with a suicide bombing has come under extraordinary criticism from the very left wing political elements of the world who appear to blind themselves to the mass murder committed by the occupant of said homes.  Such bulldozing is an extremely light response to the mass murder of several dozens Israeli civilians. In response to the bombings, more radical Israeli settlers have intentionally settled some of the territory Israel allowed Jordanian refugees (who became the Palestinians in the 70's) to live on. This has created further conflict. Israel has stated that the political goals of HAMAS are inconsistent with its demagoguery and the thousands of violent mass murders and ambushes over decades, and 20,000 unprovoked Rocket Attacks on Israel over the course of six months two years back.

Hamas, headquartered in Lebanon, whose origins are Syria and Iran, has consistently lied about property rights to Israel's territory in an effort to continue to oppose the original UN Charter under which Israel was organized by several million Jewish Refugees offered a place to live after the Nazi Holocaust in 1947, in what became the State of Israel.  It is believed that oil industry/banking industry interests among the very wealthiest family in the US who had backed Adolph Hitler and who ally with Iran, are financially behind the ongoing effort to extinguish the very existence of the Jews and destroy the Jewish State and have supplied hundreds of millions to the Nation of Iran to back HAMAS and its peer Iranian backed Terror organization, Hez'Ballah, as well as various splinter groups.  Early on Iran had supported a NAZI, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, as had Adolph Hitler, who, as it turns out, was Yassir Arafat's biological uncle, the PLO headed by Arafat which started the migration of Jordanian Refugees into Israel many decades back.  The incredible facts of the constant ongoing attack on the Jews of Europe who escaped into Israel, the US and UK have never been fully explained to the Public.

ALLEGED LOCATION: Damascus, Syria; West Bank, Israel; Gaza Strip, Israel  

SAMPLE SITE PAGE: visit website 

HOSTED ON: National Computer Systems, Khalid Alhalwan (ID00003212), P.O Box 540, Riyadh, Riyadh, Riyadh 11372, Saudi Arabia   Phone: +966.966920000522  Email: @nashirnet.net

http://www.nashirnet.net ; http://www.nashirnet.com

STATUS: LIVE as of 08/25/2010

Domain Registrant: Mohammad Der Albalh, care of Maktab, El Wheda St., El Amal Bldg, Gaza.  tel:972-599-00000


Secondary Site:

Domain Registrant: ehab ahmed, gaza, palestine  tel: 972-08
Hosted on Shabaka.net (in Saudi Arabia) - a palestinian hosting company
Jihadi Web sites belonging to the Brigades of the Martyr Izz el-Deen al-Qassam military wing of Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) in Palestine

10-14-2007 unknown

broadcast terror propaganda,
public manipulation, fact distortion, news distortion and false news, falsified stories, vilification of non-muslim peoples, racism, promotion of terrorist agenda, recruitment, training, communications and coordination.
File:Flag of Hamas.svgAl Manar TV  - "The Official Broadcast/Internet Television Station of Ezzedeen Al-Qassam Brigades (HAMAS)". HAMAS is a violent mass murdering racist terrorist organization based in Syria and the Palestinian Territories dedicated to the destruction, murder and holocaust against the Jewish State of Israel, created and backed by a wing of the Iranian Military Intelligence Services.  Over the course of history it has committed several thousand suicide bombings against Israel prior to the construction of the Security Wall. It is known for its violence and use of fundamentalist seduction coupled with the giving of tithes to family of those whom it recruits to engage in mass murder.  It is extremely violent, highly prone to unreasoning mass murder, and extremely distortive of fact and news. It is highly organized through constant grants of hundreds of millions of dollars from the Government of Iran. It has recently worked in cooperation with Al Qaeda by lending recruits (e.g. Dr. Hassan, Fort Hood shooting) to Al Qaeda for the purposes of engaging in mass murder inside Continental USA.

PARTIAL LIST OF HAMAS TERRORISM SINCE 2004: A .PDF giving a partial listing of incidents HAMAS Terrorism from the United States' Worldwide Incidents Tracking System can be found here:
Partial list of HAMAS Terrorism Incidents since 2004.
(The National Counterterrorism Center's database is fractional, only goes back as far as 2004, and does not go back in time far enough but does supply a characteristic view of 651 terrorism incidents involving HAMAS.)

WARNING: This Web page is a manifestation of the QODS, the Iranian Intelligence Service whose primary purpose is to recruit and train Islamist Fundamentalist Terrorists for external operations against Israel, staffed by Palestinians and others affiliated with Hamas.  Hamas has taken to recruiting from US, UK and other lands, gullible, vulnerable young muslims and importing them into Israel to perform suicide bombings or into the West Bank to fire rockets on Israel, or the Gaza to attack Egyptian security forces.. The same warnings apply as to the dangers of confronting this military intelligence agency. Individuals on this page are potentially dangerous, may attack you without provocation, and have alleged desire for their 'Islam' to rule the world, murder all infidels, and claim judeo/christian/hindu society must be eradicated.

SPECIAL NOTE: HAMAS has indicated a desire to push all Jews in Israel in the sea, and likewise to all nations with Jews in them throughout the world, as well as Christians and other non-Muslims.  When Israel was forced to enter the Palestinian Territories in 1984 to halt ongoing terrorist attacks on Jerusalem and other parts of Israel, Hamas changed its strategy of unprovoked suicide and ied bombings and ambushes, across the border into Israel, it started to claim "resistance to the occupation" leveraging Islamic codes to respond to Israel's attempts to quell further attacks on its nation by Iranian/Syrian Terrorists by imposing security on the Palestinian corridors and inspecting and confiscating weapons and explosives, and arresting known armed terrorists and bombers.  Israel's much criticized bulldozing of Palestinian homes of suicide bombers after they kill a half a dozen to several hundred Israeli civilians or tourists with a suicide bombing has come under extraordinary criticism from the very left wing political elements of the world who appear to blind themselves to the mass murder committed by the occupant of said homes.  Such bulldozing is an extremely light response to the mass murder of several dozens Israeli civilians. In response to the bombings, more radical Israeli settlers have intentionally settled some of the territory Israel allowed Jordanian refugees (who became the Palestinians in the 70's) to live on. This has created further conflict. Israel has stated that the political goals of HAMAS are inconsistent with its demagoguery and the thousands of violent mass murders and ambushes over decades, and 20,000 unprovoked Rocket Attacks on Israel over the course of six months two years back.

Hamas, headquartered in Lebanon, whose origins are Syria and Iran, has consistently lied about property rights to Israel's territory in an effort to continue to oppose the original UN Charter under which Israel was organized by several million Jewish Refugees offered a place to live after the Nazi Holocaust in 1947, in what became the State of Israel.  It is believed that oil industry/banking industry interests among the very wealthiest family in the US who had backed Adolph Hitler and who ally with Iran, are financially behind the ongoing effort to extinguish the very existence of the Jews and destroy the Jewish State and have supplied hundreds of millions to the Nation of Iran to back HAMAS and its peer Iranian backed Terror organization, Hez'Ballah, as well as various splinter groups.  Early on Iran had supported a NAZI, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, as had Adolph Hitler, who, as it turns out, was Yassir Arafat's biological uncle, the PLO headed by Arafat which started the migration of Jordanian Refugees into Israel many decades back.  The incredible facts of the constant ongoing attack on the Jews of Europe who escaped into Israel, the US and UK have never been fully explained to the Public.

ALLEGED LOCATION: Beirut, Syria; West Bank, Israel; Gaza Strip, Israel  

SAMPLE SITE PAGE: visit website 

HOSTED ON: SERVERNAP.NET, Gigenet.com, Ecomdevel, LLC,    ECOMD,  545 E. Algonquin Rd, Suite D, Arlington Heights, IL     60005   US
RegDate:        2004-03-10
Updated:        2010-07-09
MAIN HOSTING WEB:        http://www.coloquest.com

STATUS: LIVE as of 08/25/2010

Domain Registrant: Mohammad Der Albalh, care of Maktab, El Wheda St., El Amal Bldg, Gaza.  tel:972-599-00000
(This registrant is presumed, as the domain has been registered in the name of the Colocation Company, Gigenet.com)

1/11/2009  unknown 

propaganda, fact distortion,
terrorism, cyberwarfare,
political manipulation,
stealth terrorism,
racism, religious hate,
violence, news distortion
South Africa
Al Aqsa Foundation Website"Al Aqsa Foundation (of South Africa)"  A surviving website of the Al Aqsa Foundation, who due to violent terror has been designated a 'Specially designated Foreign Terrorist Organization' and its assets and other overt websites and bank accounts seized under EO 13224.  Not to be confused with the Al Aqsa Martyr's Brigade, the alleged militant arm of the Fatah of Yassir Arafat, which draws its name from the Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem.

The al-Aqsa Foundation is an international charity with close ties to the Palestinian militant organization Hamas. The head office of the foundation was located in Germany until it was closed by the German authorities in July 2002. The organisation is known to have local branch offices in the Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium, Sweden, Pakistan, South Africa, Yemen and elsewhere.

The al-Aqsa Foundation has been described by the United States as a "critical part of Hamas' transnational terrorist support infrastructure" and has said that it "uses humanitarian relief as cover to provide support to the Hamas terrorist organization"[1]. Hamas is designated by the U.S. Secretary of State as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (66 Fed. Reg. 51088) and as Specially Designated Global Terrorist (SDGT) under Executive Order 13224, "Blocking Property and Prohibiting Transactions with Persons Who commit, Threaten to Commit, or Support Terrorism." According the U.S., Hamas is known to raise at least tens of millions of dollars per year throughout the world using charitable fundraising as cover[1].

In May 2003 the al-Aqsa Foundation was designated by the United States Department of the Treasury as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist (SDGT) entity under Executive Order 13224[1]. As a result of this designation, all assets of the al-Aqsa Foundation are blocked and transactions with the organization are illegal. Other nations, including the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, the United Kingdom, Luxembourg and Switzerland, have also taken action against the al-Aqsa Foundation[1].

HAMAS is a violent mass murdering racist terrorist organization based in Syria and the Palestinian Territories dedicated to the destruction, murder and holocaust against the Jewish State of Israel, created and backed by a wing of the Iranian Military Intelligence Services.  Over the course of history it has committed several thousand suicide bombings against Israel prior to the construction of the Security Wall. It is known for its violence and use of fundamentalist seduction coupled with the giving of tithes to family of those whom it recruits to engage in mass murder.  It is extremely violent, highly prone to unreasoning mass murder, and extremely distortive of fact and news. It is highly organized through constant grants of hundreds of millions of dollars from the Government of Iran. It has recently worked in cooperation with Al Qaeda by lending recruits (e.g. Dr. Hassan, Fort Hood shooting) to Al Qaeda for the purposes of engaging in mass murder inside Continental USA.

PARTIAL LIST OF HAMAS TERRORISM SINCE 2004: A .PDF giving a partial listing of incidents HAMAS Terrorism from the United States' Worldwide Incidents Tracking System can be found here:
Partial list of HAMAS Terrorism Incidents since 2004.
(The National Counterterrorism Center's database is fractional, only goes back as far as 2004, and does not go back in time far enough but does supply a characteristic view of 651 terrorism incidents involving HAMAS.)

WARNING: This Web page is a manifestation of the QODS, the Iranian Intelligence Service whose primary purpose is to recruit and train Islamist Fundamentalist Terrorists for external operations against Israel, staffed by Palestinians and others affiliated with Hamas.  Hamas has taken to recruiting from US, UK and other lands, gullible, vulnerable young muslims and importing them into Israel to perform suicide bombings or into the West Bank to fire rockets on Israel, or the Gaza to attack Egyptian security forces.. The same warnings apply as to the dangers of confronting this military intelligence agency. Individuals on this page are potentially dangerous, may attack you without provocation, and have alleged desire for their 'Islam' to rule the world, murder all infidels, and claim judeo/christian/hindu society must be eradicated.

SPECIAL NOTE: HAMAS has indicated a desire to push all Jews in Israel in the sea, and likewise to all nations with Jews in them throughout the world, as well as Christians and other non-Muslims.  When Israel was forced to enter the Palestinian Territories in 1984 to halt ongoing terrorist attacks on Jerusalem and other parts of Israel, Hamas changed its strategy of unprovoked suicide and ied bombings and ambushes, across the border into Israel, it started to claim "resistance to the occupation" leveraging Islamic codes to respond to Israel's attempts to quell further attacks on its nation by Iranian/Syrian Terrorists by imposing security on the Palestinian corridors and inspecting and confiscating weapons and explosives, and arresting known armed terrorists and bombers.  Israel's much criticized bulldozing of Palestinian homes of suicide bombers after they kill a half a dozen to several hundred Israeli civilians or tourists with a suicide bombing has come under extraordinary criticism from the very left wing political elements of the world who appear to blind themselves to the mass murder committed by the occupant of said homes.  Such bulldozing is an extremely light response to the mass murder of several dozens Israeli civilians. In response to the bombings, more radical Israeli settlers have intentionally settled some of the territory Israel allowed Jordanian refugees (who became the Palestinians in the 70's) to live on. This has created further conflict. Israel has stated that the political goals of HAMAS are inconsistent with its demagoguery and the thousands of violent mass murders and ambushes over decades, and 20,000 unprovoked Rocket Attacks on Israel over the course of six months two years back. Hamas, whose origins are Syria and Iran, has consistently lied about property rights to Israel's territory in an effort to continue to oppose the original UN Charter under which Israel was organized by several million Jewish Refugees offered a place to live after the Nazi Holocaust in 1947, in what became the State of Israel.  It is believed that oil industry/banking industry interests among the very wealthiest family in the US who had backed Adolph Hitler and who ally with Iran, are financially behind the ongoing effort to extinguish the very existence of the Jews and destroy the Jewish State and have supplied hundreds of millions to the Nation of Iran to back HAMAS and its peer Iranian backed Terror organization, Hez'Ballah, as well as various splinter groups.  Early on Iran had supported a NAZI, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, as had Adolph Hitler, who, as it turns out, was Yassir Arafat's biological uncle, the PLO headed by Arafat which started the migration of Jordanian Refugees into Israel many decades back.  The incredible facts of the constant ongoing attack on the Jews of Europe who escaped into Israel, the US and UK have never been fully explained to the Public.

ALLEGED LOCATION: Johannesburg, South Africa, Beirut, Syria; West Bank, Israel; Gaza Strip, Israel  
ACTUAL PHYSICAL LOCATION:  Durbanville, South Africa

SAMPLE SITE PAGE: visit website 

HOSTED ON: Hetzner (Pty) Ltd , Registration no: 2005/023926/07 , VAT no: 4630185538
Physical Address: Frazzitta Business Park, Suite 30, Cnr. Batis Road and Langeberg Street, Durbanville, 7550 South Africa
Tel: +27 21 970 2000  Fax: +27 21 970 2001
MAIN HOSTING WEB:        http://www.hetzner.co.za

STATUS: LIVE as of 08/25/2010

Domain Registrant: Mohammad Der Albalh, care of Maktab, El Wheda St., El Amal Bldg, Gaza.  tel:972-599-00000
(This registrant is presumed, as the domain has been registered in the name of the Colocation Company, Hetzner.co.ca - roll)

AL AQSA Foundation False Media Outlets
Al Aqsa maintains a series of false front media outlets on the web, masquerading as 'Vermonters', 'International Media' and so on:

http://www.vtjp.org : Vermonters for a Just Peace in Palestine-Israel.  This false front purports to be a Vermont group with Jewish ties.  It is simply a phony website promoting Al Aqsa vehemence and venom. Antisemitic and Antiisraeli, it is intended to confuse the reader into thinking it is from the state of Vermont. This appears to be a false front.

MAILING LOCATION: VTJP, c/o Peace & Justice Center, 21 Church St., Burlington, VT 05401 (mail forwarding front)
http://www.pjcvt.org/what-we-do/peace-justice-store/ The Peace and Justice Store which sells memorabilia from the antiwar movements of the 70's, maple syrup, decorative toys, etc.  It appears to be a politically active storefront for the American Communist Party.  The VTJP is registered for 'Politically Active Mail Forwarding' at the Store for organizations "who want to have a safe place for their mail to be delivered to!" states the manager.   The store disclaimed any involvement in "Vermonters for a Just Peace in Palestine-Israel" with whom they have only had an 'email contact' and periodic wiring of funds to pay for the service, which are treated as 'donations'. He was not allowed to release the forwarding address to our investigator "privacy policy!"  Sample goods sold at the store:

Ultimate DiscTin and Wire Musicians


2. http://www.imemc.org/index.php  INTERNATIONAL MIDDLE EAST MEDIA CENTER is the primary Al Aqsa Foundation media manipulation outlet.  Filled with fact distortive or entirely fake news stories attacking Israel, and supporting Al Aqsa Foundation activities, this vast media website is a prolific exercise in falsehood, fakery and buffoonery.  85% of its stories appear based on either contrived stories or completely misstated allegations or plain defamation.  15% of its stories were unable to be identified at all. IMEC was purported to have been founded by the Palestinian Centre for Rapprochement between People in 2003. (www.pcr.ps). The content on this site is venomous, inaccurate, and media manipulative, filled with hate, misrepresentations and deception.


3. http://www.pcr.ps   The Popular Resistance Front in Palestine - The Al Aqsa Foundation's Principal Fund Raising website, it engages foreign financial sources seeking capital to fund Al Aqsa's ongoing terror war against Israel. It also maintains its own militant 'task teams' which behind the scenes engage in political assassinations and suicide bombings.


4. http://www.palestinecampaign.org/index.asp - Palestinian Solidarity Campaign - Sister site to the PCR.ps in the United Kingdom, it falsely misrepresents statements never made by Nelson Mandela and never made by Desmond Tutu, made up statements suggesting that the checkpoints instituted by Israel along borders to stop suicide bombers from entering Israel but allowing Palestinians to travel to and from their jobs (most Palestinians are employed by Israeli businesses) the Al Aqsa Foundation fantasizes: "at checkpoints and roadblocks, suffering like us when young white police officers prevented us from moving about". Israel's imposition of a Security Fence between Israel and the Palestinian Territories, and use of checkpoints, has all but halted terrorist suicide bombings inside of Israel which used to occur at the rate of five to ten per week, killing hundreds of Israelis and tourists each month.  In response, Al Aqsa terrorists have buried tunnels under the fences and checkpoints and assassinated border guards and taken them hostage, in collaboration with HAMAS terrorists. A recent such abduction has created an international furor with everyone demanding return of the border guard abducted, including the Foreign Office of the UK.


5. http://www.sirajcenter.org  Al Aqsa Foundation's Travel Agency whose website begins: "The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has ensued for sixty years, while Israel's forty year occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip is the longest in modern history. Travel to Palestine and Israel, and learn how fair trade cooperatives are restoring hope and providing economic alternatives to a population under occupation. Harvest olives with Fair Trade farmers, use organic farming practices, witness the community building strengths of Fair Trade cooperatives, and cultivate a greater appreciation of Palestinian traditions, food and people." Al Aqsa Foundationers share HAMAS's publically stated interest in destroying the Nation of Israel and pushing the Jews 'into the Mediterranean'.  It should be noted that the Palestinians do not originate in the West Bank or the Gaza Strip, but were the Arabs who inhabited central Jordan who Tel Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia) led in the 1920s in an uprising against the occupying Turks in Jordan. Having no where to live after being expelled from Jordan by King Abdullah, in the 50's, for siding with the British against Islamic Turkey, Israel allowed the Palestinians to settle in the West Bank (and later the Gaza) in the 70's and after. In the 70's, the Palestinians decided that the West Bank and Gaza 'belonged to them' and have falsely claimed the territories were "originally ours", a falsehood that has continued to be perpetrated by the various terrorist groups in the West Bank and Gaza territories for 40 years.


6. http://www.WilliamBowles.info  is a PRO TERRORISM, ANTI-ISRAELI, ANTI-US, ANTI-IMPERIALIST, PRO-WELFARE STATE  "Pseudo News" outlet hosted on Virgin.net. that also appears to host a Resistance Movement against attacks on 'the Welfare State' in UK. It is  registered to :    Name: William Bowles     Organization: William Bowles,     Address 1: 29 Ufford Street,     City: London,     State: London,     Zip: SE18QD     Country: GB,     Phone: +44.2079281806,     Email: william.bowles@virgin.net .  The name appears to be a reference to the absent minded poet and critic William Lisle Bowles suggesting an academic affiliation with classical English education or a UK Academic Institution affiliation. Or perhaps it is the author's name, although that appears unlikely, the author appears to maintain complete anonymity, his Soho flat is not readily identifiable at 29 Ufford Street.   Hosted on Positive-Internet.com (The Positive Internet Company) in London. It appears to be a front for PRO-TERRORIST News, and rebroadcasting.  It has a Palestinian focus that is distinctly pro-Al Aqsa and pro-Hamas, and appears to be pro-Labor and possibly a front for the UK Communist Party.  It does not claim any affiliation.  Its pro-Al Aqsa/pro-Hamas area is found at: http://williambowles.info/isrl-pal/ and appears to be an Al Aqsa media distribution facilitator in UK.  Here is a picture of someone emerging from William Bowles residence/office, who had just exited his front door and was walking to his car when the Google Earth Street Level panorama film truck drove past.  His face and license plate are slightly blurred. His home (called a "flat" in UK parlance) is the last one on the left in the left center image. Click the following thumbnail for an enlargement. The rear entrance to his flat has an unassigned designation of "30 Ufford St" and houses the satellite office of a company "Myoho Films Ltd" (affiliated with Nigerian/British Born Actor Oris Erhuero) and appears to be at the same location as William Bowles and the William Bowles Political Commentary publication (williambowles.info). When the phone number is called, the voice on the answering machine sounds distinctly Chinese or Arabic and female, but the site's author is presently unknown.

"William Bowles"

29 Ufford St, Waterloo,
London Se18QD UK:
William Bowles caught accidentally on Google Street
(click to enlarge)

01/01/2005  unknown 

moqawama.org (Beirut)
fundamentalist recruiting,
training, terror activity,
misinformation, fact and
news distortion, atrocity
committing, military
terrorism, and other.

File:Flag of Hezbollah.svg"Moqawama Islamic Resistance" - "The Official Site of the Beirut Military Wing of Hez'Ballah" .  Hizbolla is a violent mass murdering racist terrorist organization based in Beirut, Lebanon and the Palestinian Territories dedicated to the destruction, murder and holocaust against the Jewish State of Israel, created and backed by a wing of the Iranian Military Intelligence Services.  Over the course of history it has committed hundreds of ambushes and suicide bombings against Israel prior to the construction of the Security Wall. It is known for its violence and use of fundamentalist training, of working closely with Pakistan in training terrorists for the ISI, and  for convert engagement in mass murder.  It is extremely violent, highly prone to unreasoning mass murder, and extremely distortive of fact and news. It is highly organized in Lebanon, the Palestinian Territories and Syria through constant grants of millions of dollars from the Government of Iran.

PARTIAL LIST OF HIZBALLAH TERRORISM SINCE 2004: A .PDF giving a partial listing of incidents HIZBALLAH Terrorism from the United States' Worldwide Incidents Tracking System can be found here:
Partial list of HIZBALLAH Terrorism Incidents since 2004.  (The National Counterterrorism Center's database is fractional, only goes back as far as 2004, and does not go back in time far enough but does supply a modestly characteristic view of 105 terrorism incidents involving HIZBALAH.)

WARNING: This Web page is a manifestation of the QODS, the Iranian Intelligence Service whose primary purpose is to recruit and train Islamist Fundamentalist Terrorists for external operations against Israel, staffed by Palestinians and others affiliated with Hez'ballah.  Hizbolla has taken to recruiting from US, UK and other lands, gullible, vulnerable young muslims and importing them into Israel to perform suicide bombings or into the West Bank to fire rockets on Israel, or the Gaza to attack Egyptian security forces.. The same warnings apply as to the dangers of confronting this military intelligence agency. Individuals on this page are potentially dangerous, may attack you without provocation, and have alleged desire for their 'Islam' to rule the world, murder all infidels, and claim judeo/christian/hindu society must be eradicated.

SPECIAL NOTE: Hez'bollah has indicated a desire to push all Jews in Israel in the sea, and likewise to all nations with Jews in them throughout the world, as well as Christians and other non-Muslims.  When Israel was forced to enter the Palestinian Territories in 1984 to halt ongoing terrorist attacks on Jerusalem and other parts of Israel, Hizbollah, like Hamas, changed its strategy of unprovoked suicide and ied bombings and ambushes, across the border into Israel, it started to claim "resistance to the occupation" leveraging Islamic codes to respond to Israel's attempts to quell further attacks on its nation by Iranian/Syrian Terrorists by imposing security on the Palestinian corridors and inspecting and confiscating weapons and explosives, and arresting known armed terrorists and bombers.  Israel's much criticized bulldozing of homes of suicide bombers after they kill a half a dozen to several hundred Israeli civilians with a suicide bombing has come under extraordinary criticism from the very left wing political elements of the world who appear to blind themselves to the mass murder committed by the occupant of said homes.  Such bulldozing is an extremely light response to the mass murder of several dozens Israeli civilians. In response to the bombings, more radical Israeli settlers have intentionally settled some of the territory Israel allowed Jordanian refugees (who became the Palestinians in the 70's) to live on. This has created further conflict. Israel has stated that the political goals of Hizbollah (as with HAMAS) are inconsistent with its demagoguery and the thousands of violent mass murders and ambushes over decades, and 20,000 unprovoked Rocket Attacks on Israel over the course of six months two years back. Hizbollah, whose origins are Lebanon and Iran, has consistently lied about property rights to Israel's territory in an effort to continue to oppose the original UN Charter under which Israel was organized by several million Jewish Refugees offered a place to live after the Nazi Holocaust in 1947, in what became the State of Israel.  It is believed that oil industry/banking industry interests among the very wealthiest family in the US who had backed Adolph Hitler and who ally with Iran, are financially behind the ongoing effort to extinguish the very existence of the Jews and destroy the Jewish State and have supplied hundreds of millions to the Nation of Iran to back Hizbollah and HAMAS and its peer Iranian backed Terror organizations as well as various splinter groups.  Early on Iran had supported a NAZI, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, as had Adolph Hitler, who, as it turns out, was Yassir Arafat's biological uncle, the PLO headed by Arafat which started the migration of Jordanian Refugees into Israel decades back.  The incredible facts of the constant ongoing attack on the Jews of Europe who escaped into Israel, the US and UK have never been fully explained to the Public.

ALLEGED LOCATION: Beirut, Lebanon; West Bank, Israel; Gaza Strip, Israel  
PHYSICAL LOC:  Riyadh, Saudi Arabia; and/or Damascus, Syria

SAMPLE SITE PAGES: visit website 
Moqawama.Org ORIGINAL  |  Moqawama.Org ENGLISH

HOSTED ON: Independent on: - CyberCity A/S, Telenor A/S, John Dahl Pedersen, Skelagervej 9, DK-9000 AALBORG, DENMARK  phone: +45 33 98 33 98 | fax-no: +45 33 98 30 86 (closed company, connection provider: Telenor)
Via:  Firas Ahmad, Tarassul Internet Service Provider, c/o Syrian Telecommunication Est, Damascus, Syria
phone: +963-11-3739748 | fax-no: +963-11-3739765 | e-mail:
feras.ahm@tarassul.sy (on unknown customer's equipment, using high speed DSL link).

MAIN HOSTING WEB: http://www.tarrasul.sy and http://www.cybercity.dk  (connection providers, unknown customer's equipment is connected to these services). Likely in an office in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, or Damascus, Syria.

STATUS: LIVE as of 08/25/2010

Domain Registrant:  Name: Cyberia s.a.l, Organization: Cyberia s.a.l, Address 1: Moucharafyiah, Address 2: Elabyad Street, City: Beirut, State: Beirut, Zip: 25-228, Country: LB, Phone: +1.9999999999, Fax: +1.009611555285, Email:

NOTE: Like many terrorist groups, "Hizbolla" has many English Language Spellings. We are trying to include as many variants as we can without distracting the text.

10-10-2009 unknown

fundamentalist recruiting,
training, terror activity,
misinformation, fact and
news distortion, atrocity
committing, military
terrorism, and other.
File:Flag of Hezbollah.svg"Moqavemat Islamic Movement" - "The Official Site of the Iranian Military Wing of Hez'Ballah" .  Hizbolla is a violent mass murdering racist terrorist organization based in Beirut, Lebanon and the Palestinian Territories dedicated to the destruction, murder and holocaust against the Jewish State of Israel, created and backed by a wing of the Iranian Military Intelligence Services.  Over the course of history it has committed hundreds of ambushes and suicide bombings against Israel prior to the construction of the Security Wall. It is known for its violence and use of fundamentalist training, of working closely with Pakistan in training terrorists for the ISI, and  for convert engagement in mass murder.  It is extremely violent, highly prone to unreasoning mass murder, and extremely distortive of fact and news. It is highly organized in Lebanon, the Palestinian Territories and Syria through constant grants of millions of dollars from the Government of Iran.

PARTIAL LIST OF HISBALLAH TERRORISM SINCE 2004: A .PDF giving a partial listing of incidents HISBALLAH Terrorism from the United States' Worldwide Incidents Tracking System can be found here:
Partial list of HIZBALLAH Terrorism Incidents since 2004.  (The National Counterterrorism Center's database is fractional, only goes back as far as 2004, and does not go back in time far enough but does supply a modestly characteristic view of 105 terrorism incidents involving HIZBALAH.)

WARNING: This Web page is a manifestation of the QODS, the Iranian Intelligence Service whose primary purpose is to recruit and train Islamist Fundamentalist Terrorists for external operations against Israel, staffed by Palestinians and others affiliated with Hez'ballah.  Hizbolla has taken to recruiting from US, UK and other lands, gullible, vulnerable young muslims and importing them into Israel to perform suicide bombings or into the West Bank to fire rockets on Israel, or the Gaza to attack Egyptian security forces.. The same warnings apply as to the dangers of confronting this military intelligence agency. Individuals on this page are potentially dangerous, may attack you without provocation, and have alleged desire for their 'Islam' to rule the world, murder all infidels, and claim judeo/christian/hindu society must be eradicated.

SPECIAL NOTE: Hez'bollah has indicated a desire to push all Jews in Israel in the sea, and likewise to all nations with Jews in them throughout the world, as well as Christians and other non-Muslims.  When Israel was forced to enter the Palestinian Territories in 1984 to halt ongoing terrorist attacks on Jerusalem and other parts of Israel, Hizbollah, like Hamas, changed its strategy of unprovoked suicide and Ied bombings and ambushes, across the border into Israel, it started to claim "resistance to the occupation" leveraging Islamic codes to respond to Israel's attempts to quell further attacks on its nation by Iranian/Syrian Terrorists by imposing security on the Palestinian corridors and inspecting and confiscating weapons and explosives, and arresting known armed terrorists and bombers.  Israel's much criticized bulldozing of homes of suicide bombers after they kill a half a dozen to several hundred Israeli civilians with a suicide bombing has come under extraordinary criticism from the very left wing political elements of the world who appear to blind themselves to the mass murder committed by the occupant of said homes.  Such bulldozing is an extremely light response to the mass murder of several dozens Israeli civilians. In response to the bombings, more radical Israeli settlers have intentionally settled some of the territory Israel allowed Jordanian refugees (who became the Palestinians in the 70's) to live on. This has created further conflict. Israel has stated that the political goals of Hizbollah (as with HAMAS) are inconsistent with its demagoguery and the thousands of violent mass murders and ambushes over decades, and 20,000 unprovoked Rocket Attacks on Israel over the course of six months two years back. Hizbollah, whose origins are Lebanon and Iran, has consistently lied about property rights to Israel's territory in an effort to continue to oppose the original UN Charter under which Israel was organized by several million Jewish Refugees offered a place to live after the Nazi Holocaust in 1947, in what became the State of Israel.  It is believed that oil industry/banking industry interests among the very wealthiest family in the US who had backed Adolph Hitler and who ally with Iran, are financially behind the ongoing effort to extinguish the very existence of the Jews and destroy the Jewish State and have supplied hundreds of millions to the Nation of Iran to back Hizbollah and HAMAS and its peer Iranian backed Terror organizations as well as various splinter groups.  Early on Iran had supported a NAZI, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, as had Adolph Hitler, who, as it turns out, was Yassir Arafat's biological uncle, the PLO headed by Arafat which started the migration of Jordanian Refugees into Israel decades back.  The incredible facts of the constant ongoing attack on the Jews of Europe who escaped into Israel, the US and UK have never been fully explained to the Public.

ALLEGED LOCATION: Tehran, Iran; West Bank, Israel; Gaza Strip, Israel  
ACTUAL PHYSICAL LOCATION:  Needham, Massachusetts, USA

SAMPLE SITE PAGES: visit website 
Moqavemat.ir EXAMPLE

HOSTED ON: FAST Hosted Services (now a division of Microsoft Corporation, recently acquired),
                         FAST Search & Transfer Inc., 117 Kendrick Street, Needham, MA, 02494 USA

MAIN HOSTING WEB: http://www.fastsearch.net

STATUS: LIVE as of 08/25/2010

Domain Registrant:  Mahdi Sadr, (Domain Holder Address>) No.117, Shahid Montazeri 6 St, Saheli St., Qom, Qom, Iran
Registrant's email: domin@vatr.ir

10-10-2009 unknown


propaganda, advocates
violence towards minorities among its adherents, racism, promotion of intolerance, fact distortion, manipulation of the reader, recruitment, supremacism
White Pride
Racial Supremacy
Covert Terrorism
"Stormfront: Aryan Brotherhood: White Pride Worldwide: Ku Klux Klan: David Duke, PhD" - these groups are generally clustered together under the parlance: "White Supremacist Organizations" who engage a different yet no less advocacy of violence form of cyber terrorism. These organizations advocate and engage in violence toward Jews, Blacks, Latinos and other minorities on a regular  basis across America and throughout Europe, the Balkans, Russia and elsewhere.  They advocate Eugenics (managed reproduction and elimination of minority bloodlines through involuntary sterilization or assassination) and Ethnic Cleansing (the murder of competing minority peoples), and promote the attainment of what they refer to as 'a pure white (Caucasian European) Aryan America and world' in America and around the world through deliberate and often violent action.  The thought process of these individuals is extremely disturbed and disturbing. They are potentially violent and dangerous, well armed, and should not be approached directly: younger persons should be coached regarding the misinforming and distorted nature of their teachings.

They spend considerable time on the web diminishing the accomplishments of African Americans, promoting RACIAL HATRED, against Jews for "de-purifying the white Majority's Christian purity" and against minorities in general.  They have ties to Nazi Germany of the era 1935 to 1946, and the Eugenics Movement backed by John D. Rockefeller, Dale Carnegie and other wealthy influencers headed originally by Charles Davenport and Margaret Sanger, also involving Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories and Planned Parenthood.   Several of the groups and communities have a 'rite of passage, coming of age' requirement among their members to commit violence or kill a member of a minority group, and in some instances some afford a tattoo of a spider web along the web between the thumb and forefinger and/or a black heart with black blood drops or tattoos of black tears from their eyes designating by the number of black blood drops or tears, the number of Jews and/or minorities that they were responsible for killing. 

Embedded loudly in American Society with historical roots in the Old South, these false Christians are devoted to intimidation, cyber terrorism and criminal harassment of minorities, believe minorities should be and were better off under slavery and in the Correctional/Penal System, organize militant Aryan Brotherhood Groups into teams who commit violent assassination against competing groups (such as the Nation of Islam, or "Nation" for short, followers of Dr. Elijah Mohammed and Louis Farrakhan) in Prison in competition for dominance of the prison populations within, and stage frequent prison riots and attempted escapes. Upon release, adherents become 'brothers' of the White Pride cause, or members of the Klan and rear families ingrained in the deviated dialog and twisted factual misrepresentations of their program, brainwashing families to positions of hatred of all other races and sources of human difference.

These groups, and David Duke, the spiritual leader from Mandeville, Louisiana, along with Don Black, their automation expert from West Palm Beach, Florida, are extremely well armed and very dangerous.  On one occasion, several of the members tried to lure the chairman of the ACSA to Charlotte, SC, to assassinate him.  An associate, Robert Krar, is in prison for life, having maintained depots of weapons around the US and attempted to instigate a violent uprising among the membership to overthrow the US Government a decade back. An associate, Todd Andrews, is in prison for life, having blown his own arm off while manufacturing explosives to rob banks using them (he managed to rob two banks first) and to target Jewish and Hispanic targets in the NY, NJ, PA area.  Two associates of Duke, a/k/a Cain and Abel, are in hiding, after hatching a plot to murder former Cngressional Representative Porter Goss from South Florida, when he had been nominated to become an interim CIA director by former President George W. Bush, succeeding George Tenant.  A large number of associates of Black and Duke are in jail over shootings in Jewish Community Centers, Hispanic families and targeting of gay and black men.  While not specifically identified as a 'Designated Terrorist Group', Terrorist Websites DOT Info, upon investigation found that these groups' criminal and assassination behavior would otherwise qualify them as such, and that their use of deception, false flagging, violence as a rite of passage and targeted violence, as well as hate speech and terroristic cyber behavior towards Jews, Blacks, Latinos and other minorities is so closely related to and resembles Designated Terrorist Groups behavior (and because they have established relationships with a number of them), that WE have decided to include them and their websites in this database. Note that they have more websites than the ones listed, which will be added to this database entry over time. 

One of their affiliated organizations (and they have many, including militia groups who have adopted their creedo), Elohim City, harbored Terry Nichols and Timothy McVeigh, the Oklahoma City Bombers and Stormfront/White Pride personnel close to them likely assisted them and facilitated their bombing of the Alfred Murah Federal Building in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995. In general, the Nazi venom virulently characteristic of these groups publicized ideology while often, in Duke's case, they seek public office, is generally Anti-US-Government and deeply anarchistic in nature.  The group's response to President Obama's election, America's first Black American President, has been widespread and targets his race for the purposes of instilling fear in Americans so as to raise money, recruit personnel, and attain other group goals. Recently, Don Black has been testing a new TV group, WPWW.com, on the web, and a close associate of Black's operates Patriot Radio Brigade, which loosely interweaves alternative and new age themes of UFOLOGY, Psychiatry, and Conspiracy Theories, with virulent, behind the scenes Celtic-Nazi-ism fraught with imagery of 'Trenchcoat Mafia' (symbols of the Columbine Massacre) and nihilistic references to the film series "the Matrix".  All of the foregoing have been associated with 'Domestic Terrorism' in the USA of a much older brand than modern Islamist Terror Groups, but which shares a surprisingly substantial ideological and violence prone attribution with them. There is undeniable collateral effects of the misinformation about Martin Luther King, Black icons, Jews and non-Aryans, on young, impressionable White Male and Female American Youth. MartinLutherKing.org is a loose collection of defamatory hate content geared towards attacking King's history and promoting libelous defamation and hate speech against Blacks, Jews and non-Aryans.

Due to the Freedom of Speech Amendment to the US Constitution, behind which these violent groups hide in public, efforts to halt their ongoing onslaught against minorities, has been a relatively unsuccessful effort. The NAACP, the Southern Poverty Law Center and the B'nai B'rith / Anti-Defamation League have made some successful legal efforts to quell the violent and venomous assault on racial minorities by parts of the nebulous association of man supremacist groups under this umbrella. To some extent, political forces in America have frequently sought to sweep the potential for violence and racial assassination found among these groups and their affiliates, under the rug of segregation of offenses, without allowing the world to know the very organized and often well funded and cohesive nature of these groups criminal or terroristic behavior, in the interest of 'appearances' of America's democracy.

Wikipedia and other Entries on
Stormfront (White Pride Site maintained by Don Black): 
Don Black (registrant and White Nationalist, Grand Wizar KKK,  Racist): 
David Duke (former Grand Wizar KKK, White Supremacist, Politician, Racist):
White Pride "World Wide" (as used by Don Black):
List of White Nationalist Racism/neo-Terrorist Groups around the world: 
(please note many of these groups have their own 'cyber terrorist' behavior patterns and websites, which may be added to this page as they are researched)
Sounds of Hate article on AIJAC about the German and Global neo-NAZI Skinhead phenomenon and its use of Music.
Rick Ross's compilation of incidents/crime involving White Nationalists 

Alleged Location:  Global, and Florida / Louisiana, the American South.
Actual Locations:  Dallas, Texas (stormfront, wpww, martinlutherking), Fort Lauderdale, FL (davidduke)

stormfront.org: The Planet . com, 315 Capitol St., Ste 205, Houston, Texas 77002  Phone: (281) 714-3000 Fax: (281) 714-3001
wpww.com:  SAME
martinlutherking.org:  SAME
davidduke.com:  APlus.net Internet Services, Inc., 110 East Broward Boulevard, Suite 1650, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
Tel: 877.275.8763  Intl: 506-264-265

Don Black, Stormfront, PO Box 6637, West Palm Beach, FL, 33405, US, +1.5618330030  don.black@stormfront.org

Don Black, Stormfront, PO Box 6637, West Palm Beach, FL, 33405, US, +1.5618330030  don.black@stormfront.org
http://www.wpww.com Thumbnail
(at the time of this write up, the foregoing site was 'just being tested' by Mr. Black)

Don Black, Stormfront, PO Box 6637, West Palm Beach, FL, 33405, US, +1.5618330030  don.black@stormfront.org
http://www.martinlutherking.org Thumbnail
(please note the above is an 'anti Black Americans' website.)

EURO, (David Duke "PhD"), PO Box 188, Mandeville, LA 70470 US 985-626-7714 webmaster@davidduke.com
http://www.davidduke.com Thumbnail
(please note that Mr. Duke is considered the leader of the Ku Klux Klan)
01/01/1995 unknown


(Free Public File Share Servers are often used by terrorists to post hundreds of mirror copies of propaganda videos and audio downloads, to prevent them from being easily removed from the web, a tactic known as Terrorist Group Propaganda Fileshare Spamming.  Note: except for certain explicit cases, to prevent terrorist group usage of our site as a reference database, we are not going to list the thousands of terrorist video or audio presentation mirror download pages on free file sharing servers used by terrorist groups to hold and upload downloadable  terrorist multimedia presentations. There are thousands on sites like BitTorrent Serv, Rapidshare and and other File Sharing Servers, but if we list them here, terror groups will likely use this website as a reference library)

MISCELANEOUS TERROR SITES and FILE SHARES:  The following are a list of miscellaneous Suspected Terrorist Websites supplied by our research staff.  Some of them may be offline.  Please also note that some may be redundant to the above or below lists. Also, note that these sites are not yet ENTIRELY CONFIRMED or VALIDATED.  As we confirm they are Terrorist Websites, we will add a "Confirmed!" next to the sites we confirm. Any that are down, will be marked "Down" or "Offline", and any taken over: "CAPTURED!"  Note that in the case of those which have been hacked, are generally offline or shut down by their hosting companies, they may return in the near future under a slight variant of the below domain names...

FORMAT:   Domain, IP, Hosting Co, Hosting Domain, email (if avail) and phone.

http://www.4shared.com/file/QKvEXrGy/us-8-4-2010-mafaasia.html?start=  (Al Qaeda Terrorist; Abu Al Masid Al Masri's public statements), IP address: and hosted by 4 Shared (File Archiving Download site), operated by New IT Solutions Ltd. , Graigmuir Chambers, Tortola, Road Town Tortolla, Virgin Islands (British), http://www.4shared.com, phone number +1 (781) 583-1454     Confirmed!

http://www.alhesbah.org  IP address: and hosted by Colo4Dallas LP a US internet firm in Dallas Texas,
http://www.colo4dallas.com , phone number 214.630.3100     Confirmed!

http://www.alnusra.net  IP address: also hosted by Colo4Dallas LP a US internet firm in Dallas Texas, http://www.colo4dallas.com , phone number 214.630.3100    CAPTURED!

http://www.al-ommh.net/vb  IP address: and hosted by ADDD2NET COM INC DBA LUNARPAGES a US internet firm In La Habra California, phone number 1-877-586-2772 e-mail address hostmaster@lunarpages.com  CAPTURED!


http://www.jeeran.com/  This website was designed to host "Arab Websites" but it is not only hosting regular website but also hosting terrorists website such as http://www.isi86.jeeran.com  , http://w1000.jeeran.com  , http://ozzzo.jeeran.com  , http://nemo86.jeeran.com , http://hguwhzf.jeeran.com , http://www.j11jjj.jeeran.com , http://moqaawama.jeeran.com/ . The first four of these websites were created by the same terrorist website designer who goes by the name of Ozooo. http://www.jeeran.com/ IP address is: and hosted by Electric Lightwave Inc as US internet firm in Vancouver Washington phone number 1-800-622-4354 and contact them at e-mail address abuse@support.eli.net 

http://gimf.wordpress.com/ IP address: Although the IP address is hosted in Britain is hosted by a company called Akamai Technologies and they listed there location in Cambridge Massachusetts. The phone numbers are 1-617-938-3130 and 1-617-444-4768 the e-mail contact abuse@akamai.com    DOWN!
http://www.ozooo.tk and http://www.1417.tk/ both of these terrorist websites are also designed by the infamous Ozooo. IP address: hosted by a company called Interhouse-Taloha-IT in Italy but it has a contact person in San Francisco California, contact him at joost.zuurbier@verza.com  DOWN!

http://www.tjdeed.org.uk  IP address: and hosted by FASTHOSTS-UK-NETWORK a British internet firm internet contact them at abuse@fasthosts.co.uk    DOWN!

http://w-n-n.com and http://w-n-n.net This terrorist website was hosted by an American internet provider until late yesterday when it was suddenly shut down and now it is hosted by a Malaysian internet company called TIME Telecommunications Sdn Bhd IP address : contact e-mail: abuse@isp.time.net.my    DOWN!

http://www.ansar-jihad.net IP address: hosted by a Malaysian internet firm called TELEKOM MALAYSIA BERHAD contact e-mail: m_Gaza@tm.net.my    DOWN!

http://www.al-ekhlaas.net  IP address: hosted by a Malaysian internet firm called TELEKOM MALAYSIA BERHAD contact e-mail: m_Gaza@tm.net.my  DOWN!

http://www.alfirdaws.org/vb/ hosted by a Malaysian internet firm called Applied Information Management Services contact e-mail: abuse@aims.com.my  DOWN!


======== REPORTED BY:  Internet Anthroplogist


Affiliation: Hamas children's magazine.
Registered by: "Nizar Al-Hussein" in Beirut, Lebanon
IP address:
ISP: Corbina Telecom in Moscow, Russia
Domain/Nameserver provider: RUNNet, Russian Federal University Network in Moscow, Russia: ariadnamedia.ru IP-; and Corbina Telecom in Moscow, Russia: ariadnamedia.ru IP-

http://www.manartv.com/ (6) ENGLISH
Affiliation: Website of Hizbullah TV station Al-Manar.
Registered by: ITX in Beirut, Lebanon
IP address:
ISP: DataPipe in Hoboken, New Jersey, United States, and ITX Sarl in Hoboken, New Jersey, United States
Domain/Nameserver provider: Internap Network Services in Atlanta, Georgia, United States; and eNom in Redmond, Washington State, United States: name-services.com IP-

http://www.moqawama.net/ (7) English
Affiliation: Pro-Hizbullah website.
Registered by: Hadeelnet in Beirut, Lebanon
IP address:
ISP: Everyone's Internet Inc. in Houston, Texas, United States
Domain/Nameserver provider: Rackspace in San Antonio, Texas, United States; Zone Edit in New York, United States: hostsvr.com IP-; and Qwest Communications in Denver, Colorado, United States, and Ezzi.Net in Great River, New York, United States: hostsvr.com IP-

Affiliation: Website of Hizb al-Tahrir.
Registered by: Al-Khilafa Publications in London, Great Britain
IP address:
ISP: UK2-Net in London, Great Britain
Domain/Nameserver provider: Net Access Corporation in Parsippany, New Jersey, United States: zoneedit.com IP-

http://www.shareeah.org/ (9)
www.shareeah.org/2.html (English)
Affiliation: Website of Sheikh Abu Hamza and Supporters of Shareeah.
Registered by: 357Hosting in Niewvegein, Utrecht, Netherlands
IP address:
ISP: Hostrino in Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong
Domain/Nameserver provider: Internap Network Services in Atlanta, Georgia, United States; and eNom in Redmond, Washington State, United States: name-services.com IP-

United States

Affiliation: News website of Palestinian Islamic Jihad.
Registered by: "Samail" in Beirut, Lebanon
IP address:
ISP: VONOC in Englewood, Colorado, United States, and WeHostWebSites.com in Loveland, Colorado, United States
Domain/Nameserver provider: VONOC in Englewood, Colorado, United States, and WeHostWebSites.com in Loveland, Colorado, United States: dnsracks.com IP- and IP-

Affiliation: Pro-Al-Qa'ida website.
Registered by: "None" in Dammam, Saudi Arabia
IP address:
ISP: Verio Inc. in Englewood, Colorado, United States
Domain/Nameserver provider: Verio Inc. in Englewood, Colorado, United States: damammhost.com IP- and IP-

Affiliation: Message forum used by Al-Qa'ida supporters.
Registered by: fares.net
IP address:
ISP: Everyone's Internet Inc. in Houston, Texas, United States
Domain/Nameserver provider: Everyone's Internet Inc. in Houston, Texas, United States: fares.net: IP-, and IP-; NetTransactions LLC in Holmdel, New Jersey, United States, and CEF in Hazlet, New Jersey, United States: nettica.com IP-; 1-800-Hosting Inc. in Dallas, Texas, United States: nettica.com IP-

Affiliation: Message forums used by Al-Qa'ida supporters.
Registered by: Al-Sakifah in Malami, Malaysia
IP address:
ISP: Hurricane Electric in Freemont, California, United States, and Powersurge Technologies Inc. in Cedar Falls, Iowa, United States
Domain/Nameserver provider: Hurricane Electric in Freemont, California, United States, and Powersurge Technologies Inc. in Cedar Falls, Iowa, United States: rhinodns1.com IP-

Affiliation: Website of the Army of Ansar Al-Sunnah; Known supporters of Al-Qa'ida.
Registered by: Details unavailable
IP address:
ISP: Abovenet Communications in New York, United States, and About Web Services in Orem, Utah, United States
Domain/Nameserver provider: UUNET Technologies in Ashburn, Virginia, United States, and North Sky Inc. in Orem, Utah, United States: Abovenet Communications in New York, United States: freeservers.com IP-; and About Web Services in Orem, Utah, United States: freeservers.com IP-

Affiliation: Message forums used by Al-Qa'ida supporters.
Registered by: Al-Ansar Net in London, United Kingdom
IP address:
ISP: Everyone's Internet Inc. in Houston, Texas, United States
Domain/Nameserver provider: Rackspace.com in San Antonio, Texas, United States: micfo.com IP-

Affiliation: Website of the Chechen Information Center.
Registered by: Chechannet in Miksan, Vanuatu
IP address:
ISP: C I Host in Bedford, Texas, United States
Domain/Nameserver provider: C I Host in Bedford, Texas, United States: muzikalite.net IP-

Affiliation: Pro-Al-Qa'ida website.
Registered by: Details unavailable.
IP address:
ISP: Everyone's Internet Inc. in Houston, Texas, United States
Domain/Nameserver provider: anoncities.com(3)

Affiliation: Pro-Al-Qa'ida website. Publishes Al-Qa'ida's Al-Battar Training Camp magazine.
Registered by: Details unavailable.
IP address:
ISP: Everyone's Internet Inc. in Houston, Texas, United States
Domain/Nameserver provider: anoncities.com(4)

Affiliation: Official website of Hamas.
Registered by: "Cravis" in Sofia, Bulgaria
IP address:
ISP: Hurricane Electric in Fremont, California, United States, and Powersurge Technologies Inc. in Cedar Falls, Iowa, United States
Domain/Nameserver provider: ourserver.net(5)

Affiliation: Pro-Hizbullah weekly magazine.
Registered by: An Individual in Beirut, Lebanon
IP address:
ISP: Alabanza Inc. in Baltimore, Maryland, United States
Domain/Nameserver provider: Alabanza Inc. in Baltimore, Maryland, United States:
rakeemnet.com IP- and IP-

Affiliation: Website of Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, military wing of Fatah.
Registered by: "Aboqosai" in Gaza, Palestine
IP address:
ISP: Hurricane Electric in Freemont, California, United States, and Powersurge Technologies Inc. in Cedar Falls, Iowa, United States
Domain/Nameserver provider: Hurricane Electric in Freemont, California, United States, and Powersurge Technologies Inc., in Cedar Falls, Iowa, United States: rhinodns1.com IP- and IP-

http://www.manartv.com/ (6)
Affiliation: Website of Hizbullah TV station Al-Manar.
Registered by: ITX in Beirut, Lebanon
IP address:
ISP: DataPipe in Hoboken, New Jersey, United States, and ITX Sarl in Hoboken, New Jersey, United States
Domain/Nameserver provider: Internap Network Services in Atlanta, Georgia, United States; and eNom in Redmond, Washington State, United States: name-services.com IP-

http://www.moqawama.net/ (7) English
Affiliation: Pro-Hizbullah website.
Registered by: Hadeelnet in Beirut, Lebanon
IP address:
ISP: Everyone's Internet Inc. in Houston, Texas, United States
Domain/Nameserver provider: Rackspace in San Antonio, Texas, United States; Zone Edit in New York, United States: hostsvr.com IP-; and Qwest Communications in Denver, Colorado, United States, and Ezzi.Net in Great River, New York, United States: hostsvr.com IP-

Affiliation: Website of Hizbullah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah.
Registered by: Hadeel.net in Beirut, Lebanon
IP address:
ISP: ServePath LLC. in San Francisco, California, United States.
Domain/Nameserver provider: Register.com Inc. in New York, United States: register.com IP-

Affiliation: Pro-Al-Qa'ida website.
Registered by: An Individual through agent at Fasthosts Internet Ltd. in the United Kingdom
IP address:
ISP: Affinity Internet Inc. in Ft. Lauderdal, Florida, California, United States
Domain/Nameserver provider: Affinity Internet Inc. in Ft. Lauderdal, Florida, California, United States: hostsave.com IP- and IP-


Affiliation: Message forums used by Al-Qa'ida supporters.
Registered by: "Qalaah Qalaah" in Abu Dhabi, Arab Emirates
IP address:
ISP: Everyone's Internet Inc. in Houston, Texas, United States
Domain/Nameserver provider: Everyone's Internet in Houston, Texas, United States:
hostworld4u.net IP-

Affiliation: Website of Palestinian Islamic Jihad Secretary General Dr. Abdallah Ramadhan Shalah.
Registered by: "Abrar" in Beirut, Lebanon.
IP address:
ISP: Level 3 Communications Inc. in Broomfield, Colorado, United States
Domain/Nameserver provider: Level 3 Communications Inc. in Broomfield, Colorado, United States: jodoshared.com IP- and IP-

Affiliation: Website of Al-Quds Brigades, military wing of Palestinian Islamic Jihad.
Registered by: "Abrar" in Beirut, Lebanon
IP address:
ISP: Level 3 Communications Inc. in Broomfield, Colorado, United States
Domain/Nameserver provider: Level 3 Communications Inc. in Broomfield, Colorado, United States: jodoshared.com IP- and IP-


Affiliation: Website of Izz Al-din Al-Qassam, military wing of Hamas.
Registered by: "Ezzedeen" in Amman, Jordan
IP address:
ISP: RackForce Hosting in Kelowna, Canada.
Domain/Nameserver provider: RackForce Hosting in Kelowna, Canada: hostdeals.net, IP- and IP-

United Kingdom

ffiliation: Website of Hizb al-Tahrir.
Registered by: Al-Khilafa Publications in London, Great Britain
IP address:
ISP: UK2-Net in London, Great Britain
Domain/Nameserver provider: Net Access Corporation in Parsippany, New Jersey, United States: zoneedit.com IP-

Hong Kong

http://www.shareeah.org/ (9)
www.shareeah.org/2.html (English)
Affiliation: Website of Sheikh Abu Hamza and Supporters of Shareeah.
Registered by: 357Hosting in Niewvegein, Utrecht, Netherlands
IP address:
ISP: Hostrino in Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong
Domain/Nameserver provider: Internap Network Services in Atlanta, Georgia, United States; and eNom in Redmond, Washington State, United States: name-services.com IP-


Affiliation: Hamas children's magazine.
Registered by: "Nizar Al-Hussein" in Beirut, Lebanon
IP address:
ISP: Corbina Telecom in Moscow, Russia
Domain/Nameserver provider: RUNNet, Russian Federal University Network in Moscow, Russia: ariadnamedia.ru IP-; and Corbina Telecom in Moscow, Russia: ariadnamedia.ru IP-

United Arab Emirates

http://www.palestine-info.info/ (10)
Affiliation: Pro-Hamas website.
Registered by: Palestine Information Center in Beirut, Lebanon.
IP address:
ISP: Emirates Internet in Dubai, Arab Emirates
Domain/Nameserver provider: Emirates Internet in Dubai, Arab Emirates: palestine-info.info IP-


Music and speeches:
Affiliation: Pro-Palestinian Islamic Jihad website.
Registered by: An individual in Faiha, Kuwait.
IP address:
ISP: Telecommunication Company of Iran in Teheran, Iran
Domain/Nameserver provider: Telecommunication Company of Iran in Teheran, Iran: qudsway.to IP-


PART 2:   CONFIRMED TERRORIST WEBSITES    (note: Jihadist sites)    
  Key to format of entries:                                       
        (blank/no status= UP and RUNNING,  "DOWN!" = OFFLINE, GONE or HACKED/SIEZED)
The website of the terror organization The Islamic Army In Iraq (IAI) ISP: TR-DGN-20070704, Turkey (Data verified 12/04/07)
The website of the Islamic Iraqi Resistance Front (JAMI) ISP: SCHLUND-CUSTOMERS, D-76135, Karlsruhe, Germany (Data verified 12/04/07)
 The official website of the Iraqi terror organization Saraya Sa'd Ibn Abi Waqas ISP: Liquid Web Inc.; MI, USA (Data verified 12/04/07)
 Website of Global Islamic Media Front (GIMF)-organization of Media Jihad (Not active, data verified 12/04/07)
 Dawriyyat Al-Iraq-Islamist Website Supporting Jihad in Iraq ISP: Performance Systems International Inc., Washington, DC, USA (Data verified 12/04/07)
 Al-Basrah Net : Islamist Website Supporting Jihad in Iraq ISP: nodo50, The Netherlands (Data verified 12/04/07)
 Website supporting Jihad in Iraq ISP: SURFTOWNDK, Lyngby, Denmark (Data verified 12/04/07)
 Website devoted to Al-Zarqawi ISP: Electric Lightwave Inc.; WA, USA (Data verified 12/04/07)
 The website of Sheikh Abu Qatada Al-Falastini-known for his support for Jihad. ISP: Yahoo!, Sunnyvale, CA, USA (Data verified 12/04/07)
 The website of Sheikh Abu Muhammad Al-Maqdisi-known for his support for Jihad. ISP: Interserver, Inc., New Jersey, USA (Data verified 12/04/07)
 The website of Sheikh Hamed Al-Ali- known for his support for jihad. ISP: FortressITX, Clinton, New Jersey, USA (Data verified 12/04/07)
 The website of Sheikh Abu Basir Al-Tartusi- known for his support for jihad. ISP: Performance Systems International Inc., Washington, DC, USA (Data verified 12/04/07)
ENGLISH VERSION: http://www.en.altartosi.com/    http://www.altartosi.com/
 The website of Sheikh Omar Abd Al-Rahman – jailed for his support of jihad. ISP: INTERNETWORX, The Netherlands (Data verified 12/04/07)
 The website of Sheikh Abu Musa'b Al-Suri – jailed for his support of jihad. ISP: INTERNETWORX, The Netherlands (Data verified 12/04/07)
 Al-Hesba- Islamist forum supporting Jihad ISP: NOC4Hosts Inc., Tampa, FL, USA (Data verified 12/04/07)

http://www.al-faloja.org/vb/  DOWN!

The Al-Faluja forum-Islamist forum supporting Jihad in Iraq. ISP: Liquid Web Inc.; MI, USA (Data verified 12/04/07)
 The Islamic Al-Shurah-Islamist forum supporting Jihad. ISP: ZipServers, Inc., Oklahoma City, OK, USA (Data verified 12/04/07)AND *SoftLayer Technologies, Inc. Dallas, TX (Data verified 12/04/07)

http://ek-ls.org/forum/    ALL PARTS DOWN!
 Al-Ikhlas Al-Islamiyya- Islamist forum supporting Jihad ISP: NOC4Hosts Inc., Tampa, FL, USA (Data verified 12/04/07) *http://www.alekhlaas.org/forum ISP: CrystalTech Web Hosting Inc., Phoenix, AZ, USA(Data verified 12/05/07) *http://ekhlaas.ws/forum TMIDC-MY, Malaysia (Data verified 12/05/07)

http://www.al-boraq.org/   (DOWN, see alboraq.info  above)
 The Islamic Al-Boraq Net-Islamist forum supporting Jihad (Not active, data verified 12/04/07)
 Al-Firdaws- Islamist forum supporting jihad ISP: LNCDE-GREATNET-NEWMEDIA, Germany (Data verified 12/04/07)
 Bayt Al-Haqq Al-Islamiyya-Islamist forum supporting Jihad in Iraq ISP: SoftLayer Technologies Inc., TX, USA (Data verified 12/04/07)
 Blog devoted to Jihad ISP: Google Inc., Mountain View, CA, USA (Data verified 12/04/07)
 Blog devoted to the Al-Qaeda-founded Islamic State of Iraq (ISI) ISP: Carpathia Hosting, Ashburn, VA, USA (data verified 12/04/07)
 Blog devoted to Baghdad Sniper ISP: Google Inc., Mountain View, CA, USA (Data verified 12/04/07)
 Blog devoted to Jihad ISP: Carpathia Hosting, Ashburn, VA, USA (Data verified 12/04/07)
 Blog featuring Jihad videos ISP: Google Inc., Mountain View, CA, USA (Data verified 12/04/07)
 Blog devoted to jihad ISP: Google Inc., Mountain View, CA, USA (Data verified 12/04/07)

PART 3.    ONE YEAR BACK IN TIME - NEW SITES:               (Status presently unconfirmed and being researched)

Somali Blog Sites



and an old wetpaint site

The Al-Hesbah forum
ISP: NOC4Hosts Inc.; Tampa, FL, USA (Data verified 11/20/07)
The Shumoukh Al-Islam forum
ISP: TELEKOM MALAYSIA BERHAD; Malaysia (Data verified 11/20/07)
The Al-Ekhlaas forum
ISP: NOC4Hosts Inc.; Tampa, FL, USA (Data verified 11/20/07)
The Jund Al-Rahman forum
ISP: Layered Technologies, Inc.; Plano, TX, USA (Data verified 11/20/07)
The Shabkat Al-Akhbar forum
http://w-w-n.ws/forumdisplay.php?f=10    NO LONGER AT THIS ADDRESS!
ISP: TIMETELEKOM; Malaysia (Data verified 11/20/07)
At-Tibyan Publications website [2]
ISP: Layered Technologies, Inc., Plano, TX, USA (Data verified 11/29/07)
The Sawt Al-Jihad blog
http://www.sawtaljihad.org/                OFFLINE!
ISP: New Dream Network LLC; Brea, CA, USA (Data verified 11/20/07)
The Ignored Puzzle Pieces of Knowledge blog
ISP: ThePlanet.com Internet Services, Inc, Dallas, TX, USA (Data verified 11/29/07)
The Crusader Watcher blog
ISP: Google Inc.; Mountain View, CA, USA (Data verified 11/20/07)
The Press Release blog
ISP: Google Inc.; Mountain View, CA, USA (Data verified 11/21/07)

Top Ten+ Terrorist Jihad Online Forum Sites  (Status: Subject to Change, All Live as of August 1, 2010)

Note: unless included above, additional information about these sites will be updated shortly!

Rank.  Name
Representative Logo
URL, Hosting Company

01. Tahadi-0
Hosted by:  Telecom Malaysia Berhad,  Azman Ali,20th Floor, Wisma Celcom Semarak, Jalan Raja Muda Abdul Aziz, 50400 Kuala Lumpur, MY
phone:        +603-26812075   fax-no:       +603-26810186   e-mail:       gatekeeper@eastgate.net.my

ALTERNATIVE / MIRROR DOMAIN NAMES for TAHADI-0: http://www.atahadi.com/vb/index.php/
http://atahadi.1er.us/ http://atahadi.ne1.net/
http://atahadi.tr.cx/ http://atahadi.0vr.net/
http://atahadi.r8.org/ http://atahadi.ubb.cc/


02. Faloja     IMPAIRED!!  or DOWN!! as of 09/14/10
Hosted By: MSC Hosting, Network Operation Center NOC, noc@mschosting.com, 1-18-8, Suntech @ Penang Cybercity, Lintang Mayang Pasir 3, 11950
Bayan Baru, Penang,  MY  phone:        +60-4-6308283  fax-no:       +60-4-6308283    changed:      andy@exabytes.com 20090212


03. Shmukh     IMPAIRED!!  or DOWN!! as of 09/14/10
Hosted by:  Telecom Malaysia Berhad,  Azman Ali,20th Floor, Wisma Celcom Semarak, Jalan Raja Muda Abdul Aziz, 50400 Kuala Lumpur, MY
phone:        +603-26812075   fax-no:       +603-26810186   e-mail:       gatekeeper@eastgate.net.my


04. Ansar-ar

See listing above for detailed hosting information.


05. Majahden

Hosted by:   NOCSTER, BurstNET Technologies, Inc., PO Box #591, Scranton, PA 18501-0591 USA  Toll Free - 1-877-BURSTNET  Local/Intl. - 570-343-2200

www.majahdenar.com جديد www.majahden2.org



06. Luyoth
Hosted by:  Colosseum Online, Inc. 800 Petrolia Road, North York, ON M3J 3K4, Canada, (416) 739-7873  or 1-877-739-7873


07. Qimmah

See listing above for detailed hosting information.


08. Jahafal

Hosted by:  Telecom Malaysia Berhad,  Azman Ali,20th Floor, Wisma Celcom Semarak, Jalan Raja Muda Abdul Aziz, 50400 Kuala Lumpur, MY
phone:        +603-26812075   fax-no:       +603-26810186   e-mail:       gatekeeper@eastgate.net.my

09. M3ark  (Ma arik)


Hosted by:  Telecom Malaysia Berhad,  Azman Ali,20th Floor, Wisma Celcom Semarak, Jalan Raja Muda Abdul Aziz, 50400 Kuala Lumpur, MY
phone:        +603-26812075   fax-no:       +603-26810186   e-mail:       gatekeeper@eastgate.net.my


10. Tw7eed

Hosted on Weblayer.com, Palestine - Gaza - Thalatini st. - Basha Tower - 4th floor - no. 401
Based on the Planet. com, 315 Capitol Street, Suite 205, Houston, Texas 77002, Phone: (281) 714-3000 Fax: (281) 714-3001

11. Tahadi-1


Hosted by:  Telecom Malaysia Berhad,  Azman Ali,20th Floor, Wisma Celcom Semarak, Jalan Raja Muda Abdul Aziz, 50400 Kuala Lumpur, MY
phone:        +603-26812075   fax-no:       +603-26810186   e-mail:       gatekeeper@eastgate.net.my


12. Shamukh1

FAST Search & Transfer Inc,, 117 Kendrick Street, Needham, MA  02494  US  Hutchinson, James Henry   Phone:  +1-781-433-8901  Email:  james.hutchinson@microsoft.com


PART 6: 

0.0   Brief video by Wafa Sultan regarding the fundamental flaws in Islamist Terrorist Ideology and Practices, calling for Muslims everywhere to categorically reject them. 

0.1  After watching Wafa Sultan criticize the bombings, embassies being blown up, the treatment of women like beasts, and the attacks on Jews and Christians, in the name of Islam, the following video is how a noted 'Islamic Scholar' replied.  Very bizarre as Dr. Yusef al Qaradhawi concocts all sorts of things Sultan never said, falsely accusing her of 'Cursing Allah, Muslims and the Koran' then condemns her for it, and then attacks Christians for a historical recording in the Torah of a conflict that took place, that misguided Islamic clergy regularly claim is 'an Order'  by the Torah, when it in fact refers to the factual history of a particular battle.  It goes on about Palestinian Rocketeers who rain down rockets on Israel and suicide bombers as if their deaths were 'sanctioned' by her or by Israel, defending itself from the Rocket attacks and suicide bombings, e.g. "Killing Muslims in the Gaza' when in fact Israel bulldozes suicide bombers' homes, does not kill Muslims in Gaza or elsewhere unless attacked by them with lethal force FIRST.  WATCH THIS STRANGE REPLY NOW.  HIS REPLY IS TRULY BIZARRE:

1.0  The Global Jihad Network: Why and How al Qaeda Uses Computer Technology to Wage Jihad  by Samuel S. Saltman (Kent State Univ.)  READ IT NOW

2.0  Inside a Wave of Terrorism: The Dynamic Relation Between Terrorism and the Factors Leading to Terrorism by Martin Harrow (Danish Institute for International Studies)  READ IT NOW

3.0  Anatomy of a Modern Homegrown Terror Cell: Aabid Khan et al. (Evan F. Kohlmann)  READ IT NOW

4.0  Browse the Library of Wartime United States/OSS (WWII) Online: US-OSS   (unclassified) (OSS is the forerunner of the CIA)

5.0  Library of the International Centre for the Study of Radicalization  ( BROWSE PAPERS )  ( BROWSE NEWSLETTERS )


7.0  CENTRALOPS.NET  (Set of Tools for retrieving Internet Information) online.  GO THERE > 

8.0 NATO's Library on CyberTerrorism (PDF with live hyperlinks to many articles, info on how to get the rest):  BROWSE IT NOW 

9.0 430+ Articles on CyberTerrorism available through Questia... BROWSE ONLINE INDEX > 

10.0   Reference List of Designated Terrorist Organizations with linked info about each one: ( READ IT ON WIKIPEDIA )

11.0  A Genius's guide to Hacking Websites: How they hack websites - common tactics  ( READ IT NOW
         (and why security oriented businesses never put sql PWD or other active interfaces on their websites or servers..)

# # # 


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Copyright © 2010 Terrorist Websites Monitor by Computer Companies United Against Terrorism, http://www.ccuat.org, at the ACSA INC.  All Rights Reserved.  The Author is the Source of the Contents of this List. None of the information on this website is in any manner subject to any warrantees or guarantees.  All information provided on an 'as is' basis.  Visit and/or use of this web page constitutes acceptance of full responsibility for its content, which may be freely reproduced for non-commercial purposes and not for display on the Internet in any manner, only.  No other purposeful reproduction or mirroring or framing of this site's content allowed. When submitting proposed Terrorist Website URL information, please use a FREE, UNNAMED EMAIL ACCOUNT on GMAIL, YAHOO MAIL, or similar, to protect your confidentiality and safety. The site information supplied here is not necessarily the opinion of ACSA Inc. (website: http://www.acsa.net)