The Virginia Tech Tragedy: Terrorism or Psychopathic Behavior, or both?
And who's more the Psycho: the murderer, or the Press - or TV Hosts - or Senators - who murder the subject matter, without regard for nor sensitivity towards the Families of those lost? Yes, I mean you Rosie, you ABC News, you Barbara Boxer, and all the rest. Shame on you.
-- April 19, 2007 an in depth editorial by an ACSA Chairman, Dr. Jack A. Shulman
A terrible tragedy took place on Monday, April 16, 2007.
An even greater tragedy is now taking place in a rush to pin a politically convenient label on the events that surrounded Cho Seung-Hui, the Virginia Tech mass murderer: the Press has rushed to mischaracterize Cho's tragic acts of murder, politicizing them, rationalizing them and even, making usurious political hay while the sun shines. The Press's insensitivity to the pain and grieving of the families this represents is unthinkable.
For example: Mr. Cho Seung-Hui priority mailed WNBC a package of writings, photos and video. In it was a picture of himself raising a hammer in anger. Immediately, certain Press organizations (Mediafax, Bismark Tribune, the Houston Chronicle and Forbes, among others) rushed front page coverage to their readers: they actually picked a South Korean shock flick in which a South Korean holds up a hammer, and calls Cho's image "possibly influenced by" said film (obviously, because it's a South Korean shock flick). That then leads to questions about the "influence of popular films", a theme along the line of the "devil influence" of rock and roll music. How petty, even if remotely likely.
Cho refers in passing to two tragic figures from the Columbine High School tragedy. The date of his attack was near that of Columbine's Anniversary. So, despite a battery of government agencies and law enforcement personnel just beginning to investigate the tragic scene and events surrounding Cho, the Press jump to an immediate assumption that he's a disturbed copy cat of the TrenchCoat Mafia, and was purportedly triggered by being spurned by the opposite sex, namely the first young woman whom he killed in a dorm two hours prior to his shooting spree. That "astounding leap of logic" echoes from station to station, as if someone coined the Press writers an instant degree in Psychology and labeled them "Journalists". One can strongly criticize NBC for bad timing and insensitivity towards the families when it published the Cho Seung-Hui Manifesto Package before the authorities had even a day to do lab work. However badly NBC behaved: we have all now had a glimpse of Cho's alter ego: "Ishmael Ax" the so-called "weapon of the (son of the) martyr". And, caught in the middle of an uproar about their release of the material, NBC immediately started spin doctoring their entire presentation. Since it would be politically inconvenient for Cho to turn out to have been recruited by Terrorists, as such would seem to validate the White House policies against Terrorism, NBC went on a digging expedition, digging down deep trying to find ways to steer the public away from that most obvious interpretation of the tragic events at VT, that somehow, Cho Seung-Hui had been recruited and trained by a Terror Group. His references to Crucifixion even led NBC to obtain the opinion of an Imam who stated: "No true Muslim would ever make reference to Christian symbols like Christ or Crucifixion". To which one responds: "Why not, Father? It was allegory, symbolic, are these somehow 'forbidden subjects'!" (I'm not certain the Imam or NBC realized such a comment is interpretable as anti-Christianity and on the edge of suppression of Freedom of Speech.)
The fact is, the FBI and others have searched Cho's emails, phone records, and other information and find no record whatsoever of any prior contact between Cho and his first of two victims. No romance, no spurning, in fact, NO PRIOR CONNECTION WHATSOEVER. Which would seem to suggest that Cho simply needed time to draw the Campus Police off, while adding shock value photos to his package for NBC, prior to going on to his "main event". Does this sound like a carefully thought out strategy designed to maximize the terror impact? It is. In many ways, it resembles the strategy of blowing up a remote control bomb and then when crowds gather, blowing up a second one, even though it is a different strategy altogether. It has the same "ring" to it.
Then there is the issue of Cho's choice of a Muslim name. This is a primary pre-requisite of any suicide bomber or gunman recruited for a task like this: he must shed his past life, and if newly joining the Muslim creed, must don the characteristics and a name which suits his aspiration, that of becoming a Martyr. The name "Ishmael Ax" appears to be a dichromatic, symbolic and historical Muslim adornment taken by Cho Seung-Hui. Such names are frequently chosen so as to refer to oneself in terms of some element of the Islamic tradition. In this case, it appears to refer to Ishmael, who is the historical father of the Arabic peoples, and his Axe. Historically, aside from the imitative scripture that depicted Ishmael as challenged by God to show his loyalty by killing his only son with an axe - imitative of the story of Abraham and the Burning Bush (whereupon Abram is given the name Abraham by God for being willing to sacrifice his only Son and goes on to found the the tribes of the Children of Israel - God appears to Abraham as a disembodied voice behind a bush that burns but is not consumed) - upon further analysis Cho appears in actuality to reference later Islamic stories of Ishmael using said Axe to smash the various symbols of idolatry, Satanism, polytheism, corruption and sinfulness. The story of Ishmael's Ax is later further instantiated within the writings of the Prophet Mohammed as the model for resisting sinfulness, further used today by Terrorist Groups today as "showing loyalty to Allah and the Prophet' the reason for their suicide-murder recruits to "smash the idolaters" whom the recruiters label as decadent, occupying pro-Zionists, who engage in debauchery and possess lax morals. Sound familiar? Yes, those terms about his fellow student's supposed decadence, lax morals and debauchery were found in Cho Seung-Hui's very suicide notes. This self-appellation "Ishmael Axe" framed in red on his arm ("Ismail Ax"), taken apparently as a Muslim name by Cho, was allegedly also used as the return name for addresses on the "suicide manifesto package" Cho sent to NBC. One can conclude that this act of naming himself "Ishmael Ax" and murdering his fellow students and faculty, alleging acts of debauchery, decadence and lax morals, was more than just some form of Halloween-like behavior: self given names are very personal windows into the soul of the taker.
One can well understand why the Muslim Chaplin who spoke at the Virginia Tech Convocation made so strong a call for calm, expressly issuing a plea that people refrain from retaliation. It does appear that the Chaplin recognized these symbols and how their connection to Islam and Cho's murder spree, might lead to backlash.
Notwithstanding the fact that Cho committed a very public act of terrorism, an act of madness and holocaust, he chose that one day known as National Holocaust Remembrance day- a day intended for Tolerance, designed to remember similar acts by the Nazi's against Jews, Catholics, Gypsies, the elderly and the infirm, throughout Europe and Russia. When you couple that with Cho's rambling manifesto, its nearly seminarian conviction to those very rhetorical attacks directed towards American society by Islamists and Jihadists: one can clearly see how it is that Cho very closely echoes teachings of the Bin Laden school of pro-Jihadist Islamist Terrorist Clerics.
Nonetheless, casting any semblance of reality to the four winds, the Press this past two weeks simply ignored the vital element of this tragedy, that Law Enforcement, Intelligence Agencies and Academia absolutely HAVE TO figure this terrible series of events out ACCURATELY, because so many young lives hang in the balance. The Press spun the coverage to such an extent that it deliberately misled the public. Press coverage has blithely sidestepped focusing on any of the potential indicators that Cho committed a Terrorist Act that was intentionally part of the declared war against America. It is as if they are simply fearful of admitting what must have happened. It is quite simple to identify elements of Terrorism in Cho's mass murder. But it seems that the Press are all participating in some bizarre misdirection intended to mislead America into believing that it was not Terrorism, propaganda that's been spreading since two months after 9/11, paid for by those who control most of our Press organizations who aspire to leave America vulnerable while gaining a foothold over Iraq's oil. They clearly fear discovery that Cho was recruited by a Sleeper Cell, might lead us all to conclude that there is a very serious and deeply hidden network of foreign intelligence operatives and terror sleeper cells, buried within the fabric of American society, one that has to be routed out and eliminated. This the Press has done without care for the consequences. One can sift through Cho's language about debauchery, about lax morality, about decadence, substance abuse and rather easily see the Jihadist propaganda and rhetoric. Amidst it, he frequently stretches to find language and metaphor to express his rage. He frequently resorts to fractured expressions ("Your Vodka and Gin was not enough") or references to modern themes about Michael Jackson or pedophilia, and other conclusionary colloquy. Cho has diametrically expressed a very recognizable, specific theme of Terrorism in accompaniment with mass murder. He has adopted a theme which has afflicted Islam as much as it has afflicted the political targets of Terrorism for decades. Of him, Cho's sister has stated: "This is a person we grew up with and loved. This blackness is a side to the person we did not know. We are hopeless, helpless and lost." (or words to that effect, herself a contractor to the US State Department providing relief in Iraq, reportedly. One can only count the days that fact, if true, will be used to attempt to tie Cho to the State Department by spin doctor conspiracy theorists working for the backers of Terrorism.)
Yet the Press, who has been covering and reporting Terror Attacks, Suicide Bombings and Suicide Gunmen for many decades, appears to have suddenly developed a convenient amnesia. Is the Press living in disbelief at their own factual accountings of Terrorism and Terrorist Groups over the years? Or is it fear of angering certain super wealthy influencers by generating support for the Bush Administration's War Against Terrorism? Do they believe somehow this is all just going to go away, be forgotten until the next time? Is there some need to assume that an American child attending an American school is incapable of the brain washed proxy behavior of a Palestinian Suicide Bomber or Al Qaeda Suicide Gunman? Are they that willing to bend the facts to suit someone else's bought and paid for political agenda? It is repulsive to listen to it, as out of the mouths of Charles Gibson, Katie Curic, and the bizarre lunacy of Harry Reid, a man not yet prosecuted for bribery in connection with Jack Abramoff thanks in no small part to protection afforded him by his patronage. Instead we hear a fairy story being told in which America is the victim of "disturbed children", in which the Iraqi War is a lost cause, and Nancy Pelosi is going to solve the middle east crisis: by lying about what she was told by an Israeli Prime Minister and, then, visiting Syria looking for them and Iran to stop backing Hezbollah attacks on Israel. Or something.
In fact, Syria and Iran are backing insurgency in Iraq that is killing Americans and Iraqis, and are looking for her political support to legitimate their violence and sanctioning of terrorists. Pelosi, Reid and this "new Congress" have, unknowingly or not, made themselves the proxy representatives of Iran, Syria and Terror Cells around the world. They walk low with impunity because of the enormous economic influence of their patronage who demand this of them: "Give us what we want to hear", cloaked by the enormous Press bias that shrouds their "wrong way Corrigan" behavior behind a nearly impenetrable smoke screen. To me, it is irrelevant which Party which player plays for, after all: the 2008 Election is up for grabs. "Give the people what they want to hear", no facts, full of wrong thinking, amateurism, engendering us to perceive the unbelievable lack of wisdom and experience possessed by this "new Congress", vicariously endangering Americans and America, a sad testimonial to what happens when the Electorate's votes are so clearly being misled by the broadest spectrum of Press bias and commercial greed that has ever afflicted our Nation. 12 Trillion Dollars worth of crude oil (at barrel prices, mind you, expand that into all the products derived from those 200 Billion barrels and its value is five to ten times more to industry dominated by the very same ownership as the Oil Industry) is just too tempting, so tempting that the Oil Industry simply can't resist manipulating the Electorate and bribe Congressmen so as to serve its private needs- utterly without regard for the lives lost, the children killed, the lies spread, the reputations ruined, the world turned upside down. In my opinion, there simply has never been an evil so terrible as them, they make theological Lucifer look like a Boy Scout by comparison, Ida Tarbell fell far short in her characterization of their nature. And, if the Department of Justice believes it ever successfully broke any of their illegal Trusts up, they need to guess again. They simply took the Trusts UNDERGROUND, the Ownership simply reconstituted them into a completely illegal Conglomerate of huge, subterranean (hidden), illegal Trusts. Money may not be able to buy you love, but it can buy you an enormous amount of legal smoke/mirrors and Media bias, combined together which make one very effective smoke screen.
Virginia Tech's own expert on Press Integrity, Professor Jim A. Kuypers, authored an entire, non-partisan book ("Bush's War: Media Bias and Justifications for War in a Terrorist Age") in 2006 describing how it is the Press selectively started ignoring information coming from the Bush Administration only two months after 9/11 took place, and cast their own misinformation as a pall over all subsequent coverage of the War. That commenced a process that spun out of control until the appearance of the events of the WTC disaster suited many very strange, contradicting political agendas, some too bizarre to fit reason. The Press misstated so many speeches by Bush, so many events surrounding the White House, and so many political news reports, that they intentionally altered the Public's beliefs to the point where many began baselessly blaming the US Government for 9/11, much in the same manner as Cho baselessly blames his fellow students' alleged debauchery as the cause for his acts of Murdering them. All to hide the fact that 9/11 was commissioned by certain owners of the Oil Industry, for reasons too politically complex to be thoroughly analyzed here, reasons ranging from stalling a pipeline across Afghanistan between Russia and India being built by their competitors, to insuring massive orders of a certain Joint Strike Fighter built by one of their aerospace firms, to strengthening their position as Oil Industry bigwigs in trading with Saddam Hussein (Nukes for Oil), to making more markets for their partners in the AQ Khan Network (purveyors of the finest 2nd hand nuclear weapons available), to setting the Bush Family up in a way that undermines their ability to muster future competition within the Oil Industry, to hiding David Rockefeller's reasons for selling himself clear of ownership of the World Trade Center complex 9 months prior to when 9/11 happened in the first place, making certain someone Jewish owned it. All blithely ignored by the Press who have substituted a continuous media bias blitz since 60 days after 9/11/2001. The behavioral results of such twisted Press coverage spin, all intended to hide these Oil Industry owners, is at times almost too bizarre to even comprehend, that's how far out it has gotten. I have described it previously as an "uncontrolled paroxysm of post 9/11 Media Bias across all outlets in support of their customer's secret political agendas, a literal Soap Opera of mis-reporting that rivals a Shakespearian play or, more often, a Wes Craven movie", all marching to a single, eventually economic tune of Media Bias for profit. "Tampering with history for fun and profits".
Can one now explain that the same process twisted post 9/11 Press coverage into gross Bias against Bush, some of it inexplicably bizarre to the point of being simply arcane smear campaigns (read: "the Burning Bush" if you want to understand Smear Campaigns as an exercise in Public Opinion Manipulation)? Are we not seeing the same twisting misinformation mischaracterizing Cho Seung-Hui? Instead of being described as a Terrorist proxy "Manchurian candidate" (recruited or self-made) who murdered 33 innocents, some Terrorist Group's proxy, he is instead being played down as a "disturbed child" by a misguided Press trying to show how VT is pulling together in the face of adversity. One can not put a happy face on this tragedy, by doing so, the rest of the Academic Community will labor under the delusion that this incident was a "once in a lifetime aberration from a mentally ill, troubled child". I fear that we have not seen the last such tragedy.
How long will it be until the Press finds likewise opportunity to blame the students themselves (silly, perhaps, but anyone who witnessed the shock on President Bush's face when he was first told of the 9/11 attack, would think likewise about anyone trying to blame 9/11 on him), or their families, or Cho's family (they have already openly questioned if Cho was the byproduct of a sexually abusive childhood, without any basis in fact), the College Administration (the press has already blamed the Campus Police for not being responsive enough and locked down Virginia Tech after the first shooting of two students, the only problem being that the first shooting pointed back at an ex-boyfriend of the female victim who was from an outside campus, and appeared to have no connection with a potential massacre), the Governor/the the Gun Control Laws and the Virginia Legislature (the Press, particularly ABC, Boxer and O'Donnell are already up to that absurd approach to solving Campus Security, on campuses where Guns are already banished... guns are available outside the law to anyone with the cash...), even blaming the Bush Administration (I keep half expecting to wake up to Mrs. Clinton slamming the Bush Administration for not supporting 'stricter gun control legislation' and more Federal Funding for Mental Health Care, using that to blame Bush for Cho's behavior, or some MoveOn organizer screaming that the State Department brain washed Cho, or Teresa Heinz spouting that Bush was keeping Cho in the White House basement so as to trot him out now to undermine America's resolve to get out of Iraq...)? How is it that the Press simply refuse to make the connection, asked one acquaintance: instead of conceding the obvious conclusion that there was great likelihood of Cho's recruitment directly or in proxy by elements of some embedded International or Domestic Terrorist Cell (or self seduction by that same theology)?
Some in the Media are already blaming the decay of the internet and violence of popular movies, in near emulation of Cho himself who likewise baselessly blames his fellow students' debauchery for his own acts of murder. This "cluster blame" game: "blame the victim, blame the administration" and "blame Zionism, blame immorality" by the Press and Terror Groups respectively has led an entire third of America to move to the left of center to the point where they rationalize away their own need for physical security. In fact many of the self-denial clique are now seeking to force abandonment the Iraqi people and the fledgling attempt to stabilize self-rule on the face of an outside agitation tornado coming from Iran, Syria and Pakistan (and certain interests backing these nations here in the states). That "terror tornado" is so violent it has been called, incorrectly, a civil war. How long before the same degree of insurgency reaches America while the "disbelievers" are wooed into ignoring such a threat by the same Media Bias and misreporting?
Isn't Cho just part of the same consequence, a continuation of the theme of 9/11, a continuation of the theme of The Beltway Sniper, various terror attacks against Jewish Centers, the El Al Counter at Los Angeles Airport, the Erie, PA Pizza Delivery Man bombing, Amerithrax (Anthrax attacks), the Al Qaeda Terrorists captured crossing the border from Canada in 1999, the Oklahoma City Bombing, the USS Coles, Munich, the Bottle Bombings, Richard Reed, the Miami 7, Hezbollah rocket attacks, Palestinian sucide bombers: aren't we seeing here in America, albeit: in slow motion, the very same "outsourced" insurgency as we've seen in Iraq spawned there by Terror Groups backed in Syria, Iran and Pakistan... Are we all just living in denial about it? By the standards used by Ted Kennedy in describing the Iraq situation, by the same standards used by the Biased Media, does that not afford us the ability to conclude that, at a slower pace, we are on the brink of a Civil War here in the US? Or is it just Terrorism? Is someone paying the Press to Bias the coverage and key politicians to argue and blow smoke in apposite, so that we fail to recognize the fact that these are all just the characteristics of a Terror War against the US, against Iraq, against the West? Even if in the final analysis Cho Seung-Hui were just a self-motivated, terrorist wannabe, the consequences and diagnosis are the same? Why doesn't someone want us to recognize the nature of the threat, what political power struggle hangs in the balance, goes one way if we do, another if we don't? Is their some economic equation none of us fully understands, that gets written to the benefit of the backers of Bias if it all gets cleverly misdirected through some Press orchestrated magician's slight of hand?
Let's ask another critical question here, we all have witnessed extraordinary Media Bias over the course of the past six years, particularly on subjects such as 9/11, Iraq, the Attorney General, Bush: EXACTLY WHO IS PAYING THE PRESS TO SPIN THE MEDIA COVERAGE ACROSS ALMOST ALL MEDIA OUTLETS TO SUCH A VAST DEGREE? They certainly aren't Biasing their Journalism for free. Clearly, they must be being rewarded by their primary source of revenue: their Advertisers and by those who pull their Editors' strings. Who owns their advertisers, who owns their Editors? Are they the same as who are paying Barbara Boxer and Rosie O'Donnel and WABC for their Gun Control Law websites and media coverage? How does Boxer get elected? By patronage and campaign donations, Press coverage and political support. Paid for by whom? Who sponsors Rosie's talk shows? Are they some interested party who actually leverages International Terrorism and Domestic Terrorism to suit its own hidden agenda? This has been going on for many decades: Who, exactly, are these evil, powerful, shameless, God-less, viciously-willed individuals? Are they many in number, powerful, wealthy, what? Who are they? Did they through some hitherto unknown recruitment arm of an unknown Terror sleeper cell, actually guide Cho to send that package to NBC, so (let's keep this a theory, shall we, so GE doesn't have heart failure over this and go into a Legal rampage of their own): THEORETICALLY, NBC could have received the gift of Prime Time Heaven on Earth with the Nightly News that draws the biggest audience, adorned with photos, videos, and writings of Cho the depressed student, Cho the disturbed, Cho the Terrorist, Cho the Ax of Ishmael, Cho the murderer of 33, the disturbed, mentally ill student? (But nary a word about Terrorism.)
One can not help but wonder what Internet tomes the late Cho Seung-Hui came to subscribe to, whether in attendance at private one on one meetings with someone or other whom he met by Internet, in a chat room, or even in person in some spiritual center in New River Valley or on day trips elsewhere. One might speculate he was somehow being observed by someone close enough to him during and after his near mental breakdown in late 2005, and then, noting his vulnerability, his apparent self-hatred, his resentment towards what he perceived as the comparative wealth of his classmates, his self-isolation from the social cliques, saw him as the answer to a quest and forwarded Cho through a sleeper system that enabled someone with true vicious will who hand pick him as the perfect conduit to engage in a John Mohammed/John Malvo style shooting spree, engineered to take place in the close confines of VT's hallowed engineering school all in one short span of time.
Perhaps his 18 months of nearly unrecorded, sometimes invisible isolationist behavior on campus, post a visit to St. Albans for evaluation of his mental demeanor, became for Cho a time for being seduced by the evil pall of Terror Rhetoric, transformed into a seeker of some perceived catharsis of murder/suicide, much in the same manner that a Terror Cell recruits suicide bombers and gunmen in the Middle East from among those afflicted by great poverty and resentment to symbols of great wealth (such as the West, Israel or political leaderships), seeking an explanation for and alleviation of their own negatively perceived lives in the suicidal act of Terrorist Jihad.
Cho Seung-Hui is a tragic figure, not to be glorified even remotely, by anything about this event. Inadvertently, he is being glorified, in the "there's no such thing as bad publicity" style of a hungry Press: seemingly searching for any rationale they can lay their hands on while (intentionally, one might ask?) missing the obvious possibility and seeking out the vagary to rationalize his behavior away simply as "madness". Madness, perhaps, but madness without purpose? What if Cho became the vehicle some purpose we as Americans have yet to fully understand or come to terms with. Could it be that something hidden has infiltrated our Society, a darker purpose which creates the mysterious madness and psychopathic behavior that afflicts death upon 33 members of the Virginia Tech family and their families in a tragedy so unbearably painful that it effects every single person in an entire nation? Madness that spouted a form of Terror, Fear and uncontrolled Rage at intangible complaints that precisely fit into an agenda more typical of that which Terrorists affirm? Does it suggest a relationship that yet has little likelihood of ever being proven by a Campus Administration and Law Enforcement Agency, lacking the connections at this moment between his behavior and something as simple as where his Web Browsing or Reading or Praying took him? What long chat room sessions into the late hours with a secret acquaintance or attending a few religious meetings and getting together for what might look to any outsider as a periodic study session or a chess game in friendly surroundings, have yet to be discovered?
After all: aren't Children unable to emulate that of which they are unaware? What inflicted Cho Seung Hui with this strange awareness of the methods of the Jihad Terrorists, what created this means he used to pattern himself after the Jihadist / Islamist? Who?
The motivating factors used by the Terror Cells to recruit suicide bombers and proxies is very similar to that which was demonstrated in Syriana, George Clooney's brilliant, yet quite off-the-mark film, only often more complex and controlled: surrounded by more music and psalms, and more autocratic appearances of reverence for "the Prophet / Mohammed". The entire process of conversion of an individual from devout or less than devout individual into ready-made suicide murder-candidate requires only two people: a mentor and an authority figure from among the affinity group with whom the candidate becomes engaged (yet sidelined) with. It is they whom the candidate comes to respect on personal and religious grounds. It involves the belief in absolving ones self of the sins of the flesh, and hating one's victims for partaking of the sins of the flesh, decadence, debauchery and lax morality. It leverages resentments and past rejections in life, in love and in livelihood. It leverages the religious preaching of the Holy Quran against such sins of the flesh and soul, in such a way that it becomes a constant immutable and haunting prod into the internal being of the suicide murderer-candidate. Instead of being sins for which the sinner must ask for God's absolution, and redemption, the Terrorist's confidence scam turns the alleged sins into crimes against God punishable by death, simultaneously convincing the candidate of recruitment to believing they, the sinners, are also the cause of every single ounce of pain, suffering, impoverishment and rejection in his life. The candidate is caused to believe that no other course of action other than suicide murder will effect change. This is borne out over and over again in Jihadist writings of many pro-Terrorism clerics.
It is that Jihadist propaganda message which one sees unhidden in Cho's videos, pictures and disturbing suicide Manifesto, it is the same message seen in every manifesto and suicide notes left by all the so many suicide bombers from Israel to Iraq to Indonesia to India to Russia. They are literally all alike, blaming everyone they target as the source for evil, accusing everyone of being corrupted, often labeling them as Zionist occupiers, and then justifying their own acts of vicious murder as being in defense of the almighty, as in "Ishmael's Ax" - the "weapon of the son of the martyr" -- Cho's own symbolism in assuming a new name: his way of incorporating Islamic scripture.
After achieving this state of submission to commit homicide under the right circumstances, the Terror Group trots out the solipsistic realms of after life possibility- the equivalent of brain washing the candidate that death from the suicide acts means personal survival to a rewarded existence in another realm where the fruits and bounties of heaven are partaken of by the candidate suicide bomber/shooter for his or her act of sacrifice. It defines an escapist act from the present life since the present life can't be made better other than by the cleansing act of murdering the source of one's own affliction: the alleged cause of it - the corrupt, sinful 'occupying' Zionist force (or decadent Student body, in Cho's case). The acts of murder are ingrained into the suicide murder-candidate so as to mean to him or her that one's ego survives by virtue of a "virtuous act in the name of Mohammed", ultimate martyrdom in the memory of all those committed to the same Terrorist Agenda, and promotion of the victims to a new life where they can either pay back their debt to "Allah" for partaking of sins of the flesh by leading a clean life in the next life or if too committed to decadence, spend eternity in Hell most infidel. Out trots the follow up contention that power over life translates into personal power, potency and importance to a mind never before exposed to self-importance on any level. This realization of power by the suicide-murder candidate cum brain wash-ie is consumed almost like rocket fuel burning from the discovery that the net statement of murdering dozens will leave a greater impact than the sum of that person's entire prior life. And the comparatives: that the murder suicide-candidate will upon commission of mass murder, be said to have had a greater impact than "XYZ", with the "XYZ" conveniently filled in to appeal to the murder-suicide candidate based on which society he or she belongs to.
In the West Bank, such might refer to a horrific suicide bombing that killed 30 Israelis, in U.K.: to the tragic subway bombings, in Germany, perhaps to the Munich murders at the Olympics of Israeli athletes. But in America? Obviously, Columbine becomes the twisted "shining light of comparative greatness" in the mind of the suicide murderer. Imagine: what must it take for a person to become so misguided, so twisted that he believes his act of mass murder suicide will promote his soul to great Heavenly Bounties in God's care, dispatching the evil fellow students to infidel Hell for their alleged corruption, while leaving a legacy behind that one achieved even more "greatness than Columbine". It is quite clear that Humanity in totality has not progressed much beyond it's Simian ancestry along the evolutionary ladder, that being how easy it is to con a human being into becoming a suicide bomber or gunman.
Aside from disciplined interaction: it doesn't take all that much effort by the skilled Terrorist Sleeper Cell to recruit someone such as a Cho, or others like him, it just takes the right temperament, mind set and manipulability, the right mix of self-hate, resentment and isolation, to produce the perfect candidate, the classical "Manchurian candidate", the Cho Seung-Hui, his mind ablaze with the program of recruitment, turning his internal rage into a murderous one, leading to exactly what happened on Monday, April 16. It's all too simple.
The many manifestos left behind by so many suicide gunmen and bombers all seem, if not as prolific, like Cho Seung-Hui's writings and manifesto, but their being in Arabic are usually not read by Americans, their substance - a false affirmation of the allegedly corrupt falsely described 'occupying Zionists', offed in the name of the God, Allah, whom the suicide bomber is 'defending in the name of the prophet' as no other means of change can be found, all backed by some pro-Jihadist nameless cleric's writings, frequently paralleled in the language of the suicide manifesto of said suicide bomber or gunman, is rationalized as "caused by the victim of the bombing, the corrupt, sinful occupying Zionists, their American cohorts and supporters from among us" all dishonestly and neatly wrapped up in a brown lined explosive belt. And that is how it was with Cho Seung-Hui's suicide manifesto, mailed near vaingloriously directly to NBC. All rapped up in a Black Hat and Boy Scout like jacket, packing two guns, knives, hammers, and unbounded rage at his discovery that the pain of his life has, at its source, his fellow students, or so he now believes.
And the candidate, if Cho was one in the 18 months between his alleged near mental breakdown, and the horrific events of Monday, where was he those prior 18 months? What did he do with his time, as apparently he spent so much of it on his own? Was he recruited, guided, turned, steered into becoming a one man Beltway Sniper in a College Hall? Or did his mind simply latch onto the graphic presence of constant news and web page calls to "jihad against Zion" from the depths of the multitude of terror oriented jihad websites found on the internet, backed by the constant Press spin from the NBC's of the world? A network which would broadcast homicide evidence two days after a Tragedy as if to pre-cast the conclusions about Cho, even forgetting to mention the "AX" in his self taken seemingly Muslim name, instead referring to him not as "Ismail Ax" but as "Ishmael" on NBC News, describing an entirely different story, how did NBC make that choice? Was it made for them?
Cho's family are also unsung tragic figures- reportedly who operate a Dry Cleaner of some kind in central Virginia: can anyone in the Press imagine what the Seung-Hui Family must be going through, as Cho was very much his own victim, just as much as were the 28 students and 3 teachers who died at his hand. The pain, the shame, the horror of having been parent to Cho Seung-Hui, not only have they lost their loved son, he has just murdered 33 students and faculty at his college. Virtually every human being on planet earth is aware of it and bears enormous animus towards their son of 23 years. Could you ever imagine what it must be like to be parent to this situation, or a sibling? Forget judging his family for his behavior, judge them as if they were simply loving, hard working, immigrant parents who hoped to give a Son and a Daughter an Ivy League education at Princeton and a top notch Virginia Tech education, so they might get ahead, not having to open up a Korean Dry Cleaning Establishment and work among the Perc (Dry cleaning solvent) fumes for another generation, generating what truly is the American Dream first generation for their children, giving them the chance they themselves may never have had, seeking professional lives as Lawyers and Engineers? Imagine what Cho's Mom must feel like right now? I can't.
And the truly tragic events that have afflicted the Parents, Children, Siblings and friendships of the 33 he murdered? Think of the unbelievable pain they are going through, multiply it by 1000 and that is more likely the case. This tragedy is something it will likely take more than 12 months just for families to begin to come to terms with. After that: years of grief, pain and mourning are all ahead. Some mothers and fathers will NEVER get past Monday, April 16, 2007, they will remain locked there in pain for the balance of their mortal coil. Many will likely have their lives shortened if they are unable to cope properly. Loss of a loved one is the singularly most horrendous experience one can face in daily life. Loss of a parent or child amplifies this pain tenfold. Loss of a spouse of 50 or 60 years, is a loss nearly of incomprehensible magnitude. Yet, for some reason, the Press seems to forget that we as a society are supposed to respect those boundaries of propriety that make this Free society of ours great: we help our own here in America. We don't batter them with cold, heartless greed for ad dollars at the end of a picture of Cho with twin pistols, a black cap and a diabolical sneer!
We can let the authorities have the time it will take to investigate, we can stop being the Barbara Boxers and Rosie O'Donnell's of the world and stop trying to punch out our political opponents by demanding Gun Control Legislation or trotting out the cover of the NY Post two days after the tragedy and using it as an example to criticize Fox News and the Post and Rupert Murdoch, in other words, we can stop being Barbara-Rosie type "a-holes", and we can give up their kind of pettiness and not subscribe to it when Rosie or Barbara trot it out to hang like a head on a pole so as to leverage the emotion that unbinds itself during tragedies like this.
We can all know for ourselves that "Ishmael Ax" and his anti-Judeo Christian rhetoric may have been a Terror Sleeper Cell recruit, or a self made Terrorist, or one who simply out of his own caged rage read many too many online propaganda pieces, or even if a Columbine emulator, or just a disturbed child gone haywire beyond reasonable comprehension, or whatever form of label we choose, we can WAIT AND SEE first. We can, we have the strength to LET IT BE until more facts are known. We can ignore the lobbying and positioning being undertaken by a hungry Press Corps, Political Figurines and Talk Show Hosts, right at this moment.
Ultimately we can do the one GOODNESS that circumstances warrant:
HELP THE FAMILIES COPE WITH THEIR PAIN, SUFFERING, LOSS AND MOURNING without dirtying it all up with some kind of inaccurate, mischaracterizing, rush to scandalize, rush to glorify, rush for shock value, rush to be "the Smoking Gun", rush to be the first TV network on the block to show videos of Cho, rush to be the first kid on his block with the Big Wheels with the largest front wheel, the first kid on the block with a train set, the first kid to jump up and say: "Hey look at me: I've got the answer, and here it is in the 'letter sent us by the VT terrorist', or 'story about my mentorship of Cho for a year after I read his troubling play', or 'we will never forget!', or any other effort to emote about it: these are now obsolete statements. We've suffered through absolutely inappropriate Press culturalization and pasteurization of the facts hermetically sealed behind some network logo and millions in ad dollars a minute.
ENOUGH already!
Let's instead, HELP THE FAMILIES COPE WITH THEIR PAIN, SUFFERING, LOSS AND MOURNING, help them bury their lost family members, help them rejoice in the memory of their children, husband, parent, sibling, and come to know the beauty of each who died, the good things they can all think about that represented the lives of these 33 human beings, and mourn properly without being constantly assaulted with yet another theory about something written down or mailed somewhere or some political agenda of Barbara or Rosie or anyone, myself included.
There will be a time for the WHY's in this. It is going to take a lot of work. Copy cats are already slithering out of the cracks in the rocks of this nation, and will have to be dealt with. There are going to be more people like Ms. O'Donnell or Hon. Boxer, rushing forth screaming what is otherwise either obvious or apparent to them. They unthinkingly have worsened and inevitably will worsen a tragedy by dirtying it up with political in-fighting and rhetoric.
But: there will be a time for the real WHY's hidden beneath the surface, the true cause, to quote President Bush: "we can wait to find out what it was all about, first, what was behind it" before we go promoting some political agenda, in his brief talk with Charles Gibson of ABC on Tuesday, April 17. ABC was the first "kid" on the block to start screaming about Gun Control Laws (ABC). We can order our chosen political representatives to STOP MAKING HAY AT THE EXPENSE OF THIS TRAGEDY or we simply won't vote you back into office again. We can demand ABC halt the politics and stop tuning in Rosie O'Donnell until she stops mouthing off. We have to hold these people accountable, or what are we: their mindless puppets, believing everything spouted from a Celebrity's mouth, because we're somehow awed by their Celebrity?
The time for the real WHY to emerge behind all these events will be when all the details are carefully studied and all the facts properly put in their proper context. That time is not now.
Now is simply for Helping the Families. Rosie O'Donnell: this is not a time to measure the column inches devoted on any newspaper cover to this tragedy, when less is better, and not the time for you to be making hay over Partial Birth Abortion or Gun Control. Sometimes, less is better, Ms. O'Donnell, as copy cats need not apply, as political conflict has no place here in this place of tragedy, as people like you should know better. You're not stupid, are you Ms. O'Donnell? So why are you and Barbara Boxer and ABC behaving so insensitively and inappropriately and, in my opinion: stupidly? You're all MAKING POLITICAL HAY, O'Donnell, MAKING HAY, plain and simple. Don't even try to deny it.
Now is not your time, it is a time for controlled and precise action: for another problem that needs addressing immediately, just in case any more (be they candidates, copy cats, or delusional troubled young people) tragedies are lurking just beneath the placid surface of our very open, institutes of higher learning. It is an upcoming election year, 2008, rife for terror attacks, we don't need to be inviting them.
It is a time NOW for convincing our Colleges around the USA that more than just a lockdown is needed, as most of them have concluded all they need is a Lockdown. We need better security on college campuses nationwide and we need it right away, before this tragedy invites a more rigorous one from more ample origins. Ranging from better video surveillance where needed, to better trained campus police, to Student Crime Watch programs and training for students and faculty on how to respond to the presence of weapons on campus, how to respond in a way that everyone knows in moments when a capital crime or potential VT tragedy has begun and how to take it seriously and what to do, how to better refine, invent and reinvent security procedures for Colleges to cope with the origins of and potential for repeats of this tragedy, so we can reduce the likelihood that another 33 families will have to bury their family members senselessly and tragically lost. No blame game, no finger pointing, no conflicted contest, no making political hay while the Sun shines, Rosie, just simple action: finding a way to better train our College staffs and students what to do before to prevent, during to limit and after to protect their respective schools.
If people want guns, bombs, or other weapons, O'Donnell, Boxer and ABC News: there are many more ways for them to get them than would subject them to Gun Control Laws.
We need to work on Campus Security immediately, colleges may have among the smartest minds on our Planet, but they are not necessarily equipped by experience that steers them correctly when it comes to Campus Security or they'd already have been there. The first step is not criticism: it's gaining acknowledgement that we are offering them the help and support it will take. Then, its about attaining a suspension of disbelief. Then, it's taking affordable and effective steps to insuring the safety of our Children. Loss of Children in any Society to violence, is THE MOST HORRIFIC THING there is. Then: we need to work on help for our children who may need more guidance than others, better diets, more counseling and mental health support, more social support, even rejection from the School environment if they are truly a danger if needed, and all the rest, before we go MAKING ANY MORE POLITICAL HAY WHILE THE SUN SHINES, Rosie!
As admirable as one's heart may be that causes one to make the blameful and useless statements such as you, Boxer and ABC made, it all just demonstrates, unfortunately, that you equally lack the wisdom and the vision to see this simple fact as a priority: we need to fix Campus Security weaknesses everywhere. All your Gun Control Laws in the world will do nothing but encourage the murderer to break them: something that goes along with the mindset of committing such murders in the first place. No guns? They'll use a bomb. No bomb materials, they'll use knives, hammers, home made poisons. Review Cho's pictures for a moment, read his words, that is what Cho, himself, says, amid pictures of knives, hammers, guns and more knives. To address the problem we have to address the weaknesses in Campus Security, College preparedness, and better procedures for guidance of those among us who could be recruited, or seduced, by the appeals for violence. Not BLAME the Campuses, help them do the job better, more effectively. They need America's help.
What you're trying to do with proposed Gun Control, is a classic 'cop out' - it is akin to putting a Band Aid on a severed limb.
We need to fix the Security and Preparedness at every Campus in America, for it is a severed limb bleeding profusely at the moment. Go quote Gun Control Legislation to Osamma Bin Laden, Rosie, and see if it would prevent him from arming terrorists against continental USA. I would imagine he'd be all for it if he thought it would make America more susceptible to his brand of terrorism. Which is even more reason why we need to close the College Campus Security Gap.
AND WE NEED TO DO IT FAST. The Horse is now out of the Barn and barring the barn doors will do nothing to keep her inside.
In the meanwhile, let's all gather up all of our prayers, love, support and best conduct solely behind helping Mrs. Librescu, who has just lost the love of her life, loving spouse and beloved. This is not just about his heroic selflessness alone, he was a hero just for surviving the Holocaust, for just having lived the life he lived. It is about Mrs. Librescu's loss and helping her come to terms with it and remember Liviu in the proper light of his incredible life, aliveness and the contribution he made to every student he encountered. And let's do so for every other family member of every victim of the VT tragedy, likewise. You know these are the right things to do, Rosie!
# # #
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Dr. Shulman usually doesn't write opinion pieces for the ACSA, yet he quickly penned the above in depth because, as he put it:
'I am completely offended by the Major News Networks' coverage of the VT Tragedy. There are several agendas in politics that leverage any issue in the name of Gun Control or lack thereof. While I myself am a life NRA member, and have trained in various forms of combat and weaponry in the past, I am opposed to unreasonable Gun Control as much as I am opposed to the unrestricted proliferation of Guns to individuals who it would be inadvisable to allow to have them. I've studied martial arts much of my life, and find that such skills are most effectively deployed as a defense, not for aggression. To me, Guns outside of sporting use, are about defense, not aggression. To me, unjustified use of a gun against others, e.g.- for engaging in robbery, murder, assassination, extortion, kidnapping, anarchism, terrorism: is a reason for such an individual to not be granted the right to own one in the first place, and grounds for criminal and/or capital penalties when one does. To me, Gun Safety includes identifying who it is safe to own or operate one. I believe we can do better. From experience, I think those who think Gun Control will reduce crime don't know much about the criminal mind, and those who think students should be wearing guns in holsters and in purses on Campus openly, don't know much about college students and those whose minds are not yet completely developed, or haven't visited a city not far from here, Newark, NJ, and are unfamiliar with the term "gangsta mentality" that often invades kids. I think all of us, Gun Owners and those opposed, get way too carried away with the issues, without addressing the reality. There is a proper ground in the middle somewhere that will satisfy public safety advocates as much as it will satisfy those committed to the Right to Bear Arms. However, that does not make it right for either side to jump on the Cho SeungHui / Virginia Tech Tragedy bandwagon declaring either side of this issue. The press superimposed and imposed Gun Control websites and so intensely debated the issue, it demonstrated utter insensitivity to the families' of all the victims. I am completely offended by the News Agencies paparazzi like promotion of the various theories about Cho that completely misdirected the public. I am absolutely disgusted with NBC for publishing documents that should have simply been part of the ongoing homicide and terrorism investigation and kept away from public scrutiny until after the full investigation completed. I am disgusted with the politicians who rose to this occasion with rhetoric and inappropriate viewpoints. I am offended by the fact that the most likely explanation for Cho's behavior is being repressed by political opponents to the War Against Terrorism and those who back them who, in my opinion, live to leverage terrorism and any other exploitive, violent conflict that lines their pockets. This article is my reaction. From what I hear, it is not so different a reaction from the majority of Americans I've discussed my opinion with.'
'As to Rosie O'Donnell, I'm really disgusted with her apparent arrogance, and I do not think that arrogant behavior, her crudeness on stage before youngsters at the Waldorf a week ago, or any of her behavior, has been attractive: it has a courseness that resembles a stereotypical drunken sailor, a nastiness that has afflicted certain parts of the talk show circuit of late, and a lack of regard for the bad roll model it depicts of Ms. O'Donnell. To me, Rosie looks like a Mel Gibson of a different political color: hidden behind alleged interests in Autism, Children, and other "dainty" subjects, is a tottering foul mouth, and a pre-dilection to vocalize her dislike of another's opinion by demonization of the object of her disagreement. Here is a person whose claim to fame is her film and comedy career, who upon being granted a soap box, The View, to stand up on, decides that she knows best, and can harass others who disagree with her, in the name of her popularity with the payoff being the bizarre "anything goes" greed factor of Networks and the Press over the ephemeral surge of Ratings that such behavior contributes to such programming.'
'Nonetheless, Rosie is, in my opinion, a deeply troubling narcissist who it seems doesn't know the difference between "partial birth abortion" (the procedure that is presently illegal unless the life of the mother is in grave danger, upheld by the Supreme Court last week) and "abortion" (a procedure that is presently legal throughout the USA). Apparently Rosie is, like Ted Kennedy, unable to differentiate between a "backed insurgency" with Iran and Pakistan paying and supplying conflict in Iraq intended to dislodge Iraq from control over its oil by first removing the American Military, then removing the Iraqi People's Oil Companies, and a "civil war" (you know, that war that took place between the North and the South in the 1860s over slavery, that undid the massive business in slave trading, and runaway slave insurance that was the former business of today's Oil Industry Leadership and their bank, JP Morgan Chase?) That suggests that Rosie, as Teddy, sold herself to David Rockefeller and Exxon. I'm appalled at the remarkable two facedness of those in Hollywood who espouse 'peace, love, dope!' in concert with oil industry leadership who back their careers. This is a thinly disguised fact hidden behind a tissue of lies about the so-called 'liberal' nature of Hollywood stars. I, myself, come from a film and music background, and I can tell the difference between reality (Bush won't let Exxon have Iraq's oil for free under any circumstances) and "memorex" (Michael Moore, MoveOn, and the delusional viewpoint that Bush must have been behind 9/11, even though it took five years for Al Qaeda to set up the attack). So can Rosie, and everyone else on the Left in Hollywood. But like any good actor playing a role, they ALL just keep a straight face, and sucking up to Western Electric. In my opinion, literally all of Hollywood knows which side of the toast the butter is on (the Rockefellers' side) and so Rosie just keeps on selling her soul to the Devil Rockefeller himself, hoping to land her own show. And she keeps much of America befuddled by disguising it behind seemingly valiant issues of merit, e.g.- puppies, balloons, and helping autistic children, as she flings excrement at her backers' political opponents and issues selected for her. She was never a funny comedienne, in my opinion, nor, likewise, much of an Actor. So one can guess that she sold her soul to propel her career beyond her own seemingly mediocre skills. Which, btw, is what Hollywood is all about, so there will be no ontological resistance to Rosie doing that from any of her peers in Hollywood. However, that still does not excuse her for perversion of the truth and attack dog slams on those who she disagrees with - the woman is, in my opinion, a one person lynch mob in the grand tradition of the Ku Klux Klan. She, like too many other modern Democrats, uses HATE of everything Conservative, everything Republican or everything she disagrees with, as a political weapon to incite a lynch mob mentality. Which triggers a similar reaction from her targets, whether they be Donald Tump, the Daily News, Fox TV or Carl Rove. In my opinion, Rosie O'Donnell is actually a self-hateful and twisted person, troubling at best, disgusting in her daily behavior, yet it's actually, once you strip away the 'Diesel D" act, all about THE RATINGS. Rosie is like so many MoveOn, cold blooded, deceitful sell outs that drove me to become an Independent. HYPOCRISY AND DISHONESTY TO FUEL THE RATINGS. That's the ticket. And it disgusts me. Because it destroys lives, kills and maims, when it takes the turn it took on 9/11 and in the persona of Cho Seung-Hui, or shall we more properly call him as he wanted "Call me Ishmael Ax".'
'That kind of two facedness emerges into our society unbridled. It's about sucking up to the money, since that's how movies get made, how TV shows get aired, how music gets published, then the old Golden Rule applies and nary a Billboard nor a Hollywood Gossip Columnist points out that Rosie ODonnell grabbed herself in an inappropriate way and said foul language to a group of pre-collegiate aspiring communications students in the middle of Park Avenue High Society NY. Yet, I am still the never ending idealist: what I want to know is when the special prosecutor is going to prosecute Harry Reid for having financial dealings with Jack Abramoff and stop handing him a pass to continue to undermine the defense of the Iraqi People's right to Freedom. I want the public to stop believing that Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, who make their living from racism, are truly committed to bringing about it's end (and the end of their livelihoods, one might mention). I happen to believe that believing that African Americans need some extra boost from the government, is racism, clearly it presumes that we can't overcome intolerance and bigotry without simply giving African Americans some extra cash and other subsidization. African Americans, in my opinion, are every bit as smart, and every bit as capable as non-African Americans, and like every part of humanity, have among their number, people who vary in all dimensions of intellect, talent, ability and appearance. I think it's insulting to suggest they somehow need "economic assistance". In reality, schools, employers and municipalities simply need to stop discriminating against minorities. And Corporations need to stop pandering to drug dealing, prostitution, and the gangsta life style like it's a goal, and end, or a career objective, meanwhile robbing the entire African American community of its money and its ability to progress. That's Western Electric at work, too, in my opinion, another Devil Rockefeller plan at work. The DR believes in keeping African Americans "down" and available as part of a "cheap labor pool". Ask any African American. And yet, an African American Middle Class has somehow emerged anyway. And beyond. Imagine that. They have good genes, I guess! Perhaps there is a truism to the expression "you can't keep a good man down."'
'Again: Media Bias has us all tripping all over ourselves to find out if Don Imus is issuing a public apology. For goodness sake, Corzine was in such a hurry to get to that Kodak Moment at Rutgers, his driver nearly killed him in the ensuing crash on the Parkway. What is this all about, why is the Press spinning every issue so as to keep public opinion fat, dumb and unhappy? It's all over some issue of the price Reid's largest campaign donors in the Oil Refining and Pooling/Auction business have to pay for a barrel of oil from Iraq. If Reid succeeds and the Military are forced out of Iraq, Iraq will fall to yet another dictatorship. The Oil industry will buddy up, and the oil will be taken freely by Reid's backers at $0 or nominal cost 60% less than the rest of the market, as it has done in Saudi Arabia and elsewhere. Or, if Reid fails, the price set by the Iraqi Petroleum Company at today's market price of say, $61 a barrel, will benefit the reconstruction of Iraq and insure a Free Iraq's future. The way President Bush decided it, that will be what those refiners/poolers have to pay, $61 a barrel, fair market price. And those Oil companies don't like it Bush's way. Apparently, in our world, that's what amounts to the difference between $61 a barrel and $0 a barrel: today's Iraqi Insurgency aimed at creating the latter situation for Exxon. It's the difference between Iraqi's having a Quality of Life ($61 a barrel cost to Exxon) and Freedom, or Iraqi's having no quality of life and more millions dying as they did under Saddam's rule in the past ($0 or nominal cost a barrel paid by Exxon). Liberty or Enslavement, that appears to measure up to whether Iraq or Exxon pump the oil, the latter representing $61 more per barrel paid to Exxon: the scales of profit determine why we have an insurgency: Exxon's owners want Iraq's oil and are willing to spend the value of up to $50 a barrel times 200 Billion Barrels to get it. They'll try to get it through insurgency, political attacks by Reid, Nancy Pelosi meddling with Israel, through about anything that is affordable. A whole lot is affordable when all those barrels are at stake.'
'Worse, this has everything, in my opinion, to do with why the Press engages in such rampant bias. America is paying for the greed of the Press and the greed of the Oil refiners (purchasing the Media and Political Bias) with its Soul - it's a bizarre deception. I fear that these 33 Students and Faculty so irreplaceably lost at VT, ARE ONLY THE BEGINNING of many such attacks on American civilian populations: this is only the start. Such attacks are easy to stage, hard to defend, particularly in a country this size. Furthermore, from what I know of the man, I'd conclude that President Bush won't sell the Iraqi People out. So Big Oil's hidden owners won't give up instigating the insurgency trying to dislodge his grip. And splinter groups will keep recruiting Cho Seung-Huis, Richard Reeds, Jose Padillas and others, and it's likely going to get to the point where many more Americans are going to start arming themselves, it could get like Bagdad around here if Congress has its way this month. One can't help but wonder how Cho was recruited and trained. From all appearances, if he was recruited, he strikes me as being very similar looking to John Mohammed / John Malvo (the Beltway Snipers) who killed how many, was it 26 a few years ago in Virginia, and Maryland? Perhaps it was the sleeper group that was involved with orchestrating the Beltway Sniper. Sadly, I've come to this conclusion by looking at all the facts and the behavior surrounding them. I just can't accept the 2 year old report of two Instant Messaging Incidents and a bout of depression or a weird Creative Writing Paper as being the cause: that's a pretty common place series of behavioral oddities found in children. In fact, If anything, it would simply have identified Cho as a likely receptive to the Terror Cell's con game, and points a finger at certain individual who knew this about Cho as having inadvertently identified such to some locally embedded sleeper cell. The insurgency in Iraq, the Terrorism around the world, even those who might recruit a Cho to commit horrendous violence, are in league with those in the Press and on the web who have been smearing Bush for six years. They are the ones who have paid the Press to Bias their reporting, who are trying to take control of the White House as the last bastion before removing the Military from Iraq to release its oil for plundering by Exxon. These owners of the Oil Industry giants, their energy and techno partners are clearly behind the entire effort. To them, it is simple economics: when you have that much money, and 12 Trillion Dollars of crude oil hangs in the balance, you'll use about anything, even Terrorism. That message rings clear as a Bell. As they say: all you really need to do is follow the Money... Shame on them, for they have brought a greater evil down upon America than any of them could ever imagine! In God's House there is a whole separate class of punishment for those who conspire to kill children."
"It has all, for me, become truthfully appalling what unparalleled degree of low certain people are capable of stooping to in pursuit of resources like oil, coal, money and power. It is long past due for America to stop being afraid of this subject, for Americans to wake up to what's going on, and for us all to take a very long look at doing something about it once and for all. We owe absolutely nothing to them, but the same is not true in reverse. H**l, they don't even know how to make good Television. If shock jocks made good TV, Howard Stern would be on prime time, not Oprah Winfrey or Rachael Ray.
'Oh, and by the way: Ms. Cheryl Crowe: that was LET'S PLANT MORE TREES, not: LET'S CONSERVE TOILET PAPER. We can always process and recover - e.g.- recycle- from sewage and garbage. But we can't recover the 10 Billion Acres of Trees cut down since 1492 by conserving toilet paper. We have to replant those trees, and repair the Oceans, or Humanity won't have long to live, and Global Warming will be the least of our near term concerns, just a byproduct. Long before we all suffer heat stroke, we won't be able to breath, there won't be enough trees to keep our lungs filled. Check out ACSA's initiative ''.)