SPECIAL to the ACSA The ACSA was as surprised as anyone to ascertain the following information, surprisingly more so when you consider the degree of deception being projected at international adversaries by the brilliant minds at the CIA. Frankly, we had thought less of them, in fact we believe the CIA has let everyone think less of them for a very long time, and projected the image of "clueless secret agent suits", something that once you get past such misconceptions, is very far from the truth. The problem is: the CIA just can't really let us know when and if they have a custom motive or specific agenda when they or their personnel behave like David Kay has been behaving. Mr. Kay is, as you know, the special expert on WMD ("Weapons of Mass Destruction", you know: nukes, bio & chem bombs, germs, Rosanne Barr's singing voice...) hired by CIA director George Tenet last Fall. And he has been singing a song of misinformation, bad intelligence and "no WMDs in Iraq" for so long, so loudly that we began to wonder if he wasn't the Cheshire Cat smilingly singing a song of deception, that there might be WMDs involved with Iraq and that the US Government simply does not wish the Public to know exactly how close we came to Nuclear Holocaust here in the US, so as to calm public fears and build consumer confidence. So, we quietly consulted with experts in the international munitions field, and with former members of Indian, Israeli, Italian, British, and Russian intelligence personnel, now mainly retired and remarkably verbose on this subject. And they had more than just opinions to share with us. Several had been monitoring every step of these remarkable events transpiring between Iraq, France, Pakistan, Russia and the Middle East, preparing themselves for the possibility that Saddam Hussein might succeed at what he was attempting. And you know what we found out about Saddam Hussein and WMD programs? Despite the fact that we do not possess paperwork to substantiate it, we believe the representations that were made to us "behind the backs" so to speak, of the United States intelligence community. We're not even certain they won't become angry with us for sharing this information with you. Read on. So, you thought Saddam Hussein had no WMD programs? Balderdash! The United States has simply been covering up it's intelligence gathering depth, by making itself look clueless, while knowing all along that Saddam was working with another Nuclear Power OUTSIDE IRAQ to assemble (with French U-235) two nuclear weapons (one for NYC, one for DC) plus four more to deflect any further military confrontation with the US. See: the Press and Howard Dean don't know everything, but they do take cheap shots, don't they?? It turns out his efforts, leveraging nearly $40 Billion in funds Saddam had sequestered in international banks, and promises of cheap oil after the USA fell, were being made entirely on black markets. And it's there that the USA simply does not want anyone knowing if we can or can not gather intelligence - so that official recognition of our capabilities is not made by anyone in the international community. David Kay is a bellicose and grandiose liar who is simply pointing out that the US needs MORE BUDGET to spend on intelligence gathering, not less. This is not to suggest that David Kay is by nature dishonest - it is to suggest that he is a PATRIOT and very capable of disseminating misinformation if it services the United States' National Security properly. Amazingly, this third party, who Saddam was wooing, Parvez Musharraf and his leading Nuclear Experts (Pakistan's Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan and Dr. Mohammed Farooq), were entranced with the idea of simultaneously selling Chinese Designed, Pakistani built bomb components, for billions of dollars, to Iraq and North Korea. Further, their black market interface, largely composed of terrorist cells and heroin distribution nets, with names like Al Jihad and Al Qaeda, were willing to deliver the components to Saddam's own death squad, for final assembly. Last but not least, Jacques Chirac had black market bosses in France with guns pointed to his head: either look the other way, or die. The French Mob had sequestered 26 Kilos of refined militarized Uranium 235/238 reprocessed right out of the very Cogema plant that regularly buys the stuff in Niger and refines it, ready to go, hidden away in an abandoned Bulgarian formerly Soviet Bomb Making facility. And Saddam had arranged for a death squad to take these two bombs to the Hudson and the Potomac and set them off a week apart, NYC first, then Washington, second, timed for our 2003/2004 Holiday Celebrations, to be accompanied by a simultaneous airliner and ground/bio-bomb attack by Al Qaeda, to take place between Christmas Day and New Years Day. It was an amazingly hideous simultaneous assault that had been in the works since mid 2002, whose preparations apparently had NOT escaped US Military Intelligence or CIA attention. The somewhat crude nature of Chinese designed devices, meant that individuals would have to trigger these hybrids: such bombs would have to be MANUALLY TRIGGERED by persons ready to die for Saddam, so in a Pakistani training facility on the Afghanistan boarder, two teams of eight personnel had been specially recruited to go to the American coastline on freighters flagged under middle eastern lineage, offload onto small boats that resembled American pleasure cruisers and simply go up river and set off these nukes, in retaliation for American intervention in the gulf. Fallback personnel were also staged, and are there still. Meanwhile, Al Qaeda intended to simultaneously detonate an Anthrax Bomb in the middle of the Rose Bowl, and before hand, on Christmas, drop Planes into NJ Chemical facilities (to create havoc that would leave the Hudson River more accessible to Saddam's nuclear death squads) and on New Years in the vicinity of Washington, so as to make it more likely that the boaters could repeat the exercise in the Potomac, as the aftermath of the first blast would very likely not be associated by the US Military as having been transported up the Hudson river. A Marina in northern Manhattan, long unused, was to be used as the landing and offloading point, and if possible the bomb was to have been transported to the NY Side mouth of the Holland Tunnel before detonation, blanketing all of southern Manhattan with the Blast Radius out some 25 miles in every direction.
The ensuing chaos and
devastation would have amounted to the following: b) While the United States tried to cope with this situation, less than a week later, three jets would have split the load, two to the DC area to set up huge impact explosions while the second nuke was detonated nearby to the Washington Monument. Another jet was intended from Mexico to land in the vicinity of the Rose Bowl, while someone named Moussawir from Al Qaeda cut loose an enormous Anthrax bomb right beneath the stands. It is presumed that America would have bravely continued on with it's Rose Bowl plans despite the bombing of New York (in grand tradition) or that alternate targets or fall backs would be in place. The reason for the New Years attack seems largely intent upon both having been a double the blow attack on us, and was also designed by Hussein and Al Qaeda as a fallback in case the attack on NYC and NJ failed. Nonetheless, the deaths in the LA area and Washington and NJ would have been approximately 10 million immediately, and about another 5 million within 30 days. We are extraordinarily fortunate that the United States, realizing the nature of plans by both Hussein and Musharraf/Bin Laden (note Musharraf prepared himself for the Al Qaeda plans by bombing his own convoys to make himself appear detached from Pakistani Terrorism) undertook to intervene by necessity: it intercepted the Anthrax Bombs on or about July 13, 2003, killing it's component manufacturers in Mexico and arresting it's delivery boys in LA, it successfully circumvented the jet flights (the easiest way to throw a wrench into Al Qaeda's planned attack) in France, Mexico, London and Canada by canceling them, and, realizing the brazenness of Musharraf's selling the bomb parts to Saddam and the French Mob's interest in selling him nuclear fuel, was forced to interdict by moving very rapidly into Iraq and deposing Hussein. Because of the many economic levels involved in the French to Iraq connections, the French initially objected. However, it has since been brought to France, Russia and Germany's personal military attention that their efforts to profit by their black market relationship with Saddam, opened up a window for the Hussein government to buy and assemble nuclear weapons on the international marketplace, and deliver same to US targets, making FRANCE, GERMANY and RUSSIA party to the terrorism such represents. This super-secret disclosure to the three nations, accompanied by more conciliatory gestures by President Bush to normalize relations, has thrown their situation into disarray, since all three have considerable economic dependency upon the United States and are, presumably, our allies, as claims Musharraf and Pakistan, and China, who provided Pakistan 25KT nuclear krytron trigger designs in the first place. So, you thought the CIA clueless and the USA government ham handed and an administration that couldn't handle itself? You read otherwise here, first. Sadly, we've learned that more than one business in America had before hand knowledge of these attacks, and were monitoring and positioning themselves to profit by them, one from San Francisco (involved in global self help and OC activities) and several from NY State (surprisingly, they were prepared to relocate most of their personnel on short notice to Texas and/or offload some personnel requirements timely enough into India, which may give one a peek into who these companies might be.)
We were very astonished by
what we learned. And the stupidity of the French Government
has astonished us, too. Somehow Jacques Chirac must have
believed that even if Saddam used the bomb on the USA, that he would
never do so to Paris, and Putin thought similarly about Moscow, and
Kohl about Berlin. Well, our dear international cousins in
Moscow, Berlin and Paris: WRONG AGAIN! --
Written by the "Deliberate Investigation Task Force" of Computer
INC. |