Native Americans: Navajo Indians targeted
brutal genocide, in Arizona, USA ...by Sen. John McCain, the
BIA & a few greedy Politicians |
To facilitate his
special interests, namely: Peabody Western Coal Company (the
largest coal group in the US) and the Mohave Generating Facility in
Laughlin (operated by Bechtel) delivering low cost coal produced electricity
to Las Vegas's Casinos in exchange for Beer Distribution
Contracts afforded his wife's business, Hemsley Inc., John McCain
personally, over the course of 25 years in the state legislature
and federal senate introduced and arranged for
the enforcement of unethical and constitutionally unlawful
legislations which brutally displaced thousands of Navajo
onto a Nuclear Waste Dump, Church's Rock, New Mexico to live after brutalizing them for two
decades in peaceful resistance. McCain assembled support
to modify existing laws and produce new ones (Navajo
Resettlement & Navajo Accommodation Agreement, Navajo
Settlement, and amendments to PL 93-531, PL S.1003), illegal and
unethical enactments
designed to force Native American Navajo of the Dineh Band off
their Arizona lands, moving them onto Church's Hill in New
depriving them of lands they've owned since 1500 AD. As a
result, thousands of aboriginal elders passed away from shock
associated with displacement into urban apartment settings and
on to uranium contaminated waste sites such as Church's.
Using a
phony Hopi tribal counsel composed of paid stooges, and Rangers
comprised largely of BIA police, McCain and Peabody Western Coal
Company progressively stole
and exploited
the Dineh's lands for mutual personal gain, brutalizing the natives,
terrorizing elders and engaging in thuggery, forcing these
peaceful people to
leave "or else". They even bulldozed their sacred sites and sweat lodges, beating
their members physically and abusing their elders to the point of
terrorizing them and causing health failure and heart failures
and worse.
Fake Hopi Rangers (BIA Police) organized by McCain allies arrested and beat any peaceful
resistors on their own lands and while celebrating holy days at
their sacred sites. Three
Presidential runs by McCain have been backed by the Mining,
Power company and
its Nevada Casino clients through street names organized in
Nevada. McCain's wife has been granted
huge Beer distribution contracts at her liquor company, Hemsley, by Nevada
gaming interests. Two faced political favor banking has
robbed the Dineh of any political support. The
supposed "new lands" at Church's Hill are a Superfund Nuclear
Waste Dump landfill site where children in schoolyards play
among openly dumped uranium tailings! Children born in these
communities have twice the national average of birth defects! (Read the evidence by clicking below)

Read all the evidence, watch the renowned film: VANISHING PRAYER.
Read the tragic story through the very words of the
Grandmothers and Mothers and Daughters of the Dineh Navajo
a film that is worth a million words.
Coming Soon: Find out how
FORMER Presidential Candidate
Senator John McCain's energy and casino lobbyists are
attacking this story on the Internet using fraud and
false/backwards misinformation campaigns on blogs,
etc... find out what kind of typical, "Standard Oil"
defamation campaigns people are
working anonymously to hold off the Truth... |
PLEDGE what you can afford to help make a
difference to the Dineh-Navajo. |
To quote the United Nations'
website (http://www.un.org/esa/sustdev/mgroups/wedo.htm#dineh) :
"The Black Mesa region in Arizona, USA is home to the indigenous
communities of the Dineh (Navajo) and Hopi peoples. This region
also contains major deposits of coal which are being extracted
by North America's largest strip mining operation. The coal
mines have had a major impact on families in the region. Local
water sources have been poisoned, resulting in the death of
livestock. Homes near the mines suffer from blasting damage. The
coal dust is pervasive, as well as smoke from frequent fires in
the stockpiles. Not coincidentally, the people in the area have
an unusually high incidence of kidney and respiratory disease. " "The Dineh (otherwise known as Navajo) were stripped of all land
title and forced to relocate. Their land was turned over to the
coal companies without making any provisions to protect the
burial or sacred sites that would be destroyed by the mines.
People whose lives were based in their deep spiritual and
life-giving relationship with the land were relocated into
cities, often without compensation, forbidden to return to the
land that their families had occupied for generations. People
became homeless with significant increases in alcoholism,
suicide, family break up, emotional abuse and death. "
-- Marsha Monestersky for the UN Commission on Human Rights and
Women Enacting Change at the UN
The Navajo Resettlement
has led to the deaths of thousands
of elders and mass
radiation based deformities among newborn Navajo children and
youngsters who are forced to play on land littered with Uranium Tailings. The accompanying thuggery and theft of property, fencing out of
rangelands, cattle seizures,
water well cappings and beatings and other indignity has led to
the death of thousands of elder
grandfathers and mothers of the Navajo
Di'neh Nation, a birth defect rate twice
the national average has led to UN & EU
condemnations! Navajo are full US
citizens! |
The environmental
devastation around the mines, through brutal strip mining
operations, open explosives runs, and "grim reaper" steam
shovels has transformed the magnificent territories of the Dineh
into a Hell-like scar on earth, the water level in the region is
reduced by 4 feet per year as the not-lawful steam slurry pipes
pipe powdered coal and steam hundreds of miles to Mohave, just
to "light up the strip" in Las Vegas and Reno, where energy
wastefulness abounds:
leaving leakage and residue in the environment poisoning the
lands and people in their vicinity. Coal dust blasted from
the mines as well. A Video, "VANISHING PRAYER", provides a more
vivid view of the plight of the Di'neh-Navaho. Click one of
these links (ABOVE) for a version that plays in media player!
The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous
Peoples, signed into UN Human Rights Policy and agreed to by
the United States (but being intentionally violated by legal
deceptions, fraud and trickery conceived by Senator John McCain
and his cronies), defines the basis upon which 200 organizations
at the UN simultaneously issued a written condemnation of the
mistreatment of the Dineh-Navjo, at Article 10:

[The above exhibit is directly copied from the source documents
at the United Nations, from proceedings of the current
Commission on Human Rights, Mission Group on Indigenous
Sewage from the mining has
inundated the waters once pristine and inhabited by fish, frogs,
turtles, water fowl - all dead or fled. Resistors who keep
living, are abused by local Peabody thugs, there have been
beatings and there have been murders of Dineh for keeping their
Navajo resister Rena Babbit-Lane, a weaver who lives at Big
Mountain, expressed her people's struggle:
"There's a lot of
pollution from Peabody Coal Mine and a lot of the people are
sick from it. It's our land on this Mesa - they don't need
to bother us. They cannot impound anymore. What they are
doing to us is making us sick. There has been destruction of
grave sites. They're crushing cement foundations of people's
homes that have been abandoned because of relocation. They
are taking. It shows you how they are greedy. They're
erasing all the evidence of genocide. Two burials of our
family were destroyed. They were torn down and taken
Over the past decade, McCain's
illegal conspiracy with paid stooges and Peabody in brutalizing
the gentle Dineh-Navajo, a deeply spiritual, agrarian peoples,
the stripping away of their rights and forced march to Nevada
has led to the issuance
of the very first UN
Human Rights condemnation of the USA in history: an official condemnation
from the Human Rights Commission on Indigenous Peoples (Hon. A.
Amor) that held John McCain and his peers responsible for
spearheading this illegal land seizure, coal seizure without
payment of licensing rights, and rape of the land. A very
hypocritical group of Senators, Reed, Rockefeller, Kennedy,
Kerry and others along with Bill Clinton were also investigated.
However, McCain was cited as the principal spearhead as author
of the laws responsible for the Human Rights
Violations! A paid media blackout followed that prevented coverage of the events that
displaced and killed the Dineh-Navajo by the US Press!
Americans have not been made aware of McCain's activities. Even
today, Press Distributors refuse releases on this subject. We must keep this story alive!
We must try to keep the surviving Dineh Navajo alive!
"The forcible relocation of over 10,000 (Dineh) Navajo
people is a tragedy of genocide and injustice that will
be a blot on the conscience of this country for many
"I feel that in relocating these elderly people, we
are as bad as the Nazis that ran the concentration camps
in World War II."
"I believe that the forced
relocation of Navajo and Hopi people that followed from
the passage in 1974 of Public Law 93-531 is a major
violation of these people's human rights. Indeed this
forced relocation of over 12,000 Native Americans is one
of the worst cases of involuntary community resettlement
that I have studied throughout the world over the past
40 years."
statements made by two past
Navajo Resettlement Commissioners who
abruptly resigned from their Senate appointments, refusing to
continue, and a California Institute of Technology Professor
involved with the UN Investigation.
We need to Support a
Constitutional Initiative to limit the rights of certain
persons of wealth to acquire and service energy
distribution, resource exploitation and mining/well
digging without responsibility for the ecological
consequences or human rights and property rights of the
owners of these precious national resources! Their
ability to buy and control a John McCain to help enhance
their investments in Las Vegas, is an example of the
problem - Make the Rockefellers' Monopoly pay to replace
the lost resources that are leading to global warming
and which are causing international unrest and
terrorism! Where others have died at their hands during
wars like WWII where they covertly backed Adolph Hitler
and helped orchestrate the Nazi Holocaust, and after,
find them guilty of the mass murders they've instigated:
prosecute them for crimes against Humanity!
Hold them accountable for buying
Lyndon Johnson into falsifying evidence leading us into
the Vietnam war, just to sequester natural gas deposits
in the Gulf of Tonkin, or backing Fidel Castro for
likewise sequestration off the coast of Cuba. Why
did David Rockefeller sell his part of the World Trade Center
just 9
months before 9/11? Look what they and a single
Senator: John McCain, perpetrated against an entire
people, the Dineh-Navajo, or just look at their alleged orchestration of the
Bolshevik Revolution in Russia in the last century from
offices at 120 Broadway in NYC. They've virtually
destroyed the 500 year old culture of the Dineh-Navajo
in only the past two decades! A Native Indian Holocaust! Horrifying and Tragic!
Now, for the third time, McCain is the "Man who would be
President!" Consider the consequences of a Man who
has no regard for First Americans' lives.
What will he do with yours or
mine? |
energy politics has given the Rockefellers a belief that they are
above accountability, that they can cause any dispute at any
cost, even that which leads to world wars or nuclear holocaust.
Working for them, here we have a case of stealing the resources
by victimizing an entire Native community for power for Casinos, one Arizona Senator's covert
agenda to steal the coal away from a gentle People, a true
For the past 20-25 years he sponsored unfair laws that violated
the Navajo's Human Rights...
laws that stole their
lands, fenced their farms from the range, capped and poisoned
their wells, strip mined the land right out from under them,
Bills signed into law casually by three past Presidents.
Forged agreements, forced relocation onto
a Nuclear Spill site, billions in embezzled license fees, and
corporate and public corruption, native children born with birth
defects at an unprecedented rate.
The relocations have been condemned by the
UN for Human Rights Violations. The death of 25% of the relocated
Navajo population are on McCain's hands. He gained power in energy
policy circles & fattened his presidential campaigns with
Nevada "street name" campaign fund contributions with
each new predatory act of Holocaust.
It is imperative that we immediately protect the Di'neh (Navajo) from
Senator John McCain's RAPE of the Navajo's Lands...
all for Campaign Donations to McCain, and
his peers!!
Ago, McCain sold his political office to Peabody. |
Dineh Peoples in Arizona Undermined by a Senate Coal Mining Interests'
Steamroller >
Black Mesa in northeastern Arizona, USA is
home to the indigenous native American communities of the Dineh (Navajo) and
Hopi people. This region is now a Holocaust zone, thanks to John
McCain, John Kerry, Former President Bill
Clinton, Senator Jay Rockefeller and others, the site of North America's largest
coal strip mine, which operates the only slurry line in the U.S.
It uses 1.4 billion gallons of Navajo water from the sole freshwater
source, lowering the water table and drying up local wells,
and it was preceded and followed by Holocaust towards the
natives who peacefully resisted.
Native American women have succeeded in gaining international attention
to what is both a human rights and environmental disaster.
This site
was created and maintained by the Canaanite Independent
Political Committee (CIPC),
a Political Party organized to bring to the public attention the
depraved enactments of Senator
John McCain against the Arizona Dineh-Navajo, by individuals
with a conscience,
so that those who died at his hand will not be forgotten.
Dedicated to the memory of our
spiritual grandmother Roberta Blackgoat...
All Rights Reserved. |
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