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We, the People, possessing the Inalienable Right to be Free from Terrorism in our daily lives and upon our shores... the right to be free from Terror attacks against us and our fellow civilians throughout the world, hereby do affirm and acknowledge:

  1. There is no "excuse" for any form of Terrorism, whether International or Domestic Terrorism. Such acts are TERROR CRIMES AGAINST ALL OF HUMANITY no matter how or where they take place. The use of claimed religious differences, racial differences, human differences, territorial conflicts, tribal conflicts or any other claim or excuse for engaging in acts that constitute Terrorism, including but not limited to suicide bombings, hijackings, biological weapons, cyber-terrorism, economic terrorism, nuclear weapons, and all other such acts against civilian populations intended to terrorize, is itself a crime against humanity, inadequate and of no justification under international or domestic law for the engagement in Terrorism.

  2. The effecting of a defense against Terrorism, whether in self defense or in pursuit of the parties who inflict the Terrorism, is itself a right protected by international law. That includes self-defense, personal defense, military defense and intervention intended to prevent further Terrorism, and all other steps that would preserve the Peace and prevent acts of Terrorism, within the constraints of and acceptable under International Law.

  3. There exists an inalienable right, in the event we are attacked in violence by Terrorists in any manner, to respond without restraint of any kind by immediate engagement in: a) personal defense, b) obtaining military assistance, c) legal steps, d) civilian and/or e) other means self defense. We reserve the inalienable right (of necessity) to engage in our own defense against said attackers and/or any ally which would support the attackers by military or criminal misdeeds. When a Terrorist Group commits Terrorism, such is a crime AGAINST ALL OF HUMANITY.

  4. When we defend against Terrorism by whatever means of self or national defense as is acceptable under International Law, that those acts are Legally Justified, a Just Cause, and not terrorism.  We consider this Bill of Rights to be an explicit Declaration of War against Terrorism and Terrorists, in support of similar such Declarations made by the United States and its Allies.

  5. In the event of Terrorist Attack, we will promptly bring all information about the parties committing the Terrorism to the Military and Legal Authorities of the Country where the Attack takes place and to the United States Department of Defense, FBI, INTERPOL, SCOTLAND YARD, US DHS and such other authorities as they designate.  We shall do so promptly and in accordance with their reporting regulations and cooperate wholly with said authorities.

  6. In the event of Terrorist Attack or detection that parties are engaging in Terrorist-supportive Criminal Acts connected therewith, we will thoroughly investigate and turn over such information as is available about said parties in conformance with and support of Article 5.

  7. If we are attacked (by Terrorists and/or their helpers) as part of economic warfare, cyber warfare, information warfare, criminal acts, infrastructure thefts or destabilization, overt military action, harassment or other terrorization, we reserve the right to hold those parties accountable under their own political and economic law, international law and our own.

  8. If it is subsequently established that Terrorists used covert criminal engagement to harm our businesses or persons, to respond by taking such steps as eliminate any possible access they may have to our businesses, persons or families, by communications channels, or through identifying them in person and by business to banking, financial, communications, legal and other authorities, and acting in conformance with the other Articles hereunder.

  9. We shall regularly visit the United States DHS website and keep our homes and offices at the ready for the necessities of any future terror attack.

  10. The foregoing articles shall constitute the entire Anti-Terror Bill of Rights adopted first as of September 11, 2001, by Computer Companies United Against Terrorism, amended as indicated below. They shall stand forthwith, unless amended, for an indefinite period and may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes only.

    Rev 1.0f.121 July 23, 2003 amended June 15, 2008.