Click to enter the ACSA WebVersity !!  The Rockefellers, WV Dem. Senator Jay Rockefeller & the Standard Oil Trust, appear to be attacking President Bush¹ and British PM Tony Blair through Rockefeller-controlled media, the Dem. Presidential hopefuls & the Senate Committee on Intelligence. The Rockefellers appear to want Bush to administer Iraqi Oil for the Rockefeller's benefit, not the Iraqi people's. Bush is refusing to sell out!  If it were administered for the Iraqi's benefit, that would drive Rockefeller Family profits down! It would also lower Fuel Prices!  Senator Rockefeller is blackmailing Bush, AGAINST the best interests of the American Public. People with hidden agenda², the Rockefellers' regularly use FORGED documents, it's their TRADEMARK. And they manipulate the press: it was they who convinced BBC's executives to falsify reports on BBC's broadcasts claiming the British "sexed up" Intel about WMD in Iraq, and falsely blaming it upon David Kelly, British WMD expert, who later committed suicide out of shame at the false accusations.  What have the Rockefellers been up to here? 

   We believe the Rockefellers have instigated most of the 20th and all of the 21st Century's Wars, undermining American National Security when doing so, in order to create military disputes that consume "Rocky Consumables" at unparalleled rates: Oil, Munitions, Aerospace Products, etc.  All in the name of Rockefeller controlled businesses.  We believe the Rockefellers had organized an "exterior acquisition of Nuclear Weapons" for Saddam Hussein, behind black market businesses, so as to ignite American invasion of Iraq (E.G.-leaving the US with little choice but to invade Iraq, to prevent Hussein from acquiring Nuclear Weapons from Pakistan, which would have promptly been floated up the Hudson and the Potomac.  Bush had no choice, and now after the fact, is following up on an investigation of the truth so that the Public will at long last learn what has been going on all along. 

    The sad part is the manipulation of the Democrats and Liberals in this country. The so-called "party that stands up against special interests" - the Jay Rockefeller, Bill Clinton, Teddy Kennedy controlled Democratic Party, is itself a special interest "on steroids", one which represents the GRAND ULTIMATE SPECIAL INTEREST: the Rockefellers and their 10 Trillion Dollar a Year Hyper Enterprise that spans IBM, Exxon Mobil, JP Morgan Chase, Rothschild of France, Cogema, General Electric, AT&T-Comcast, Lockheed-Martin and a hundred other super-companies and multinationals in every aspect of Energy and Munitions.  The Rockefellers aren't stupid: they disguise themselves in the cloth of the "party that supports the 'little people'" because they can always muster business votes, but they need to manipulate the rest of the USA, so they hide behind candidates like John Kerry and Bill Clinton and Al Sharpton and Wesley Clark and Howard Dean and Jonathan Edwards, so as to combine their own business interests with the power of the MISGUIDED DEMOCRATIC PARTY MEMBERS, who are misdirected by the Rockefellers pulling strings over Democratic leadership engaged in a world class campaign of simply lying to the Democratic Party constituency in a nation wide program of "pull the wool over the public's eyes".

   Behind the collective backs of the American Government and the American People, thinking it a smart business move: Rockefeller Group's Exxon/Chase subsidiary apparently convinced Jacques Chirac to allow French Uranium Giant COGEMA (strongly affiliated with Rockefeller Oil and Mining Interests) to transact a Uranium deal with Saddam Hussein, whereby COGEMA and the French Prime Minister would be compensated by Exxon/Mobil and Chevron/Texaco in cash and favors as Exxon/Chevron received Saddam Hussein's payment of oil interests he purloined from the Iraqi People.  To seal the deal, COGEMA delivered some quantity of hundred-tons of Uranium U-235  "yellow cake" to Hussein's Top Secret Uranium Refining Weapons Facility's agents who delivered it somehow to Northern Iraq, where it was quickly divided for refinement at Iraq's two weapons grade refineries and then sealed and hidden from UN weapons inspectors before the War. 

   Hussein, for his trouble, received cash in the amount of nearly a Billion Dollars in Swiss Accounts, some cash in US currency he converted to fund terror activities was later on captured by invading American Troops as the money tried to follow Hussein across the border into Jordan, where he is hiding, leaving body doubles behind to confuse the Military.  To cloud the deal, third parties forged documents to surface when British Intelligence reported the deal to the US.  By surfacing obviously forged documents so as to misdirect the Government, the French provided the Rockefellers a means to politically bash President Bush, trying to remove him from his next term and replace him with a docile Howard Dean type who will allow Exxon to rob the oil from Iraq and pay off their debt to the French.  Somewhere in the whole sleazy, slimy, illegal deal, the French and the Rockefellers forgot to consider what might happen with 100 tons of U-235 now floating around the middle east without restraint and available to terrorists to refine into something like 15 nuclear devices that will inevitably be used to nuclear blackmail the West by Islamic fundamentalists.

    By bashing Bush they hope to preserve control of all Iraqi Oil for the sole benefit of Rockefeller businesses, recouping losses on their now busted Uranium for Oil deal.  Standard Rockefeller "shadow government" pattern & practice (more>). Their Saudi partners served Standard Oil interests for years. What triggered 9/11? Those Saudi partners covertly used the Pakistani Taliban/Al Qaeda to attack us on 9/11 to force the US into the Afghan war.  They also convinced Pakistan's Musharraf (on their payroll) to worsen his conflict with India, blocking any possibility of competing oil pipelines being built from Russia's Ural Mountains to India! The specter of John D Rockefeller, Sr. lives on in his Family dynasty³: did they manipulate international terror to extend their oil wealth at our expense?   (citations..>)

28 Page Classified Saudi Segment of the 9/11 Report not only places US Intelligence activities in jeopardy, were it expressly released: it identifies Saudi funneling of money and influence to Pakistan's ruling party under General Musharraf and parties under their control, who were overseeing the Taliban in 1999 and 2001.  FOR AP STORY CLICK HERE. From it, one could easily determine that these Saudis are linked to Exxon/Chase/Chevron/Texaco and were being pressured by the Rockefellers to undermine the Oil Pipeline from Russia's Ural Mountains to India, as that pipe would tend to detract from Exxon/Mobil's revenues in India, Central Asia and China... but it costs a lot to do that. 

    Due to the tie in between the representatives of the Saudi Royals involved, it could be interpreted to place at least part of the blame for 9/11 on the Rockefellers back... The Pakistanis extended the meaning of the effort to initially be a bid to draw America into Afghanistan in 1999 on Millennium Eve, but that fell through.  Then, they extended the attack to include the WTC 9/11 and Pentagon attacks as a way to strike at the heart of the very America whose bidding it knew the Saudis were doing.  Such leaves a lasting impression that America's Rockefellers and Exxon/Mobil related oil businesses were involved indirectly in the 9/11 Terrorism, that interpretation, however indistinct, is something the Bush Administration does not want to have to respond to.  These same Saudi Royals, since 9/11, have been putting on all appearances of cooperating with the investigation, they even flew to Texas afterwards to meet with President Bush and reassure him they would help find Osamma Bin Laden, and have been very cagey, of late, to discover that President Bush smells their betrayal of America in the winds.

    The Saudis are running very scared, they're trying to appear to cooperate with Bush's intelligence initiatives seeking to capture Osamma Bin Laden, and they are overriding the Rockefeller/Aramco family influence that is trying to keep the status quo on it's interests in Opec, so as to raise it's profits.  Revelation that the Rockefeller family members involved with the Saudi Royals may have known and kept secret that impending 9/11 attack, could result in broad spectrum indictments of Exxon/Mobil or even members of the super-wealthy Rockefeller CLAN, true or not.  The Rockefellers business interests' involvement, however, did not stop at the 9/11 event, they saw an opportunity to get Iraq's oil by trading Uranium for it with Saddam before the war, assuming eventually he'd be displaced and they'd own it all.  Now, however, President Bush appears reticent at giving them access to it in any fashion, preferring to allow the Iraqi's to slowly develop it for their benefit.  Is President Bush quietly resisting the enormous power of the Rockefellers, because he knows that what they've been doing, however indirectly connected with Saudi involvement in 9/11, was wrong?

Did "SENATOR J-R" hide an illegal ROCKEFELLER-brokered "URANIUM for OIL" trade with SADDAM?  
   The Robber Baron Rockefellers are so ambitious, they'd instigate attacks on our very Nation in a NY minute, if it served them! Once in control: they'll reserve Iraq's oil & dole it out when prices rise. Were they involved in trading Uranium for Iraqi Oil?? Did their media manipulators wrongly insert false information into the BBC's broadcasts to bash Blair with, costing the life of David Kelly by smearing him as "the source" falsely? They know the massive companiesº their fathers built, owned secretly so as to defeat Anti-Trust law, shield them.  Their fathers did the same thing at Standard Oil, Chase & IBM in the 1930's/40's˚! It was Jay Rockefeller's grandfather who authorized IBM's Thomas J. Watson (IBM is a hidden Rockefeller owned business!) & JP Morgan (their financial middleman) to profit from helping the Nazi get control of Germany & handed Hitler the census of every Jew in Europe, sent to Death Camps during WWII.  They are descendants of the Austral-Hungarian Empire where Hitler was born: the Rockefellers manipulate our system, Dominate the Webª & the media, they control NBC/ABC/WB/UPN/MTV/CNN/AOL/MSNBC, they determine who sits in the White House if they choose... they're attacking Bush's popularity in a variety of ways, they want that oil so very badly!   NEXT PAGE..>

 A VERY IMPORTANT NOTE & OPINION:  We're about to "call" the game. A dirty trick (more than one) was played on America and it involved some of our own business people conspiring with the forces of evil in Al Qaeda, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Iraq..  The problem, the reason for this "warning", has to do with being sure that all of America becomes aware of what happened behind the scenes, even if all the details are not known.  Due to the adverse manipulation of our media on all sides, and interference by anticompetitive means, we are all being BLOCKED from the TOP DOWN. But we are going to endeavor to tell you all the story of what triggered 9/11 and the invasion of Iraq, one to stop the current administration's business allies from running competing oil pipelines from Russia to India (9/11) and the other to try and steal Iraq's Oil behind the just cause of getting the administration to remove the vile Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq.  But President Bush would never be willing to invade a country like Iraq for anything less than a true threat against the American People, so like their using their Saudi employs at their oil companies in the Middle East to stir up Al Qaeda leading to 9/11, the Rockefellers played a second dirty trick by getting their Uranium mining assets in Niger to offer Saddam Hussein a deal, Iraqi Oil for Niger Uranium 234, so that once wind of the deal reached Bush, knowing this was a pre-amble to Hussein sending the resulting Nuclear Bombs our way in the USA, he had to invade.  Hussein was the Rockefeller's idea of a "plug" you put in a bottle to keep the oil in.

Once, however, Hussein was materially removed, the bottle being unplugged, so to speak, the Rockefellers (who had been using the Palestinian and Peace forces here in the states, along with one of their pets, Michael Moore, a classic Rockefeller Operative, to bash Bush) reversed direction and, using the Democratic Party as a sheer battering ram and BBC as a smear machine, start taking every step they can to undermine and depose Bush and target Blair, so a captive Rockefeller controlled Democratic Liberal such as Howard Dean and John Kerry could get into the White House just in time to, with Brittain reeling from the false belief they'd been conned into a war, convert the Iraqi Oil Reserves (the second largest in our world) that Saddam was progressively stealing, into Iraqi Oil that the Rockefellers can progressively steal from the bottle uncorked, thereby circumventing President Bush's efforts to use the Iraqi Oil for what it was meant for: to help the Nation of Iraqis rebuild, recover and prosper.

But that purpose, even the phrase "for the benefit of the Iraqi people" is simply not in the Rockefeller's vocabulary, if they aren't the PRIMARY recipient of the benefit, they would sooner install yet another Saddam Hussein (which, with the help of the Saudis, they did in the first place) and block off Iraq's oil reserves, cork the bottle so to speak, from anyone's benefit until they had a chance to steal it for themselves.  Once in control, they'd let a certain elite in Iraq benefit, as they did in Saudi Arabia, producing 2500 Saudi Royal Family members in a nation of 50 Million, each a millionaire or billionaire, with a country that is a cross between Hell and a Hand basket... That is the Rockefeller's plan. and their game. It's FORMULA Rockefeller.  Let the other guy pay the price to reserve and develop something of value, then you sneak in and steal it. Classic John D. Rockefeller strategy.

Face reality: none of us yet can directly compete, per-se, with the Rockefellers, those that do compete, are granted sanctions to do so by them or their subservient members, and are not really competing.  One must pay them for the right. None of us can climb high enough to be heard in front of them on our own, anyone who does either belongs to them, or is either killed, loses a family member, or accepts repression, as it becomes inevitable.  They truly believe themselves to be the only people entitled to prosper and control prosperity in our country and in the world, and they have forged alliances so vast, that they have become the walls, ceilings, furniture, fixtures, trees, forests, the very fabric of our species' existence. They have taken a great degree of control over the basic operative components of American Business and our Government, and put on (for the large part) "only the appearances" of a Free Society.  That is not to suggest we do not have Freedom, just that it has been lessened by it's being bilked by forces with more power than nearly anyone should be trusted to have.

There are boundaries which, if we step outside of them, we pay a very serious price without ever knowing who it was that knocked us down, put us in our place, locked us away or killed us...  That does not mean that those who commit crimes are actually political prisoners - far from it, we still have crime, criminals and malcontents who operate on their own or in organized groups, and belong in the circumstances of incarceration.  However, the Rockefeller-Morgan Dynasty is so powerful that there is scarcely a single, wealthy power-based business or family that is not interlocked with them, beholden to them, not anywhere.  They are, clearly, ruling the economic roost  Yet not once do any of us recognize when something bad happens to good people that often, it is not always just some random event.  Often POWER can make those bad things happen, ranging from a bombing of a building to a murdering of a child to ruining a reputation to destroying a business, even if the POWERFUL arrange it so they are not directly involved in those events.  Just indirectly. Often it just happens that one is just a rising star in the wrong place at the wrong time, and finds one being used to send a message or being used as an entertaining distraction.  Sometimes, you are a risen star, who is trying to break free, but finds that the forces who control your field, won't let you break free.  And in some cases, it takes the loss of a family member, to discover that there are forces there that will punish you.  They often play God with us.

It happens in strange ways, sometimes it appears the vagrant, the criminal, the accident, the trend, a condition of the times, when it is not, very little happens by random here in America.  Yet, very few people ever recognize that the Rockefellers are neither our friends nor benevolent Masters, they run this country, for the most part, and they use triggers and pressure control machinery so a part of our society that we no longer recognize it as a vehicle or conduit.  They are not interested in our future, only their own financial one, and within that limited context, how ours affects theirs.  This is not a good situation... because they believe they have the right to judge or make decisions about us, even micromanagement decisions.  And they are right out in plane sight, not hiding, a myriad of allied businesses with names like "the Rockefeller Telecommunications Group" or "JP Morgan Chase Bank" or "Exxon Mobil", it is not until you inspect this network of thinly disguised divisions of the Rockefeller Trust, that you discover them to be, essentially, the largest single business in the world, with a vast network of individual business fronts, some quite small, some overwhelmingly large.  Whether it be IBM or GE, AT&T, Chase, Exxon, Texaco, Citibank or Aramco, you find their alliance running things there. 

Their kind of unregulated monopoly was never meant to be allowed to flourish to this extent.  Nor was it ever intended that one unified alliance of business under a single Family Dynasty, was intended to control 3/4 of the Media, Banks, or just about every industry in our country.  Nor by any measure or standard, was that a part of the definition of Freedom that the Founding Fathers visualized.  The sophistication with which they took control of this country from World War II and after is the same mechanism that has brought Terror to our shores, and fulminated anti-Semitic Hatred in the Middle East - it's FORMULA Rockefeller doing the same thing decade after decade, riding the energy and politics curve for all the world oblivious to the lives they destroy or end, caring less about the circumstances as they are about the outcome.  That is not to suggest that everything that is bad that happens is some kind of paranoid hallucination of Rockefellers' lurking behind every corner.

But there is a serious problem facing us, as the numbers begin not to add up and the results don't seem to be living up to the promise we all call America.  If there is to be a revolutionary step taken here, it would be to entirely remove the Rockefeller Family and their subordinates from the position of being able to repress our competition, control our media, determine the outcomes of our elections, leveraging the wars and the conflicts, and to stop them from filtering our opinions, interests, spending habits, health and relationships by manipulating the media, the education, societal mores and the job stream.  It would mean forcing them to once and for all, to either play fair or don't play here, this is America and anyone that would repress Freedom at home and abroad in it's name, does not deserve to be a part of what our country and flag stand for. Until we accomplish that goal or something like it, America will never really return to being a place where freedom rings. The "ugly American" syndrome will forever shadow us throughout the Globe, and oil, mineral, raw materials, nuclear, even labor politics will reflect in the same cookie cutter approach to Global Management, as has unfortunately transpired in America in giving away control of our society to a few, very unworthy, very selfish individuals .

Nearly EVERYTHING has been rigged by them, rigging is the name of the game, and it has spread from the Top of their heap down to it's lowest levels, each branch having it's own prejudicing of businesses or regions and it's own veritable culture OF RIGGING.  Short of the spirit of a few Americans risking it all to tell you the truth, who exactly can you trust to admit the truth of what's been happening? You can not trust the Press/Media to, you can not trust the Rockefeller's businesses to, our Teachers either don't know any better or don't want to know any better,  for gosh sakes: you can't even trust NASA to tell you the truth.  It's a case of those who know not telling, and everyone else either pretending they don't know, or actually not knowing.  So, who exactly do we trust to deliver the truth to us?  And how do we unbind ourselves from this unique sociological and political enslavement that such enormous power has bestowed upon this one family dynasty?  They happened along when coal and oil and steel and transportation and communications and computing arose out of the industrial revolution, more about their being in the right place at the right time, than their ever being the right people for that to happen to.

We can all just sit here and let this nonsense continue to happen to us here, or we can take the bull by the horns and convince it that we are not prepared to just sit on our couches and watch Everybody Loves Raymond until it is replaced by the next show, the next fad, the next version of Windows or the next MTV Awards Special...  It's up to all of you whether you want to live a life of being fed poison, until you die, in between spending every penny you make on trying to survive the poison, being misled as to whether it's actually poison, or a pop fad.  That applies to the food, the water, the vices like cigarettes and alcohol, even drugs.  Anything the machine can make money on, it will, without regard for your or my opinion about it.  Its up to all of you whether you believe that by being treated like fools, marks, losers, and gullible, by economic forces who are so big they don't even need the money they'll make from today forward in order to survive, who have more money than the entire rest of the world combined, more property than anyone ought to, and even then, do whatever they can to govern our daily lives, it all boils down to whether you believe that you are getting back enough to put up with this.  Are you?

Are your lives so satisfying that you have no need to improve them?  When you give it your all, on the job or in life, are you getting anything back for all that effort?  Even those of you better off economically than the rest, is it really worth it to go through life with your nose up these extraordinarily powerful economic forces beneath the Morgan-Rockefeller banner's backsides?

We do not believe anyone is happy over this revelation as to who and/or what has been running our very lives, creating a Grand Deception within America, one they use both on us, and on the rest of the world.   Are we to allow them to hide behind that deceit and carry on their unique business at our expense?  Is it not perhaps time we decided to take something of a hand in our own future, so that we can survive long enough to live those futures out with at least some degree of satisfaction that our lives meant something, made a difference?  They're not going to let most of us.  Those that do, have learned to play the game their way with their benefit, alone, in mind. Forget the notions of the wealthy versus the not so wealthy, this is not about that.  This is about what's wrong, what's right and what's socially responsible.  The Rockefeller Dynasty only controls this country by virtue of it's ability to deceive us into making the wrong decisions.  Its a very simple deception, one which time and time again presents us with two choices that serve them, while hiding the proper choices behind any number of clever ruses.

Whether it be calling people who won't strip tease at Daytona Beach on Spring Break on MTV or Girls Gone Wild "Geeks" and "Losers", conning people into badmouthing Organic Food Advocates or Vegetarians as "the socially outcast" so that the public will eat crap that on the way to killing them forces them to spend every penny of the fruit of their employment on trying to survive ill health; whether it be fooling members of the minority classes to embrace the gangsta lifestyle and obsequious wealth inducing hip-hop/rap star lifestyles that makes very few opportunities for the kid in the ghetto, while fattening up those entertainment companies and those drug distribution businesses that originate in Columbia and Pakistan, always dangling the lure of the Biggie Smalls and Tupac in a Limo filled with babes and blunts and money and a quick pop-pop from a 9 when someone disses you solving everything that's wrong with your lack of self respect -all of it going nowhere for anyone but a few Tupac-mules, but reducing the life expectancy of the teenager in Harlem to under 15 years; whether it be conning the public into allowing commercial Search Engines like Yahoo into having Monopolistic Control over what we see when we search for something; or the endless deception of the battle over the very limited airways of TV and Radio that determines which inane entertainment programming we get to be delighted by this week as we sit couch potato'd out from job stress and ill health eating crap that will eventually kill us; voting for political choices who support only their own keretsus, and not their voter population, or worse, deceive them and are on the take... It's all one big, vicious cycle, the outcome of which: our enslavement to the very cycle, which eventually evicts us from our lives without any of us ever once suspecting that WE ARE JUST THE SLAVES.

It appears that the first rule the Rockefellers live by is to convince the slaves that they are not slaves.  That is too clever.

ACSA believes that the issues with awareness of how to rise above such usury, descends from proper education (something you must make for yourself, for society is structure to give you something considerably less than a proper education), awareness (which may start here, for example) and by adopting a tenacious unwillingness to be used by that cycle.  Eventually, the cycle dies from lack of subscribers, if everyone realizes what kind of a devil it really is, how it cons us with it's supremacy, environmentalism, liberalism and conservativism - it could care less about which side of the political coin one embraces, so long as one embraces their presentation of the coin, and misses the real benefits as a result. They just want you embracing their coin, so they can use that embrasure to compel one to be their slave-- whatever you hold on to, if it is more powerful than you are, has it's way with you.  It's going to take Americans a lot of careful effort to regain our stride and our freedom from the machinery that has circumvented our very beliefs about our society, having in part replaced it with the machinery of fraud that has deviated us away from the fruits of our very lives and turned us into these odd slaves to a machine so heartless that the punishment for revealing it's existence is actually about the only fate worse than death itself..

However, until America does liberate itself from these heartless masters, we can expect that that Rockefeller-Morgan Dynasty which controls Radio, TV, Telephones, Internet, Print-Media, Hollywood, and the better part of the business community, is not going to allow us to say: WE ARE NOT YOUR SLAVES ANYMORE, very easily.  They sometimes behave almost like those Terminator Machines in that movie staring Arnold Schwarzenegger, only it's not just about technology, it's about technology, business, politics, science, health, anything from which their Dynasty can derive a profit, they are merciless people who love their power and wealth more than they love their neighbors, no matter what they pretend in public where they might be judged adversely.  It starts with every American realizing that this country is more than just an ideal, it is a reality and it has means by which to free ourselves even of this kind of covert repression of our rights and use of our lives for others benefit. 

We just need to give it the time, the effort and make certain to be aware of the problem, and make certain we, our children, our families and our friends REALIZE what's the cause, and take the appropriate steps to eliminate the repression without destroying the fabric of what's good that even those who are repressing us and enslaving us have to offer.  Behind every cloud, there is also a silver lining.  But it's going to take some time getting this particular cloud off the map and convincing the silver lining to come out from hiding, so that the relationship becomes a symbiotic one based on fairness, equality and social responsibility, not the roots of the Ugly American and the Enslavement of America, harboring those Terminator Machines lurking in the background meant to frighten us so about having technology run hog wild over our society.  The issue is that they want us to believe that without them doing this, controlling it all, we will become grist for the AI Generation.  The fact is, that's not very likely, more likely we will become the grist of AI Machinery that THEY CREATE to rule over us, 1984 like.

Which should explain why the ACSA believes that there was a role played by them in 9/11 and in that which has lured us to eliminate certain rights.  We have come to believe that the Morgan-Rockefeller's Oil Dynasty knew, in fact, directed it's Saudi related Opec partners to stir up the terrorists to progressively lead to a situation where the competing oil interests from Russia would be at the very least delayed from running their oil lines overland to India.  It appears that it went quite a bit too far, in triggering 9/11, but in the very amoral way it has behaved for a century, the Dynasty responded by using the Afghan War and the necessary war on Terror to get us into a position to have to invade Iraq, because while the US Government and the Administration intended to put an end to the extraordinarily evil of Saddam Hussein, the Dynasty knowing he had to go in there as a result of their stirring up Terrorism's hand against America, had it's sites set on Iraq's Oil.

Which should explain to you all why the Rockefeller's African Mining partners were out their offering Saddam Hussein Uranium 235 from which he could create enrichment of his Uranium supplies to produce Uranium Hexaflouride (UF6) and then, after passing through the 4500 stage effusion barrier gas diffusion processor in the base of the newest facility in Northeastern Iraq, yielding Saddam Hussein enough 90% pure Uranium 235 for a dozen nuclear weapons by Christmas this year.  That offer, that second dirty trick, was all it took to so scare the American Government that Hussein would be able to Nuke America by that time, that it had to act, thereby laying Iraq bear for the Rockefellers to march right in and, doing as Saddam did, GRAB THE WORLD'S SECOND LARGEST RESERVE OF OIL, all they need do is depose President Bush, and for good measure, undermine Anthony Blair, using a ruse.

Neither dirty trick was played by our actual government, both were orchestrated by a Rockefeller Dynasty operated shadow government that wanted that Oil so badly, it really did not all that much care that it triggered the death of 4000 Americans in the 9/11 tragedy, 2-500 Americans in the Gulf Wars, or untold civilian collaterally killed in the process.  What we have underneath the enormous, family Dynasty we have come to call "Morgan-Rockefeller" is a plan so clever it has deceived us into becoming even more the slaves...  In our reality, what is, is not necessarily what is written... and while the laws may say one thing, the practice may do quite another.  We today have no law (short of Clayton and Sherman which are easily circumvented) that has the ability to combat the predatory behavior of the Rockefeller Family Businesses and their efforts to use any scheme to enrich themselves.

America has the greatness to be the Free Society we all believe in, One Nation of many and varied political and religious and personal perspectives.  We've just gotten to a point where one vastly powerful business segment within our society played a dirty trick (actually two dirty tricks) on us all.  Which means we have to take that in stride and take corrective political, economic and personal action to insure that that trick can not, will not be allowed to continue, and that those who pulled it on us, are removed from a position to continue that course of behavior and stopped from causing us the damage to our lives and our souls.  We'll have more in the near future, particularly the WHAT about what to do, in order to ultimately put these predators back into their cages.

We CAN do this.  After all, we ARE America...


 1. Michael T. Rupert: "The Rockefellers Gather to remove George Bush (over oil)":The Perfect Storm Part 1
 2. Dale Alan Pfeifer: US Intentions (Iraqi Oil)
 3. Peter Beter: The Attack on the Dollar
 4.° Edwin A. Black: IBM And the Holocaust
 5.ª Jack A. Shulman: Addressing the FTC - Anticompetition on the Internet
 6.º The Rockefeller Shadow Government  reprinted from: Wisdom & Freedom...
 7. Jay Rockefeller and the alleged, illegal Deal involving his family's business interests in secret trading with
Saddam Hussein: "Uranium for Oil"

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American Computer Scientists Association Inc.  May be quoted freely, so long as pointers back to the web page
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