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One thing we are sure of, Al Qaeda does not like it's secret attack plots Advertised in Advance.  And so, ACSA intends to publish on every forward deployment we discover.  In the past week, we have received reports that a possible SARIN/GB or VX GAS attack is being plotted for deployment against the cooler states (Washington, Maine, Massachusetts, etc.) using disguised deliverers and special delivery devices, during the upcoming weeks in the lee of the Katrina Tragedy, when Al Qaeda feels America's Anti Terror Programs will be distracted on this: the 4th Anniversary of 9/11 2001.  The sheer matter of fact that we could infiltrate the secrecy surrounding Al Qaeda's foremost deployment cells has to be extremely unnerving for Bin Laden and Musharraf.  Thanks to the assistance of multiple sources of intelligence, we were able to ascertain this segment of their plans and even pinpoint most likely targets and methods.  Note that all information we come by is automatically reported to the Authorities in advance of publication.  (Info about Saran Gas)

Deadly Sarin and VX Gas can be used to stage an attack using something as simple as a paint sprayer and a gas mask, although most gas masks are ineffective against Sarin, since it is absorbed through the skin and passes right through such materials as Latex.  Recently, one of our informants came across information that suggested that Al Qaeda had not stopped at building only a single forward deployed attack from Mexico on the USA, as documented on the Discovery Channel Special Report:
"Covert Action - al Qaeda anthrax operation on West Coast foiled." July 2003 the US FBI and Navy Seals/Special Forces attacked and destroyed a camp in Mexico with little fanfare.  On it, a Russian BIO WMD Scientist and a large contingent of Al Qaeda were killed and various bio weapons and manufacturing equipment in their possession destroyed.  Later on, FBI arrested and convicted two drug traffickers who were employed by Al Qaeda in Los Angeles, who were intended to lead the attack against the Rose Bowl. (Coming Soon: Pay Per View Broadband Webcast of this remarkable Discovery Channel Special.)

In 1995, the psychotic cult, Aum Shin Rikyo, declared war on the Japanese Government, the intent being to use terrorism and disruption of infrastructure to seize control.  This is a parallel to Bin Laden and Musharraf's efforts against the US Government through Al Qaeda and affiliated terror groups.  ACSA believes there is a relationship, as follow-ons to Islamist instigated invasion of Kuwait by Saddam Hussein, after which these cults emerged declaring war on their respective targets.  In both cases, deep alliances with Organized Crime emerged

Aum Shinrikyo was deeply allied with Japanese Yakuzas distributing Narcotics, who used Aum to manufacture and distribute its products, Al Qaeda and the Taliban are also deeply allied with the Pakistani capital of world Heroin and Opiates, which are manufactured in Pakistan, grown in Taliban territories, and distributed by Al Qaeda, for the Government of Pakistan's shadowy Heroin / Opium industry which is led and operated by Pakistan's President Musharraf in parallel with the AQ Khan Network which merchandises Pakistan's nuclear weapons capability, selling it to other countries, and Pakistan's small arms and munitions consortia, which are government sponsored and supply over half the small arms and munitions bought throughout the world illegally. (MORE INFO ABOUT AUM SHIN RIKYO)

Be Ready!


The following page is courtesy of the SC-EMS.com in Sedgewick County, Kansas (near Wichita), and contains useful handbooks and guides on dealing with Chem/bio and Radiological attacks from various government sources.  Click this button for more information:

Be Ready!